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Everything posted by Starstrider42

  1. I assume you got the asteroid's path to show up by selecting it as a target? That sounds like the sort of thing that would only show up when your ship is focused...
  2. Indeed. Interplanetary transfers to the inner solar system, at least, are a lot cheaper. I'll have to try this some time. (Don't worry, I don't plan to spam you guys with these plots. This is the last one.)
  3. Getting a working log plot in Mathematica is harder than you'd think. I think I've got everything consistent... And yes, height is altitude above sea level.
  4. Yes, the scroll wheel adjust is new. If there's a way to adjust the position, I don't know what it is. You can see the delta-V of any closed maneuver node by mousing over it. This is not a new feature, but a lot of people don't know about it. The two small icons (which appear any time you right-click on a node, not just after you've passed it) are to move the node ahead or behind by one full orbit. The main use I can think of is rendezvous, orbital transfers, or other maneuvers where timing is important. In the old KSP, you had to wait until the last orbit before a burn to set up a maneuver node, which was kind of annoying. The third new feature isn't a maneuver node upgrade, per se, but that's when you'll normally be using it. If you click on any planet's orbit you'll get a new option, "Focus View". This will center the map on that planet and show you your trajectory (with and without maneuver nodes) relative to that planet's SoI. Very useful for planning gravity assists, dodging moons, getting a specific inclination, etc. Hope this helps!
  5. Very nice. I find it kind of annoying that I have to open the small map to do anything, when that's the map I almost never use!
  6. If you're talking about what I think you are, it may be a bug in how KSP handles landed ships. The last time I saw this, it was with a ship that was landed on a slope, and no matter what it would always vibrate slightly. I think the constant shifting of the ladder's position may have been what caused the kerbal to slowly inch up the ladder.
  7. Are you running the fixed version of KSP 0.23.5 (build 464)? I think I heard that they fixed this bug in the patch.
  8. What do you know, you were right: high parking orbits really are bad for your fuel economy. Since I couldn't believe my intuition was wrong, I did some math. The image I'm linking is the burn delta-V (shaded contours) needed as a function of the height of a circular starting orbit around Kerbin (horizontal axis) and the desired delta-V relative to Kerbin's orbit around the sun (vertical axis). The red curve along the lower left is the height at which you burn the least fuel for a given interplanetary delta-V. Bottom line: if you're headed for Eve or Duna, you want to burn from just inside the Mun's orbit. For any other destination, you want to be a lot lower. There go my station plans... (Pardon the messy plot. I'm better at math than I am at pretty graphics.)
  9. It sounds like you're looking for the RangeModelType option: see http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/56399?p=869861#post869861, and the following posts.
  10. The Cl, Cm, Cd display is actually a problem with FAR. It's supposed to be fixed in the next version. I actually liked isShielded (it reassures you that your fairings are working as advertised), but otherwise I agree with you.
  11. But that wouldn't be as much of a problem for lower orbits (say, Minmus, or between Mun and Minmus), right? You'd have an orbital period of only a few days, but the delta-V needed to escape Kerbin would still be 700-1000 m/s lower than in LKO... (Please correct me if I'm wrong. I'm starting to make plans for a high Kerbin station, and I'd like to know if my assumptions are invalid).
  12. Do you mean for science? It's 250 km (http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Science#Celestial_body_multipliers). If you mean for jargon, it's whatever you want it to be.
  13. The antenna range (and all other mission control properties) are set in GameData/RemoteTech2/RemoteTech_Settings.cfg.
  14. For me, it's the map view upgrade (I think they called it "focus planet" or something in game). Makes interplanetary flights and especially gravity assists a lot easier to plan. Back on topic, I just installed CLS on 0.23.5 yesterday and it seems to be working fine so far.
  15. As far as I know, all VAB tweaking is at levels of 10% of the part's capacity. It seems to be something in the game engine. Maybe a VAB mod does what you want?
  16. Unknown objects (i.e., recently discovered asteroids) are untracked, and therefore don't belong on the list. Click on them (you may have to zoom out to solar system level), then click the blue button at the lower left to start tracking. Be careful not to track ALL of them, or your game will get very cluttered very quickly.
  17. Confirmed. My station is now a base. I assume this is related to the addition of two new spacecraft classes by ARM?
  18. Not sure I understand. What prevents you from staying at stage 1 (just after your last asparagus jettison, I assume) for as long as you like?
  19. Is there a way to disable the new readouts of Cl, Cd, and Cm that show up in the right-click menus? I have a small screen, and the new display makes right-click menus almost unusable because some buttons will fall off the edge of the screen or get stuck behind other GUI elements, no matter how I turn and twist the camera.
  20. Bug(ish) report: The log always prints the time in Earth days, even when the game is set to use Kerbin days. Would it be possible to have it use the same format as the in-game displays, much like KAC does?
  21. Not quite what you're looking for, but I've set my browser to monitor http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Version_history for updates.
  22. There's a thread from today on this very subject in this very forum: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/75350-How-do-i-post-imgur-albums
  23. Hi, Does anybody know if it's possible to change the rules for asteroid spawning? I'm thinking of making a mod that puts the asteroids on more diverse orbits than just a narrow band near Kerbin's orbit (though free time might be a problem), and I was wondering if we even had the tools to do it. Thanks!
  24. It might be simpler to just upload the image to the forums; that's what I've done (and please don't tell me that that adds extra load to Moustachauve's server, the forums have no way of knowing where the image originally came from). If anything, the forums should be optimized for the kind of download pattern that signature images produce, and it's less work than updating an imgur link.
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