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Everything posted by CreationMe

  1. Thanks for your quick reply, you don't need to check. Second worked after all. I guess I made some typo or something else, don't know what went wrong. Anyway, it works now. Thanks you very much!
  2. sorry for kinda necroing this, but I was wondering how to add a module to all parts except the parts who already come with this module. For example, I want to add the KASModuleGrab to all parts except the parts who came from KAS itself which already have this module. I tried several things such as @PART[*]:HAS[#MODULE[KASModuleGrab]] {...} or like this @PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[KASModuleGrab]] {...} or combined them like this @PART[*]:HAS[!#MODULE[KASModuleGrab]] {...} But none of these actually do the trick for me. The first one adds it to everything, and the rest doesn't add anything at all. Can someone please advise me how to pull it off?
  3. I can't get it to work in 0.21.1. F7/F8 is not working and I can't edit any action keys. It's in the legacy Part folder and tried to add PART{}. Nothing however works. Any clues?
  4. I just experienced some similar problem as FaceDeer. I can grab the parts and attach them, however, the don't stay attached; they just slide off. I do get the green ghost though. Good to know is that I added the module grab/attach to a stock part. Edit: forget to mention this happens on the Launchpad so nothing to do with any orbit bug I suppose. Edit2: So I now tried to do replicate FaceDeer's problem with the Attachment Pack and it worked without problems. I guess I made a mistake somewhere. *So I never posted this all* =]
  5. Thank you very much for you quick reply =] I'll check it out. For those interesting to know, I am adding the grab/attach from KAS to all my parts so I can make a ship or anything basically I want in EVA. Useful if you forgot to add something to your rocket as I often do. Or if a connection failed after lading but not destroyed the part =]
  6. Is there maybe a way to change all parts instead of the selected ones? I want to add a module to pretty much all parts and since I have a lot of them I don't feel like making hundreds of @parts[], or is there a quicker way. (New to this mod)
  7. Any news on using the runway and launchpad with splashed crafts?
  8. I really love the idea of these runways and launchpad, however, I am having a problem. I build an aircraft carrier with a runway, I can load crafts but I can not launch them. Is it impossible to use the runway on water or am I doing something wrong?. I do have electricity, etc. etc. It just won't start the first stage. Can someone help me out please?
  9. Does anyone know why they removed the plugin powered add-on subforum? I think it is much harder to find your standard mods now, since you have to go through all the chaos and pages. Is there any chance of getting it back as it once was? Or is it just me who dislikes the new setup? I do get the yellow is just parts and purple is a plugin, however, still too much chaos if you ask me. EDIT: Thanks for the relocation of the thread, wasn't even aware of this part of the Forum.
  10. I like you diagram indeed, should be the setup of the add-on forum section. Anyone knows what happened to the plugin powered add-on section? Plugins and parts together in one section makes it way to messy, I need to go through a few pages know before finding what I was looking for. Is it coming back? because this is horrible in my opinion.
  11. I released a multicolor light some time ago which worked for 0.18 or 0.19 so guess it still works now. You can find it here. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/bbi-color-light-2/ Did required the vanguard plugin and Im not sure if it still works now but you can always try right.
  12. It's nice that we finally can move the slider. But I do have a 'bug' or something else you might call it. The music has some weird distorted tones in it. I tested this with several songs and played the songs on iTunes. iTunes sound is pretty much perfect but your music player has those distorted tones. Sounds like my speakers are broken, but luckily they're not =]. Hope this info does help you a bit. Can't remember the previous version had this.
  13. All you have to do is add this into the cfg file rescaleFactor = 0.63
  14. Mmm I\'ll look into that. Since most of the parts are going to be low poly. Thanks
  15. thanks for the explanation but I\'m wondering how to make multiple node_colliders with this?
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