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Everything posted by billbobjebkirk

  1. The guy who made that also made the M.O.L.E, DSEV, and Multipurpose Colony Modules for MKS mods!
  2. A few questions: 1) Can you put all your 6.4x mission reports in the same place? They sound really interesting. 2) What the heck happened when Edgas confronted Edmund? 3) Why did Edmund and Billy forget about what thay saw when they first came back?
  3. With the nuclear engines mod, will we get an Open Core GCNTR?
  4. I say that a space race with China is not only improbable, but also unhelpful, as it would only lead to a crash program that would never go anywhere.
  5. I wanted Kirk Kerman, because besides Jeb, he was the most awesome kerbal in my save (and not just because of the name), but that appeared to be taken.
  6. look out here comes another chinese marsquake ebrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbr
  7. Soyuz 1 was an objectively worse decision then either Apollo 1 or STS-51L
  8. Looks like a new standard exploration package will be an oxidizer depot.
  9. Well, the soviets getting there first would require changes going back to well before 1966.
  10. They converted all the textures to .dds, while previously, the game would convert them to .dds on startup (correct me if I phrased this wrong)
  11. Actually, there are Kerbal I and V crafts in the demo.
  12. You're assuming that nothing will change between now and 2030, even though we have a decade and a half for things to progress. I do think that the most they will have done by 2033 will be a Phobos-Diemos mission, but that's still quite an achievment.
  13. I think there are many better ways to name things than just throwing a "k" onto a real word.
  14. ARM is intended to be a technology demonstration for SEP, Orion, and SLS, while still being able to achieve a scientific benefit. These technologies are intended for building up to a mars mission in the 2030s. Heavy luft rockets are still a neccesity for long distance manned exploration, the failure of the Space Shuttle showed it. Wuth current technology, it's just not economical to launch big things in small parts. EDIT: also, unmanned exploration is still alive and well, and there are plenty of exciting prospects for it in the 2020s, some of which can be carried on by SLS.
  15. NathanKell did a save like this for the Kerbal Cup a while back.
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