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Posts posted by Kolago

  1. Yes, but this uses all of the tank. What I was suggesting is to split the tank between monopropellant or any other already installed resource and fill the rest up with LOX (9/11). This can be helpful for mix mode engines and brings down part count too.

  2. ok, having some issues. for whatever reason my buttons have all vanished. I still have the search and settings buttons, but all of my parts buttons have vanished. It is something to do with .24.1, as it was working perfectly last night. Any idea what to do? I have actually become so dependent on it to sort through my huge list of parts that I am actually struggling to build stuff...

    This is an old version of KSPAPIExtensions.dll somewhere in GameData.

  3. @Kolago .......40 m/s squared is 4 g's of acceleration. that's WAY TOO HIGH. Are you even watching your G meter? If it moves out of the green while you're in the lower atmosphere you're either going to flip or rip your rocket apart with aerodynamic forces.

    EDIT: Ninja'd more nicely by NathanKell

    I don't get it! Why is adding chutes a big problem. I go 40 m/s without the chutes and my rocket is fine.

  4. Is it normal that the SSE engines gimbal and trim don't play nice with mechjebs accent guidens? I get a oscillation in flight like there are fighting which each other. (Klockheed_Martian_SSE_2.0, mechjeb, x64, Win7)

    Sorry for the mess. Answer is there:


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