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Everything posted by hcalves

  1. Found a weird bug: Attached 3 wheels to standard mk2 spaceplane body. When I got to launch, the wheels start to animate (shouldn't the scene already start with those deployed?), the plane falls and the wheels clip into the ground. KSP 0.25, latest version of the mod.
  2. Awesome. R7 following? Maybe you can make just the first stage. That should be enough for a stock R7.
  3. Game just crashes as soon as I try to attach the first Pwing. Log: https://gist.github.com/hcarvalhoalves/7327f0d1869cef827bac
  4. Cool! Thanks! I'll try to play around with the values for a good game balance. Should I suggest they include on their mod?
  5. Does anyone know how to make a config for Tantares antennas (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81537-0-25-Tantares-Stockalike-Soyuz-and-TKS-10-3-2-Crew-1-25m-Pod-Vostok-Dev!)? I tried to, but have no idea how these .CFG files work... My attempt just broke the configs for the default antennas.
  6. Can the plugin be updated to use the built-in toolbars in latest KSP?
  7. Cool mod, but shouldn't some parts be double the size (Soyuz, Apollo, etc), to compare better to the real life counterparts? Also, seat 3 instead of 2.
  8. I've found 2 bugs with latest version: - Everytime I open R&D, there's a duplicated fairing/ring part. - I can never fully unlock the interstage fairings, it always shows "This part requires an entry purchase". I go to R&D, unlock it, it keeps showing this message, I got back to R&D and now there's +1 interstage fairing part. This happens on career mode. Screenshots: https://www.dropbox.com/s/25l6xp11whwlq1g/Captura%20de%20tela%202014-08-20%2001.59.33.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/i3ysozacdjyu522/Captura%20de%20tela%202014-08-20%2002.00.01.png?dl=0
  9. This: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/PPD-10_Hitchhiker_Storage_Container Adding the resource to existing parts makes more sense than creating new parts just for it, as in real life any empty space in pods and habitable modules are filled with cargo.
  10. This is a great idea! Any mod that makes career harder is welcome. But about this: Please don't! Mods that start proliferating parts are annoying. The stock storage container is more or less useless (it's just a heavy pod), just give it the "spare parts" resource.
  11. Most useful mod ever. Hello SQUAD! Put this in the game!
  12. Excellent, that was the missing link for usable IVAs with RPM!
  13. Thank you for the update! Best mod.
  14. Nice! I've always looked for a mod with parts like that.
  15. I've enjoyed the random, sometimes almost impossible requirements. Makes for fun challenges! I had to design a totally insane rocket to test a Rockomax BACC at 30 km/300 m/s. Another time I had to test a landing gear in orbit (WTF right?). The *only* adjustment I would do is have the "Test part" available as an action group. Badly needed, hopefully in a minor patch!
  16. Well, that's interesting. Supersonic aerodynamics is more challenging for making spaceplanes but makes for strange behaviors sometimes!
  17. Can't a mod be created with trusses that can fit the usual tanks inside, instead of duplicating everything?
  18. Excellent mod, thank you very much! I was excited about the new RPM pit since I enjoy flying IVA, but after playing it for a while I've found it's not very usable. Here's some ideas: - There are 8 monitors, but most are tiny meaning you can't actually acquire readings, making it useless. - Monitors off-center could face the camera, because the perspective makes it harder to read. - Speed indicator and climb rate are the most useful but hard to keep inside the FoV due to their bottom placement. After flying with it and trying to land multiple times, here's a dashboard layout I feel would be more useful:
  19. I see the FoV cones for the pit cameras on the VAB, but how do you reposition / rotate them? EDIT: Nevermind, figured out Space Plane Plus pit adds some fixed cameras of it's own.
  20. The guy managed to implement texture compression with a *plugin*. What is Squad doing that they haven't addressed this properly yet? I'm okay without new content, mods are for that, but at least make the game engine solid please.
  21. I've created a prototype using a de Havilland Vampire inspired design. Very stable and maneuverable, doesn't suffer from going transonic, and maintains good pitch authority due to far behind placement of control surfaces compared to CoM and CoT. Test flight album
  22. Totally excellent mod, finally managed to make a Soyuz. The descent module works exactly as expected with FAR and Deadly Reentry, I can even skip depending on AoA. Keep up the good work!
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