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Everything posted by Larrt_M

  1. I downloaded version 0.2 and that is what I got.. but it was not a problem, it was an easy fix. I like it!
  2. Thank You, Frank_G! I should now have everything except for the HOME. I'm not sure what is the correct one? Ok, the craft file opens! Now to get this thing into orbit.
  3. Like I said Magic Boulder works fine when you add in the map file. The other picture is Perseus before removing the duplicate files. I used the Perseus_.bin file and deleated the other. It does not open with the other one. There were either two color files or two map files. The duplicate files were in the zip
  4. "A lot of the build ideas were inspired by this although I abandoned the multi-rocket approach after a few multi-rocket missions were scuttled by unfortunate docking glitches. I'm using KAS, Novapunch, IR, Mechjeb, Kethane, HOME"Stupid question, but I need to ask. The mods you are using, what is IR? And could you please tell me what HOME mod you are using. I downloaded Bob-cat 0.232 and Kerbal Joint Reinforcement v2.3? There seem to be many versions.. Thanks! I haven't been at this very long.
  5. Just finished looking over all your planets, very nicely done. Great variety! Lakia looks real good with the clouds. They all look cool! I like the UNKNOWN planet also. I need to send a ship there to see what happens... Keep up the great work. Looking forward to more of your creations!!
  6. When are you going to release the new version of Don?
  7. Wow, I'm having a hard time keeping up with the new versions. You should consider adding version numbers to your system downloads, it's getting a bit confusing figuring out if I have the latest update.
  8. I will give Lakia a go tomorrow. The textures look really great! But no clouds? Can you not copy the clouds on Laythe?
  9. Ok, thanks! I didn't see the System file but there is one. Anyway, it opens fine, but there were two problems both can easily be fixed. First the texture for Magic Boulder was not loading. It's because there is no map png. Take a copy of the Magic Boulder_color and rename it Magic Boulder_map That fixed it! The second problem was that Perseus was not loading correctly (See Pictures) Delete duplicate Perseus files including bin file. That fixed it! http://i950.photobucket.com/albums/ad343/Larry_M/KSP2014-05-0415-31-46-52.jpg http://i950.photobucket.com/albums/ad343/Larry_M/KSP2014-05-0415-32-04-99.jpg
  10. So place the Asteroid Belt folder inside the PluginData folder next to the PlanetFactory folder? Sorry, but it just doesn't seem right, no type of system file. It looks great and I want to get it installed correctly!
  11. To install this just place all the files in the Asteroid folder into the Planet Factory folder? It's just that I don't see a System file?
  12. OH, yeah, that looks great!
  13. It looks like there is a problem with the Black Hole. http://i950.photobucket.com/albums/ad343/Larry_M/KSP2014-05-0207-25-36-73.jpg I found the problem. Rename the two png images UNKNOWN_map_ to UNKNOWN_map and UNKNOWN_normal_ to UNKNOWN_normal Great job on these planets so far! Librar is very cool, and the fragments around Fraggum, nicely done.
  14. What version cloud pack were you using when creating your clouds? Just wondering if I should install the older version or the new version with this pack.
  15. Nice! I'm going to try those out tomorrow. I haven't worked with assembly parts like this. Is it possible to select the big booster assembly then select the number of booster assemblies to be placed like fuel tanks, allowing you to perfectly place 2 or 3 booster assemblies around the center assembly? I sure hope so!
  16. OK, it just doesn't look it. Yeah, that's a lot of weight, nice! Looking forward to trying it out.
  17. That looks fantastic, but that center booster is not working in that picture. That looks like a nice tanker load there.
  18. Are you going to make the craft file and parts list available? Then again if it needs as many add-ons as the one in the video........
  19. Nice, I will be watching for that update. I converted the third stage over to three nukes for this rescue ship, still using your first and second stages. It works great! That first stage is awesome! But I will be watching for that update, can't wait to see what you do with the second stage. http://i950.photobucket.com/albums/ad343/Larry_M/KSP2014-05-0107-35-33-87.jpg
  20. I sent you a PM I only have 4 add-ons installed, and they are all small except for the cloud pack.
  21. No, it breaks apart the third stage. The third stage engine disappears! I just decided to try a different payload, but that would not matter. I took some pictures doing test runs at a low altitude, dropping the first stage right away. http://i950.photobucket.com/albums/ad343/Larry_M/KSP2014-04-3011-23-13-82.jpg The other rocket has a rover for a payload, and works about half the time. The one in the picture has not worked yet in about five tries. I even tried separating the engine and decoupler of the first stage. I could just change the first stage but why is this happening?
  22. Not sure what the problem is but most of the time the rocket gets blown apart when attempting to decouple the second stage? Tried it with a couple different payloads.
  23. New release coming soon, nice!
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