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Spork of Doom

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Everything posted by Spork of Doom

  1. The pony is a lie? How about cake, do you got any cake? Or is that a lie too? lol
  2. Does anyone have a MM cfg file to add the Icarus parts to the tech tree. If so care to share it?
  3. I just awnted to say how much I love these parts and especially the plugin that handles turret control. Here is my "Critter Tank" made using parts from the BahamutoDynamics pack. And the HOME Defense Turret.
  4. Care to share the cfg for the engine effects. Also which fx plugin are you using?
  5. Is it possible to use your plugin for the IDSkillful weapons, as I much prefer your method of turret control over his.
  6. Here's a screenshot that turned out to be pretty good Edit: Here is few more I think are pretty decent.
  7. OOooo. Its finished and ready to play? I definatly want it. MOAR massive stations for the win Are there emissive lights for the windows, like on StarVision's ships?
  8. Nice! More Firepower for "Debris Removal" BTW Here is my goofy looking Tank. Anyone know of and mods that add a good main body chassis for a tank, besides LLL.
  9. Does anyone have a MM cfg file that adds all the parts to the tech tree that they feel like sharing?
  10. Fantastic. I really missed plastering giant Canadian flags all over everything lol. Now that this has been revived, what are the chances that you can whip up a Kerbalized Federation flag.
  11. You never fail to impress BahamutoD. Especially with that M1A1 Turret. What are the chances that you could do a 30mm LAV Turret after you finish the Gau Cannon. Which sounds awesome. I always loved the sound of that beast of a cannon.
  12. Its a good thing his opinion doesn't matter. This mod is one of the most useful mods ever made for KSP. Good job blizzy78
  13. That's the fantastic thing about the modding community, I'm sure it won't take long for some mod authors to start adding more and better contracts such as station and colony contracts. I was also pretty disappointed about the lack of space station contracts.
  14. I have a question, not does it work in 0.24, but is it updated for 64bit? When I started my game I got a message saying that it isn't compatible with 64bit ksp.
  15. Just disable the LCARS once you establish an orbit with the impulse drive.
  16. Use the Hanger Extender Plugin (should be on curse), it allows you to move the camera outside the VAB or SPH for building excessively large crafts or stations. Also Tweak scale is also a good mod to use on the Torus Parts, as you can scale the parts down considerably while you assemble the station.
  17. YESS! its done. Your awesome mjy Ive been waiting for a good stargate ship in ksp forever. Jeb will be very happy to fly one of the most bada$$ ships in sci-fi. Too bad there isn't a way to make the rail-gun batteries to work.
  18. Check this out. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/82341-23-5-Bahamuto-Dynamics-CritterCrawler-AnimatedEngines-etc-v1-0-%28Jun7%29 BahamutoD figured it out pretty good with his Critter Crawler Probe. I hope you can figue this out, as a AT-AT on the surface of Kerbin walking around the Vab or on the surface of Duna would be pretty cool. And as for you release thread. Why not just ask Starvision if you can just release it here as part of the Sci-Fi shipyards or something
  19. Wow that thing looks great:D Perfect for the LCARS plugin. Good Work mjy. What are your plans for after the Daedalus?
  20. How about Normandy SR-2 from Mass Effect or something from that universe (they have some nice looking ships). Or perhaps something from the Alien universe. Such as the USS Sulaco or the iconic UD-4L Dropship from Aliens.
  21. Nice more massive station parts to add to the already ridiculously large 2500m Stanford Torus station parts. This is going to be good.
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