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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I am having a weird issue with the high res moon maps where the moon is being lit from 90 degrees off from where the sun is. I have poked around in the configs but could not find any tweaks that helped. any ideas? EDIT: BTW all other planets and moons are fine its just the moon being wonky.
  2. burningcrow: Are you using the RT2_RO config in your RT2 folder? That always causes me problems maybe try removing that.
  3. That happens to me too and im not sure why. Maybe look for a check for update option in the configs and turn it off but im not sure if there is one. Edit: Interesting, try this and let me know if it helps. It seems to have worked for me. Open the GameData/WarpPlugin/tree.cfg and set VERSION { id = 0 }
  4. Try the alt+N menu and hit the reset to default button.
  5. Alright i tried that but no cigar. Question - is the module "Smarter Gimbal" part of EE? the problem seems to be isolated to engines using that but i have no idea where that came from. I am about to just nuke my install and start over but if anyone has any ideas that would be great. Thanks for the help though!
  6. Interesting. I have no duplicates of anything from what i can tell so i tried messing around with some gimbal control mods. I used TweakableGimbal and the tweakable menu would come up but none of the sliders seemed to do anything on the engines and they continued to pitch with roll commands. However the engines using the KM_Gimbal module worked fine. I then removed the rftsengines that i was using and replaced with the stockengines config and now they perform as expected. It is kind of a shame though because i like the added realism of the rfts engines but it is impossible to fly when you just want to roll a bit and your rocket pitches. Is there a work around for this or is this just a one off problem caused by my incredibly bad luck?
  7. It seems the only engines that have the option to disable roll gimbaling are the KM shuttle engines, all other engines i just have the option to lock gimbal entirely. This is strange.
  8. I have found that if you go into stretchytanks/parts and change the tech.cfg to say start=1000 (instead of 0.1 or something) you get all the sizes right away.
  9. So, i am having an odd issue i was hoping someone might help me out on. For some reason when i hit the roll keys my engines gimbal in a way that causes my craft to pitch over instead of rolling, even with single nozzle engines. I have RO and the rfts engines config and all the up to date dlls (EE, km_gimbal_2.0) and have also tried the other 2 recommended engine configs with the same results. Is there something i am missing or did i mess something up?
  10. Here. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/70986-0-23-Cargo-Transfer-Bags%28for-TAC-life-support%29-0-5-1
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