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Everything posted by Larrt_M

  1. Yes! All three open fine now. You can add the two rovers to the base, everything looks great, nicely done! Please let me know when you change page one. Thanks!
  2. I have MachJeb2 installed into my program, but if you had something else attached that would do it.
  3. Ok, I will watch for the new upload. You used all stock parts right?
  4. It looks like the problem has something to do with the rover seats. Can you try uploading a version of the base without the two rovers attached to it? If that opens then you know it is indeed something with the rover.
  5. Both craft files will not open because they contain locked or invalid parts...... In the parts section, the EAS-1 External Command Seat has a big X across the picture.
  6. Do you think this craft fixer would help? Located at the bottom of this page; http://www.kerbaltekaerospace.com/?page=craftkitchen
  7. OH, I think I will wait on your new release. Thanks! Yes, Vall looks like it would be a fun mission with this too.
  8. Thanks for sharing this ship! My next mission will be with this to Duna or Skelton, probably Skelton, can't wait. Thanks Again, it looks fantastic!
  9. Sorry if this was already answered I didn't see it anywhere. I seem to be having some odd problems with the ladders and this new version in the editor. With creating a new build the selected ladder is not extended but will extend with a right click option. When loading builds the ladders are not extended and will not extend when clicking on the extend button. I deleted the settings file and had the program generate a new one but it did not help. Is there any way to fix this?
  10. Does this mod still work OK with the new 23.5 upgrade? I will keep it in a separate 0.23 game folder if not.
  11. I modified a texture I had to create a couple of alternate textures for Wot. I kinda like this one... The other is even a bit lighter. http://i950.photobucket.com/albums/ad343/Larry_M/Texture1pic2.jpg http://i950.photobucket.com/albums/ad343/Larry_M/Texture1.jpg Just created a couple more that are red with yellow and orange bands. One of those may go better in this system. Gota keep changing the eye candy! http://i950.photobucket.com/albums/ad343/Larry_M/Texture-5.jpg
  12. Very nice! http://i950.photobucket.com/albums/ad343/Larry_M/KSP2014-03-2807-36-49-00.jpg http://i950.photobucket.com/albums/ad343/Larry_M/KSP2014-03-2808-03-56-24.jpg
  13. I just put your Voltaire Cismunar Shuttle into orbit. It worked perfectly and was very easy to control. Nicely done!
  14. Sounds good! I will definitely be watching for the updated version.
  15. Yeah, I figured out that I could use a decoupler after I posted the question. Your lifter is very easy to control.. nice work.
  16. You said you changed the size of Rocky. Are you going to also update the Boris system? I used to script single player missions for the Men of War games, and created well over a hundred scenery objects for other Sims. And I can tell you from experience 99% of people do not comment on what you are creating. I comment because I've been there and I know how much work you guys put in. A lack of comments does not mean that there is no interest.
  17. Great job on these lifters! I've used two so far and I am amazed at how easy they are to control. I will be watching for future updates.. Thanks for putting in all the hard work!
  18. So, there will be another version. Nice! Maybe I will wait for it's release before attempting another Apollo Mun landing.
  19. I had a bit of a time getting the rover out. Every time I used the propulsion system, space bar or F6 it would flip the lander over on it's side. Probably something I was or was not doing correctly. The only success I had was to thrust the lander up a couple of feet and hit the F5 key. That worked fine! Then I moved that small thruster icon up with the parachutes.
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