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Everything posted by dtoxic

  1. the latest version of Eclss parts still has naming like this (ECLSS_tankCO2) thou your re-balancer (NH_MM_LifeSupport_3days.cfg) refers to this part name (ECLSS_tankCarbonDioxide) witch does not exist so please check that cause i might be wrong (and usually i'am)
  2. try removing only ATM i cant test it cause i run out of memory
  3. i think its a problem with KSO RPM configs http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57603-0-25-RasterPropMonitor-putting-the-A-in-your-IVA-(v0-18-3)-8-Oct?p=1477635&viewfull=1#post1477635 some people are having same/similar issues one guy fixed it by removing ATM (but thats not an option for me cause i run out of memory) will dig deeper..see if i can find the problem but logs are not helping much (in logs there is an entry that it just failed and no mention on where and what) and like i said everything else works perfect (alcor,HGR etc etc)
  4. yeap i got the latest version but still no luck everything else works fine just the KSO and EWBCL cockpits throw this error....strange
  5. hello all i;am getting "JSI initialization Failed" green letters when using KSO cockpit ksp 0.25 and RPM latest version anyone know how to fix this? thx
  6. yeap change CO2 to CarbonD. everywhere and it should work i did mine alredy
  7. hey all a quick question is 1.5.1 compatible with 0.24? or is it only 0.25? thx
  8. i posted a link read it, the more mods you have with TGA files in it it;s gonna happen sooner or later its totally random but in the end if you think it;s ATM problem fell free to post on i;am just trying to tell you that it is not so you dont have to post on same thing many people have asked and not just on this thread, but you are free to believe what ever you want sooo happy hunting and btw ATM is not converting anything as far as i know
  9. Yeap but as of 0.25 ksp has trouble loading TGA files so again its KSP bug not ATM do your search forgot where i seen the post about it (NathanKell wrote it in detail why where and how) anyway problem is solved by converting from TGA to PNG or MBM here ya go https://github.com/NathanKell/RealSolarSystem/wiki/On-MBMs-and-Other-Image-Formats
  10. read a couple of posts back for starters....anyway thats not ATM bug its KSP stock bug
  11. yeah i think thats it, i did use the instant power response configs did not check if otherwise anyway get to it when you get to it no hurry
  12. for some reason i;am still geting scaling issues on some engines with this update anyone else? did a clean install and it;s still a no go i'am i missing something?
  13. two null refs jumped out with 3-6 version game works fine thou no visible errors so far.... logs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/clxiaypasu5gvci/KSP_Data.rar?dl=0
  14. it's a no go for me i get this when i put the recompile version every time removing it solves the problem any ideas? ksp 0.25 x32 Shader 'AtmosphereFromGround': fallback shader 'None' not found WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/Glow Downsample' - Invalid texture combiner InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[urlDir+UrlFile].VerifyState () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[urlDir+UrlFile].MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UrlDir+.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UrlDir+.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at GameDatabase+ .MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 (Filename: Line: -1) Shader 'AtmosphereFromGround': fallback shader 'None' not found WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/Glow Downsample' - Invalid texture combiner Shader 'AtmosphereFromGround': fallback shader 'None' not found WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/Glow Downsample' - Invalid texture combiner
  15. nice was about to do the same lol anyway FASA BigG compartments don't have oxygen/co2 values ether maybe wanna take a look at those too
  16. like i said no worries if you get to it make it dev its just annoying thats all
  17. yes but as soon as i add a mechjeb part it comes again and then its the same story anyway not big issue get to it when you get to it no hurry
  18. here is a log and some screenshot of random part including FASA that have the TGA problem (any solution to this? or we wait for an official update from squad?) https://www.dropbox.com/s/hdawlp32tbm112h/Screenshots.rar?dl=0
  19. on white parts (TGA loader problem) do we wait for an official patch or is there a fix? got a lot of parts randomly becoming white then working again and so on
  20. how to hide the MJ toolbarbutton? in the settings i set the useAppLauncher = False but the MJ button is still there
  21. thank you finally i can get rid of those dll's not using KPSI anyway
  22. ok so in other words if i dont use KSPI i dont need ORS right?
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