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Everything posted by blackrack

  1. For the lines in the sky replace compiledskyscaled.shader and compiledskyextinct.shader with those from last release. For the other issue I'll see what I can do. Btw ocean shaders are coming.
  2. [quote name='Berlin']Is there a .cfg setting I can use to adjust the intensity of scatterer? My computer runs it fine but I'm searching for those extra FPS[/QUOTE] There's already a minimal performance impact thanks to a big part of the work being precomputed. To answer your question there's nothing you can adjust to increase your fps.
  3. Just fixed the edge/shimmering issues of the new depth buffer. Also got rid of the old horizon break and other artifacts OpenGL has. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/xMfdyN6.jpg[/IMG] I'll be cleaning this up and making a release soon. It looks like this may have some performance impact though, I will check again tomorrow, maybe I messed something up. [quote name='sashan']Thx, will try it out. By the way, sunset is somewhat weird because you can see stars through it. Or is it supposed to look like that from 5 km altitude? [url]https://scontent-arn2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/t31.0-8/12232827_812031282252872_863728496992419365_o.jpg[/url][/QUOTE] Scatterer isn't supposed to hide them, probably the additive blending makes them more visible also, nothing you can do there.
  4. [quote name='sashan']I've downloaded that release from kerbal stuff yesterday evening.[/QUOTE] The fix is literally the first post on this page.
  5. [quote name='sashan']I still have noire patterns and other artifacts on opengl. That green line on the horizon is only present when looking into the sun direction, as the last shot demonstrates. [url]http://imgur.com/a/sfZOS[/url] Do you need logs?[/QUOTE] If the moire patterns is there it means this is using direwolffixes.zip I'm compiling a new release now that will have all of these options included.
  6. [quote name='peachoftree']Is there any way to fix kerbin from looking like it does in this screenshot? (notice the lines on the continent below) I am running scatterer 0.191 with Ubuntu 14.04 in Opengl with KSP in 64 bit mode. It looks fine except between the altitudes of around 60 and 160 km. [url]http://i.imgur.com/FAh0EOQ.png[/url][/QUOTE] Go back a few pages, find a file called fixes3, it fixes that issue but comes with others, so it's your choice to make. It will be integrated in next release and made togglable. Edited: Actually no, I think this is the file you want [URL="https://mega.nz/#!idYiECiR!EGIfls2jtkl5tLzTAi5Z2FMHk0spvmg6C7yrpT1atDQ"]https://mega.nz/#!idYiECiR!EGIfls2jtkl5tLzTAi5Z2FMHk0spvmg6C7yrpT1atDQ[/URL]
  7. [quote name='Murdox']I already found DirewolfFixes.zip from later posts but i cant find that zip package called fix3.zip Can someone tell me where i can find that or link it again. Thanks![/QUOTE] DirewolfFixes cancels out what the previous fixes do (custom depth buffer). I'll make a new release as soon as I'm sure it works well for everyone, and with RSS. [quote name='SquaredSpekz']So do the other planets have Scatterer Effects by Default, or do we have to add them?[/QUOTE] Read the thread, but they do. [quote name='sashan']Is is possible to upload the mod somewhere else as well - KErbal Stuff is often buggy for me.[/QUOTE] With next release I'll include mega links.
  8. [quote name='rbray89']Possibly... Though I don't expect it to given the results from earlier. Worst-case we loose the nice edges around where clouds meet geometry.[/QUOTE] I'd rather hold off then, the custom depth buffer still has some other jarring issues.
  9. [quote name='rbray89']One thing you could do is manually disable the depth buffer on the Camera when using a custom depth buffer.[/QUOTE] But if EVE is using the depth buffer, won't that break it?
  10. Everything you added seems solid and runs well, I restored the default depth buffer and it got rid of the black horizon line you see on your screenshots, but it also restored the moire patterns and other artifacts, I'll get rid of these later or make the new depth buffer an option (high CPU usage when used with EVE mod). Tested with RSS and stock and everything seems to run well, though I never had issues with RSS compatibility or the black sky bug, so I'll need more people testing this one. I merged your changes but keep in mind I kept the new depth buffer in the github repository. Here's the link: [URL="https://mega.nz/#!jc5RRTZR!KUuJOcqgy6NgudC68xUVks3NjhuV_CZXq0JO2EkG6_8"]https://mega.nz/#!jc5RRTZR!KUuJOcqgy6NgudC68xUVks3NjhuV_CZXq0JO2EkG6_8[/URL] If on RSS, change planetsList to something like this [CODE]scattererCelestialBodies { Item { celestialBodyName = Earth transformName = Kerbin loadDistance =50000000 unloadDistance = 100000000 } Item { celestialBodyName = Mars transformName = Mars loadDistance = 50000000 unloadDistance = 100000000 } Item { celestialBodyName = Venus transformName = Venus loadDistance = 50000000 unloadDistance = 100000000 } }[/CODE] And rename the folders Kerbin, Duna and Eve to Earth, Mars and Venus. This is just for testing, the scale for mapview will be off, Eve config won't look right on Venus. You can make a better config if you want or wait for "official" ones. [quote name='direwolf']Excellent, I tried to figure this out but the only answer I could found was 'you need to learn modern 3d computer gfx / rendering theory' :D So up next I'll fix some more bugs (got a 32bit Win VM going) and then I plan to consolidate plugin loading order / game event / scenery update related stuff as a groundwork to make it possible for other plugins to define their own Scatterer config, body list, etc. I feel that the current PlanetList.cfg / Settings.cfg based stuff is pretty inconvenient, especially so because you can accidentally overwrite them easily from ingame. Do you have anything on your mind regarding the above?[/QUOTE] Not really no, I'm focusing more on adding graphical features and improving the shaders right now than on ease of use/user experience. Do you want to disable auto settings saving? Also, if you feel like it, maybe take a look at the ocean branch :p
  11. [quote name='direwolf']Anyone who have trouble getting Scatterer to work with RSS / Kopernicus can give my patched version a try. It fixes the celestial / transform naming mess by simply detecting the proper celestial body using both names defined in PlanetList.cfg and does the same with assets, like shaders and config. Should help with black sky and NullReference exceptions should be gone altogether for your bonus enjoyment. As a disclaimer, I've only tested it on my setup: OSX 10.11, Stock KSP modded with 64bit UnityPlayer 4.6.4. Only Scatterer and RSS 10.4.1 installed with 8K textures. Feedback from 32bit and/or Windows / Linux host with and without RSS would be appreciated. Without any further ado: Pull request for the technically inclined: [URL]https://github.com/LGhassen/Scatterer/pull/5[/URL] GameData snapshot: [URL]https://www.dropbox.com/s/pejxjr4rrnrfuo6/scatterer-0.191-rss-compat-c0a39c7.zip[/URL] How it looks with 100% default configuration: [url]http://imgur.com/a/1NZLq[/url] Have fun![/QUOTE] Great, I just woke up and I'm pretty happy to see this. Taking a look at this now. [quote name='sjsninetrys']Great fix, solved the black sky issue for me, running OSX with same set up as you. Only issue I have now is the black line flashing on the horizon.. I think I can see this on the KSC image that you uploaded aswell, Is this a default configuration issue with RSS? if so, does anyone know which parameter to change in the UI? Ive tried a few different things but no resolve.. Cheers [COLOR=#333333]Setup: OSX 10.11, 64bit UnityPlayer 4.6.4. RSS 10.4.1 with Scatterer & EVE (latest) [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Pretty sure that the black line is caused by the new depth buffer, I'll disable it for now. I'm currently testing direwolf's changes and will report back, will also forward this to Proot and pingopete for testing.
  12. It seems everyone who's having trouble with the black sky is reporting some kind of nullref with togglecoronas(), I'll try to take a look at this tonight. I also have to take a look at Proot's WIP KSPRC. [quote name='Poodmund']Alt (Mod)+F11, if on Linux it will be Right-Shift+F11. Note that you have to have an Active Vessel in range of Scatterer's preset activation distances for the effects to 'turn-on'. These distances, IIRC, are set in the PlanetsList.cfg EDIT: Blackrack, will it be possible to locate .cfg and Planet folders outside of Scatterer's main directory as supplying additional configs for mods that add planets may be troublesome when it comes to overwriting the PlanetsList.cfg. Is there a modular approach that can be taken? Can additional PlanetList.cfg files with a different file name coexist alongside the main file for additional planets?[/QUOTE] I'll see what I can do, probably the best way would be to have each planet have it's own separate file and have the mod autodetect them at start.
  13. I just noticed that the shimmering/aliasing border around terrain introduced by the new depth buffer is really bad. And it gets worse the higher your resolution is. Edited: Also, as Proot noted, the blending seems to be messed up.
  14. [quote name='Proot']After all my test I must agree. Looks like the new version of Kopernicus made the problem worst, but didn't seem the origin of the problem. I've back to Kopernicus 0.4 (where all was working perfectly) but the problem persist at many ways. No more black sky, but all still looks overexposed and the horizon blending is wrong, the tint feature is still gone at map view... I'm gonna upload the actual state of KSPRC and I'll send it to Blackrack to see if he can find the issue.[/QUOTE] Has kopernicus officially updated for 1.0.5?
  15. [quote name='Manwith Noname']Ok, 2 pics of the KSC scene. [URL]http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=557954876[/URL] This is with the latest files. In reality, this is bouncing between 60-80% on a single core usage. [URL]http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=557957784[/URL] This second pic is after I deleted scatterer from the install and replaced it along with the files from the fix3.zip, which from memory is before the whole new shader approach. Again, in reality this is bouncing between 35-50% single core usage. Edit: Roll on 1.1 and multithreading support ;)[/QUOTE] Interesting. Could you do this comparison again with only scatterer? My reasoning is that if EVE uses the depth buffer, then it's enabling the default one, and then we have both the default and the scatterer one enabled. I want so see how much more overhead the custom depth buffer is adding by itself, and how much more the two used together cause.
  16. [quote name='rbray89']Exactly. I can't imagine why my cloud particles would fade out like that otherwise (they read the depth buffer for soft-drawing).[/QUOTE] I honestly wouldn't think it would replace the default depth buffer. If it did the results should be the same also since I'm reusing what unity uses to create a depth buffer,just higher precision in OpenGL.
  17. [quote name='Manwith Noname']Yep. I'm going to reboot and run another test but I also seem to see a large rise in CPU usage with the latest files.[/QUOTE] Are you sure about the CPU usage? I'm using a fairly slow laptop and which almost has one core maxed when running KSP and didn't see any drops.
  18. [quote name='Manwith Noname']It's a beautiful thing. There are other things I notice which I can report if you wish, though some of them may not be possible to fix due to the different rendering technique, I think.[/QUOTE] I've noticed what seems like increased pixelation of the edges around terrain, and sometimes they seem to flicker.
  19. [quote name='rbray89']Cool, that is good to know. Out of curiosity, it seems that whatever you are doing is replacing the built-in depth texture. Is that intended?[/QUOTE] What do you mean replacing the built-in depth texture? The regular depth buffer?
  20. [quote name='rbray89']Ocean is of type TransparentCuttout... You'll need to add the RenderType to the tags in the replacement shader or do the ocean radius math fix thing in your sky shader.[/QUOTE] Hmm, can I have two rendertype tags in the replacement shader? Do I need to copy it in two different subshaders and give them different tags? Edited:You already answered this a page ago, multiple subshaders works but multiple tags doesn't. [URL="https://mega.nz/#!idYiECiR!EGIfls2jtkl5tLzTAi5Z2FMHk0spvmg6C7yrpT1atDQ"]https://mega.nz/#!idYiECiR!EGIfls2jtkl5tLzTAi5Z2FMHk0spvmg6C7yrpT1atDQ[/URL]
  21. [quote name='rbray89'][url]http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/SL-ShaderReplacement.html[/url] Basically, it looks through the tags and plays match-up to what is set in the shaders. So you have a replacement shader that looks like this: [code] Shader "Custom/DepthTexture" { SubShader { Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" } Pass { ... [/code] Then call Camera.RenderWithShader(MyReplacementShader, "RenderType"), it will use the RenderType tag as a mask, ignoring all materials that don't match it. In this case, the shaders replaced would have to match "RenderType"="Opaque". I believe you can add multiple sub shaders with different tags, and add multiple tags to a subshader, but don't quote me on that :)[/QUOTE] Testing this now. [quote name='selfish_meme']Some more shots for you, I have not had any of the artifacts the others reported, using 0.0191 with artifacts.zip on OpenGL Nvidia Linux, but I have seen this before with scatterer and SVE cruising through the cloud base back to the KSC, I have a video of moving through the cloud base, they look like texture edges to me that are not faded out completely. i also tried Loaddelay like you said but it still seems a lot slower than previously. [URL]http://i.imgur.com/VyMmGsP.png[/URL] Other direction no artifacts visible [URL]http://i.imgur.com/y4ATuC6.png[/URL] Yes the edges definitely move with the clouds[/QUOTE] [quote name='Manwith Noname']In terms of playing the game, I'll revert to 0.0191 with the files in Fix3.zip. When combined with EVE this works wonders for me. I'm mostly a sandbox dabbler so this has just been some interesting testing for me and hopefully useful to yourself and rBray. Happy to test anything out. Edit: Yeah, the last zip file with the replacement .dll and shaders. Another edit: This one... [url]https://mega.nz/#!CAZ2xJTT!RFzP6vX8o55ktRZz6-L4D32fnIRbZ_fU2eLaXO931fk[/url][/QUOTE] Try this: [url]https://mega.nz/#!ad5QXQKS!fbAn2AMTNT8eUFffR7xJmrHO-4E39EoGCCdFEJhRw74[/url]
  22. [quote name='rbray89']What does your Camera.RenderWithShader or Camera.SetReplacementShader call look like? For replacementTag it should be "RenderType". Using null will rendder everything which is what it looks like is happening.[/QUOTE] I actually used "Opaque" because I read somewhere that will replace the opaque shaders but I was getting nothing, went ahead with null while I debug it and then forgot about it. Didn't know about "RenderType", does this take the type from the replacement shader itself? I guess this would fix it then.
  23. [quote name='Bizz Keryear']Have the black sky problem, too, but I really think that it is more of an problem caused by EVE. Since even with the old version of scatter it shows a complete black sky Anyway while having a look at the files there are some things that hit my eye. [list][*]Is it really necessary to have duplicates of files? I mean sunglare.png and black.png are literally the same everywhere. How about bout a folder named global. Having all the stuff in that is used more than once. Every for every planet if it has a folder of its own but it doesn't find file X in it it uses the global one. [*]The black png ... after starting up KSP ... not being in game, not doing something in game I am already at 3.2 Gig (not really [only] your fault, though).... is it really necessary to have a 5kb png of only one color? .... I mean is there really a reason to make it 512 x 512 pixels, too? If I was making this my black file would probably (unless I really really need something else) be (if used to produce black pixels) a 1x1 pixel grayscale bmp. (this should make the smallest file since you don't need compression for just one pixel and one color) Size of that file is 66 bytes to 4533 bytes of yours. On other hand I am relative clueless when it comes to compiling C scripts, I am clueless about Unity and KSP api. So ... I don't know if that would work. But I still thought I mentioned it. Maybe you are so deep into it that it left your grasp that you could use a file like this, too.[/list][/QUOTE] The sunglare textures are the only repeating things and they're mostly insignificant, a 512x512 texture is nothing, and they're only loaded if their associated planet is loaded so at worst you see slightly more memory usage when both Laythe and Jool are loaded, for the rest it's the same. The black texture could also be removed. Both of these points are so insignificant memory-wise and the current sunglare system is only temporary anyway so I haven't bothered changing them.
  24. [quote name='Manwith Noname']Uch, I don't like double posting but here goes... With just scatterer and the latest fix with the new shading technique, the big blue rectangles are gone, however.... [url]http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=557876814[/url] [url]http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=557884235[/url] You'll probably need to zoom in on the second shot but particles appear to wipe out the atmo effect under certain circumstances. So I suspect the blue rectangles in the sky when EVE is present are in some way connected to this too.[/QUOTE] I'm not sure but I think the transparent objects might be writing to the custom depth buffer, I added the "Opaque" tags but they didn't seem to work, better stay away from the new custom depth buffer for now (replace scatterer.dll and compiledatmosphericscatter.shader with those from the current release on kerbalstuff, delete compileddepthtexture.shader, keep the other files).
  25. [quote name='Proot']Eve and/or Scatterer seems to have some kind of problem/incompatibility in the last changes: atmos are loaded, but unloaded again after one or two secs, leaving the sky black (I've changed the delay with no effect). Also, environmental effects appears completely stopped (froze, no movement), and the volumetrics are gone. I'm not able to determine the specific problem, so I'm reporting the same to you and Rbray89. I leave you the logs here: [URL="https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8doOUfa8UN-WGZ5dTVvaVVGaWM/view?usp=sharing"]KSP.log [/URL][URL="https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8doOUfa8UN-VTk4RFQwc0Q0S0U/view?usp=sharing"]output_log.txt[/URL][/QUOTE] I can see this: IsolatedStorageException: Could not find file "D:\Archivos de programa (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\scatterer\CompiledDepthTexture.shader" So the postprocessing won't work, it shouldn't affect the sky though. It seems I forgot an important shader file, and yet someone reported it as working. Try again with this: [URL="https://mega.nz/#!CAZ2xJTT!RFzP6vX8o55ktRZz6-L4D32fnIRbZ_fU2eLaXO931fk"]https://mega.nz/#!CAZ2xJTT!RFzP6vX8o55ktRZz6-L4D32fnIRbZ_fU2eLaXO931fk[/URL]
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