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Everything posted by AlexinTokyo

  1. If you use the MPL as your return vessel, you can keep more than one of each experiment from the same situation I the same biome; so 2 temperature scans from space just above Minmus. Which is something you can't do with a command pod. I don't know if you can do this with the Hitchhiker, though. Will have to test that.
  2. Doesn't sound like it will, but does using the new KER DLLs from this thread help?
  3. That's a great collection. Thanks for the link. I'm listening to your list as we speak. Top stuff. This looks interesting. Did you mean to say 'filk'? And do you mean what I think you mean? Space Camp - by all that's Kerbal it's a long time since I saw that. I wonder if I can track it down to show to my kids. Yes. Or 'O Fortuna' from the Carmina Burana
  4. That makes sense. My max-out-the-science-from-Minmus mission was a more standard affair. I put an MSL into orbit with a big fuel tank attached and a small lander (one-man lander can, science pack, small engine and enough fuel for descent, landing, ascent and rendezvous). Land, science, take off, dock, rinse (out the used experiments) and repeat. Two mistakes I made: I put the Minmus Orbiting Science Lab in an equatorial orbit, so I wasted a lot of fuel in lander plane changes; and I didn't have landing legs on the MOSL itself, so I couldn't deorbit it safely back on Kerbin and had to ferry the crew and science down in shuttles.
  5. I kind of hate to say this, but Duna only has one biome, so there's really no need to drive around to do science. Unless you are roleplaying, in which case that does sound like an awesome mission profile.
  6. I don't agree that a free-return trajectory is particularly difficult to set up in KSP. It's a little bit fiddly, and you need to time your burns fairly close, but it isn't overly hard. It does make a great early mission in career mode; as you can get high- and low-altitude Munar science without having to worry about having enough tech to build a lander, and without having to pack enough ÃŽâ€v to burn out of a Munar orbit. I think it makes a perfect bridge mission between a Kerbin orbital hop and a Minus landing.
  7. What music do you like to listen to when you go to space? Do you stick with the in-game tracks (which are great) or do you play something else instead? I recently put the Battlestar Galactica soundtrack on while playing KSP, and it was awesome
  8. I think the idea is to allow you to put one only of a given part off center without unbalancing the rocket. So you don't have to add two ladders in symmetry, for example. I also think that as of 23.5 there are too many by far.
  9. Additionally (at least): The 3.75 m decoupler from 0.23.5 (definitely a bug) Both radial battery backs The 'flat' tiny-to-small adapter The small hardpoint All the ladders The .cfg files for all these parts contain PhysicsSignificance = 1 which tells the physics engine to ignore them.
  10. Ahh, OK. I see what you mean. That does make sense now that you point it out. Also I can confirm that all stages in the VAB does display S3 with the correct (0.97) TWR. Sorry for that red herring.
  11. But the radials aren't at the bottom (if they were then you are correct, I would expect this behaviour), the engine is below them (S3). More concerning (I think) is that the TWR values for a given combination are different in the VAB and in flight. The in flight one's are correct, and the VAB is overestimating.
  12. Hi, me again. I noticed a problem when a ship has radially attached weight. Using this craft, the TWR varies in the VAB depending on where the radial decouplers are staged. On the pad/in flight, the correct value is displayed regardless of staging. I don't recall this happening with the previous version of the DLLs, so this might be a regression. Or it happened and I completely missed it, one or the other Let me know if you need any more specifics.
  13. Yes. Kerbin rotates on its axis once every six hours, so one Kerbal day is six hours. One Terran day is four Kerbal days. I personally like the new Kerbal time, as it's intuitive within the game (a KSO has an orbital period of one day, Kerbin returns to the same place in orbit after one year). You do need to be a little careful coming out of time warp, though, because it will jump from 1d 0h 0m to 5h 59m 59s instead of 23h.
  14. Tested with Baythan's craft file. There's a huge discrepancy in the mass reported by KER in the VAB and on the pad. The TWR and ÃŽâ€v seem to be accurate for the displayed mass. VAB Pad Diff Full 82302 81462 840 LV-909 2993 2313 680 Top 1880 1200 680 If you remove all the lights and batteries, everything works out. Looks like a core game bug, as certain parts which should have mass appear not to.
  15. Yes, the VAB "atmospheric values" shows the value at sea level, but the launch pad is slightly higher than sea level, so you get a very slightly better Isp and better ÃŽâ€v.
  16. I could be wrong here, and would be happy to be corrected if that's the case. As I see it, if you've had to tilt your ship (by unlocking the claw's pivot) to line up with the asteroid's CoM, you're still going to get some spin. The reason is that you're not applying thrust perpendicular to the surface of the asteroid. This means that some component of the thrust is being applied tangentially, and is going to tend to cause spin. Solutions would be to add more SAS, dock some RCS thrusters to the asteroid, and limit the degree of pivot required to point at the CoM, possibly by redocking in a more advantageous position.
  17. Definitely not so. My third career-mode mission is a Mun FRT flyby with 2 goo and 2 Science Jr. I put all four of those (high and low Mun) plus about 5 EVA reports plus at least two crew reports in the capsule. And more on later missions.
  18. Ha - I will say that I suspected the England bit from some word choices, but it goes very American sometimes. Occasionally you even sound Aussie to me - and I'm am Australian
  19. Go out and grab You can pick your target of choice and you can pick where to put it; there are no actual 'mission requirements' as such.
  20. Maneuver nodes are now persistent when you switch out of the ship?!?!?! How has this not been hyped up? This is WONDERFUL!!!!!!!
  21. Confirmed that the struts/asparagus issue is fixed. Confirmed that the SRBs show NaN for Isp is fixed. Unfortunately, also confirmed that no reading at all is given for ion engines, both in the VAB and in flight/on the pad.
  22. Nah, it's actually directly connected to the servos that control the solar panels, so they deploy automatically. That the player has to intervene is just a limit of the simulation.
  23. Easy enough to rig up a dead man's switch for this sort of thing in real life.
  24. I must respectfully disagree with Felsmak. I'm absolutely loving the series (discovered it a couple of days ago and up to episode 19 now). I watch it on the train on my commute, and I have to keep myself from laughing out loud. Part of that is that I can often guess what's coming and waiting for the inevitable to happen (or the penny to drop) is quite fun, and part of it is that (I suspect) we may have a similar sense of humour. Of course, sometimes I'm wrong, and that's fun too. Thinking about it, I think the reason I like the videos so much is that they really convey a sense of exploration and discovery. It's great when you stumble upon some feature or function you didn't realise existed, even if I already knew about it. I also like the occasional musical interludes, and the ship designs. One thing that confounds me (in a good way) is your accent. I just cannot place it. Anyway, you definitely get a vote from me to continue making the vids.
  25. I have a question: Do KSP flags respect transparency in PNGs? The reason I ask is that with the flags appearing on various parts in 0.23.5, sometimes on a white section and sometimes on a black bit, it would be nice to be able to create a flag with a transparent background so you could, for example, have circular logo on the parts. If the answer is yes, then, as a follow-on, what colour does the transparent colour appear on regular flags? EDIT: Answer: Apparently it does, as some of the stock flags have transparent backgrounds. Will now have to edit my flag
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