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Everything posted by AlexinTokyo

  1. It will be in: {KSP folder}\saves\{Your Save}\Ships\VAB {KSP folder} is where you installed the game - on Steam on Windows, by default it's C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program. I'm not sure where it is located on Linux or MacOS systems, or in non-Steam installs. It's a text file with a .craft extension, named the same as the ship in question. You can share it using DropBox, MediaFire, Google Drive, or the file sharing service of your choice. ETA: Also, please let me know if you're using any mods - if they add parts I'll have to download them, and even if not I'll have to take into account any alterations to gameplay/mechanics.
  2. Can you post the .craft file? I'll see if I can have a look at it.
  3. You need to track the asteroid (from the tracking station) first. That actually causes it to be physically present so it can be targeted.
  4. It's situational, but also determined by their stats (courage, stupidity and badassness). There was a great analysis post about it; hold on a sec and I'll see if I can find it. EDIT: Found it.
  5. Yes. I don't even bother to think about recovering first and booster stages. I do try to give my second (orbital insert) stages a little more fuel than needed for orbit, and whack a probe core on to deorbit. I have always done this, even when there were no funds; it's 'responsible' design. I did crash the stages into the ground, though. From 0.24 on, I have started throwing 'chutes on to recover the second stage. Since it doesn't get decoupled until after orbit is achieved, I don't have to worry about the timing, except that it's now better if I can drop it near KSC.
  6. I think you've got the wrong end of the stick there. What Sirrobert is saying is that creating a maneuver node with only a normal (or anti-normal) component will by definition give you the direction to point in. Once you're pointed in the right direction, delete the node; not saying you should actually make any burns on that node.
  7. I suspect that there is no way that launching a mission to recover debris from orbit is going to make economic sense. You're going to spend more in fuel launching the clean-up vehicle than you're going to get from recovering the debris, unless you've got a hideously expensive piece of equipment floating around and you're able to land it on the pad. Sticking a probe core and 'chutes on orbital insertion stages to allow them to deorbit themselves might make sense, but, from an economic standpoint, it's probably a wash at best. Cleaning out LKO is a good thing, and you may be able to combine it with a few good contracts, but in general I wouldn't do it for the money.
  8. Are you fully up to date? I thought this was one of the things they fixed in 0.24.[12]
  9. IIRC there should be a line starting 'UT' or 'UniversalTime' or something similar. It represents the number of seconds since the epoch (i.e. game start). If you edit the number it should change the in-game time. I'll check the exact line when I get to my PC later tonight.
  10. If you use KAC to find transfer windows, make sure it's set to "Model" and not "Calculated" (might be "Formula"; I'm not at my PC right now). KAC has stored model data for all bodies for (IIRC) 101 earth years from t=0. This model data does take inclination and eccentricity into account. The "Calculated" mode uses formulae which do not.
  11. RCS use during landing is seemingly fairly common in KSP, either to fine tune out horizontal velocity or for last-minute terrain avoidance. I don't know if it is/has been used for landing of spacecraft in RL, but I suspect someone will be along to tell us fairly soon.
  12. Basically what it says on the tin. I've noticed that if I post a response to a thread from my phone (Chrome on iOS / standard mobile theme) my sig is not added to the post unless I select 'Go Advanced'. In advanced mode the 'Show Signature' box is checked by default, and I assume it does, in fact, add the sig. I will test this next time I actually have a post to reply to from my phone, rather than attract mod-wrath by posting test posts. Is this the expected behaviour of the forums and I just have to deal with it? Is it a bug and I just have to deal with it? Or is there some setting I can change to automatically include my sig in phone posts? Not urgent, but just got me wondering. EDIT: Also, is there any reason we can't 'rep' a post from the mobile version?
  13. Nope, that's suicide burn. Here is kasuha's description of the constant altitude (also called horizontal) landing: And here is that I was thinking of.
  14. For waiting in orbit for a lander, I assume you mean Apollo style landings. In that case, I'd recommend the orbiter wait in a higher-than-minimum orbit. The reason being that it gives more margin for error doing the rendezvous. If you launch the (ascent stage of the) lander as the orbiter's orbit passes overhead, in the same direction as the orbiter, you should be able to get an intercept fairly simply. For landing, the most efficient is the so called 'suicide burn', where you burn directly along your retrograde vector at exactly the right point to reach 0 velocity exactly at the ground. As you can probably guess from the name, it's not actually a very useful technique. The most efficient practical method is a 'constant altitude' landing. I learned about it from kasuha's posts on the forums; you should be able to find descriptions of it. There is also a good YouTube tutorial, but I'm afraid I can't remember the author. As for precision landings in atmo; trial and error and practice, as has been said.
  15. I am not a modder, nor am I a big user of mods (although I don't know how I'd survive in KSP without KER and KAC). That said, it truly saddens me that the state of affairs on the internet has fallen so far that, "that's the way it is; get used to it," and, "man up or get out," are considered at all as acceptable responses to a story like this. Yes, the ability to handle criticism is something that everyone needs. Yes, there will always be people who can only provide negative criticism or only provide it in a negative way. That doesn't mean that we, as a community, should accept that behaviour. It doesn't mean that we should tacitly allow it to continue. Maybe other places and other communities do accept it (I'm looking at you, YouTube), but that doesn't mean we have to, or even that we should. Instead, maybe this is a chance for the KSP community to stand up and say, "we're better than that," "we won't accept such a lack of basic courtesy." And maybe we should all believe that we'd be making the world a better place by saying it. So to answer Gaiiden's original question - Can we all agree to not be like this? - Yes, we can. And we should.
  16. While it's true that you can never please all the users, it's also true that it shouldn't be too much to ask for even the unpleased ones to be curteous. This is especially true of modders, who are donating their effort and time for free.
  17. Actually, thinking about it, you want to do the periapsis burn slightly before directly opposite, so the apoapsis is slightly before the KSC. That way, when you do the apoapsis burn, you should get fairly close. How far will depend on the TWR of your ship. Another alternative is to get into an orbit with a period slightly more (if KSC is behind) or less (if ahead) and wait a few orbits until you're close enough for your liking. Then adjust the period to equal the sidereal day. As for eyeballing it, you can plant a flag at KSC to enable you to locate it easily in map mode, which might help. Alternatively, you can use an informational mod (I like KER; others are available) and go off the longitude readout.
  18. Once you're in an LKO parking orbit, make your Keostationary insertion burn directly opposite KSC. Also note that as of version 0.24, Kerbin's rotational period was changed. It's now 5 h 59 m 9.4 s, so you'll need the KEO period to be this number, not 6 hours.
  19. You can build in the SPH, as mentioned above, which gives you mirrored rather than rotational symmetry. Alternatively, I believe that the Editor Extensions mod allows you to select mirrored symmetry in the VAB as well, but I don't use it so I'm not sure.
  20. Yes, but I'm bored at work (where I can't play KSP), so I wanted to calculate it
  21. Apologies if this has been covered, I can't seem to find it. Since Kerbin's rotation was accelerated in 0.24, the synchronous orbit parameters have changed. I think the new values are as follows; can anyone confirm? Orbital period: 9,203,545 s (from Wiki, unchanged from 0.23.5) Solar day: 21,600 s (by definition - 6 hours) Sidereal day: 21,549.42519 s (calculated, = 5:59:9.42519) Synchronous orbital period = sidereal day = 5:59:9.42519 = 21,549.42519 s Kerbostationary orbital altitude: 2,863.33406 km (radius = 3,463.33406 km) KSO velocity: 1,009.807 m/s Does that look about right?
  22. Glad I saw that post. Here's the original link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86622-How-to-import-a-0-23-5-Career-save-into-0-24-Science-Mode I guess Claw will edit it into the OP when he sees this.
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