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    Pilot, Mechanic and future Aerospace Engineer

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  1. So are there clues to find this, or do you have to be one of those players that plays "Kerbal Within-Atmosphere Program" and spend all your time flying around Kerbin? I must be new then
  2. More to come, I've got a Duna mission planned the way I think Kerbals would do it.
  3. Sorry, gotta keep it on topic. And thanks, I'll have to check them out!
  4. That's why I own my own logistics consultancy firm. I'm just clowning around. I wish New Glenn all the best!
  5. Of course. Let's watch New Glenn, then demolish it with IFT-5
  6. Hows it going, my Homie? Bang up job, keeping us on task and topic! -CMB out How many likes do you get a day? I gotta know how to distribute them wisely.
  7. Hows it going Mikey G? What have you been up to lately?
  8. Nice one buddy! Also I love your name. Is it inspired by that American Dad episode where Stan tries to become part of Steve and Rogers Private Eye agency? Check out NoFX's album So Long and Thanks for the Shoes
  9. Dollars to donuts says Nate plays it one mission a ta time because he isn't that experienced and knows the problems with the game. Just cheats himself the science kinda thing. I believe he said he had about 2000 hours in KSP 1, so lets give him an extra 1000 hours over KSP2. Now for all you players in the thread, 3000 hours is a huge amount, good on you guys, but its pitiful to be in charge of the game. Hows it going Nexus Hopium? I'd ballpark it at high 5 figgaz. Nice new avatar, Scarecrow, mi man! @NexusHelium can speak for himself, but... Lol
  10. I see where you are coming from, but I am operating under the assumption their products will not live up to their previous standards. And don't get me started on the pre-order crock of excrements! Additionally, I have seen a few people saying they are going to boycott Take Two except for a particular game (I don't want to point fingers). My post was mostly aimed at any potential Take Two employees reading this board. Have a good one, everyone! Nate's job was to steer the ship. Still his fault in my books.
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