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Everything posted by BudgetHedgehog

  1. And which screen shows you which side of the moon you're on? Also, glad to hear there's at least hope for a 2.5 one! Look forward to it!
  2. gre8 - The formatting's wrong, this is a working link Hyomoto - Might want to edit the OP once again And yay! Thank you for fixing! FWIW, I love the Moiré pattern on the screens - they look so real! Great job with it all, much easier to use than the standard RPM. Loving it to bits and back!
  3. Just a little idea - with all these extra props and ideas and spaces, they could be starting to run out of room.... maaaaaaybe time to include a 2.5m version? wink wink nudge nudge
  4. Hey, not sure if this is a bug with IR or the toolbar, but the IR button doesn't hide in-flight, it just stays open. Running version 1.6.1 of the toolbar and 0.12 of IR (it says it's fixed, but it's not for me )
  5. I always put the loss of control while holding a parachute down to the fact that the chute is blocking the thrust of the jetpacks, similar to how things can block the thrust of engines. Yeah, you don't really have control, but it will always thrust in the direction it's pointing - it might only be pointing the right way for a split second, but as long as you thrust in that moment in the right direction, you'll get there. One thing I do to avoid having to cart chutes all over the vessel is not grab it, but go just to edge of interaction, click attach, attach it as far away as I can towards where I want and repeat. Takes a bit longer, but there's no loss of control.
  6. I thought I knew, but when I edited the files (wanted to store stuff like the KW RCS thrusters and some other mod's lights), I ended up being able to pick up the command pod and fuel tanks. Equal parts entertaining and annoying.
  7. I did indeed! Is that one available for download? Sorry for being stupid
  8. But the two screens...? There's only one either side of the pilot, not one on top of another.. Is that the layout of the next release?
  9. That picture confuses me.. Since when have there been two big screens laid out like that in front of a seat?
  10. Once this gets support from ModuleManager, I am going to be allllllll over it. Looking forward to next release!
  11. Press one of the buttons next to the numbers/letter. A brings up the navball, 3 brings up the docking cam (but you need to select a reference part from screen C to use it. It'll be labelled 'docking port' or similar, either front/back and/or large etc... common sense helps here), external cams are on screen 7. The number cam corresponds with the cam ID set in flight/in the VAB.
  12. Would it be possible to bundle the Mercury pack into a zip to save downloading 18 separate files to the same folder? Otherwise, fantastic idea! Will enjoy this a lot! EDIT: Never mind, I figured it out. Click on File->Download. Thanks again!
  13. What I find annoying is that there's no in-game way of finding where the water is. You can find uranium, thorium, the contents of the atmosphere etc etc, but water? Nothing. Unless you want to land a mobile ISRU and rove all over the place trying to find a hotspot, you have to look at the cheat sheet. It's like saying to someone "right, under this football pitch is a casket of treasure. Go find it." "Well, can I have a clue?" "Oh fiiiine, if you want to cheat, here's a vague map as to where it is. And no, I won't tell you which way is north or where we are right now."
  14. I haven't tried resource extraction, but there's maps in the folder with all the resources on (GameData\WarpPlugin\PlanetResourceData). I'd imagine that KSPI wouldn't need another mod for that, it'd seem a bit silly to. Correct, you'd need hydrogen, but this can be electrolysed from the water. I don't know if the end product is the same as liquid fuel though - I haven't actually taken any refineries anywhere. I don't want to get far away from Kerbin and find that I forgot a certain critical piece. Yes, I know I can send it out and everything but given launch windows and my apparent knack for missing them entirely (thanks, KAC....), I'd be spending more time setting the damn things up rather than using them. I want to send it out and have it work first time. As for how I know despite not doing it, well, there's a wiki for a reason
  15. It's fairly easy to do, all pages are stored in GameData\JSI\RasterPropMonitor\Example\ExampleMFD. Edit as you want them (I did, made the navball slightly higher contrast so it's not blue on blue on blue). Be warned though, you might break some of the displays if you edit them as they pull info from the actual game (like the resources panel - it pulls and displays info from that, so there's not much to edit). I'd back them up beforehand, just in case. What were you thinking of editing, out of curiosity?
  16. Yes, the Sabatier Process produces Lqd Methane which is only used by that engine (Deinonychus 1D). To make liquid fuel and oxidiser, you need to electrolyse water. On Duna, water is concentrated at the poles. Not sure about your first problem though :/
  17. Ah, my mistake - I didn't miss it, I misread it. Thought you were on about the deployable radiators, not the panels. You're right, I'm wrong
  18. Nope, I just checked - the first solar panels, the OX-STAT ones (very basic ones) are unlocked in Electrics, the first radiators (inline atmo and the non-deployable radial ones) are unlocked in the immediately next node, Advanced Electrics.
  19. Regarding symmetry lag, I started up a new sandbox and there was no bug. I'd report on a new career save too, but it'll take me a while to get to the radiators. Talking of which, their placement didn't make sense to me - in the order of unlocking things, you get solar panels that generate waste heat, but no radiators to dissipate said heat. I just think it's a bit odd that you have have no radiators in the same node as solar panels.
  20. I haven't checked sandbox yet, but yes, it happens in career. I'll check sandbox when I get home tonight.
  21. Don't forget a couple of RTGs to power the MJ box as the 5 units of charge it contains might not get you at a safe enough distance to burn.
  22. That's a good point. I was just saying it's possible to do but yeah, without a ridiculous amount of fuel and efficient engines (or infinite fuel....), it's going to be pretty hard.
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