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Everything posted by dtoxic

  1. hello all can nayone tell me is there a possibility of stopping MJ from creating CFG file for every craft i launch? i just need one cfg the default one to be loaded and not to remember each and every one for all the different crafts i launch thx
  2. well a suggestion about food, solid waste, potable water and waste water, why not combine it into a single resource exp. Lifesupport would be Food,Drinkable Water and second resource Waste would be all the waste products combined. the reason for this suggestion is that, first the right click menu would not be over cluttered with all the additional resources and the micro management would not be overcomplicated while i do like the general idea my personal taste is simplistic but effective
  3. do you plan to integrate the CO2 scrubbers as a MM Patch or do you plan on to make a separate part for it? i would prefer we would have both options just for the sake of having different tastes satisfied also can you share more details on what;s coming?
  4. wooow nice rockets i must say and engines too but a question...what are we supposed to lift with it? thin air? Give us KOSMOS!!!!
  5. well MeCripp found the solution to the double buttons! turns out there was a stray file (on my error i must add) in the Eclss folder there was Stock_pods.cfg and from Paul Kingtiger 3day rebalancing cfg so removing one of them solved the problem both doing the same thing (only Paul Kingtiger cfg does it better as it adds resources to all command pods that have crew) where as stock pods only add to specific command pods namely only Stock ones anyway problem solved thx to MeCripp well back to suffocating kerbals
  6. was just about to PM you as to ask if you do have any hints on where to look, i just cant get my head around this ohh and i'ts not the toolbar thats the problem but the right click context menu has double buttons for eclss
  7. yeap somewhere US is changing stuff....commence the Hunt i say pffff
  8. ok here is the deal at first they showed up but then i removed (forgot that it was there) Universal Storage and then it;s all good, so somehow somewhere US is changing something, would look for my self but i have no idea as where to start i dont see an entry in US cfg files that adds another button (any ideas?) I have US Core ,US KAS, US Orbital Science and Eclss Rebalancer Packs installed
  9. just tried it clean install still 2 buttons present thou i should note i'am using MM 2.5.1 not the one provided with Eclss, maybe thats the problem?
  10. this definitely needs an update, while the stock crew transfer is nice this is way better and simpler solution
  11. Shasol can you please confirm if you have 2 sets (duplicate) of buttons when right clicking on command pod, for Show Eclss gui and Eclss Settings?
  12. Yaaay btw should "Recue Kerbal" contract still be ignored?
  13. make sure you have a Resource (Firespitter.cfg FSCoolant) i believe it is present in Firespitter directory i think that the Heli requires it
  14. go to KSP settings and set Texture Resolution to Full Res i believe thats the problem
  15. yes i did and while it is a good plugin i find the simplicity of V.M.F Fuel Panel much better but thx for the replay ill wait maybe someone will pick this up
  16. Is anyone willing with coding experience and time of course to make a simple fuel transfer plugin? the V.F.M Fuel Panel is not working anymore in (KSP 0.24,0.25) and i think it has been abandoned, the plugin allowed for simple fuel transfer (not balancing) just simple transfer from say 2 tanks to 1 or vice versa i am aware of TAC Fuel balancer and while it is a very good for balancing fuel it is not as good at transferring fuel amongst tanks thx in advance to who ever picks this up
  17. try lowering the (sliders) in the settings window, cant remember witch one was it exactly (ambient light or something like that)
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