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Everything posted by INSULINt

  1. The patches applied / hidden display seems to be gone with 2.5.0? Patches are still applying though
  2. That looks so damn industrial! Cool design Can't wait for cupcakes first combat vid with the destructable ksc ;D
  3. +1 In the meantime, I did this (totally cupcake inspired, duh ): Apparently the sp+ wings that I used as anchor points for the outriggers crashed into the launchpad. At 3km up. Sigh
  4. Good to know! Hmm. Might try a reinstall of intersteller. I'm pretty sure its 12.3, but I'm not 100%....... Efficient as in fuel consumption. I'm assuming that the thermal rockets use more fuel at < 70km up than in a vacume, and I'm more or less curious as to how much less past about 40km. I've been more or less brute forceing my current design into orbit, aka not using the jets to get enough speed before 35k (>_>) just to see how easy it is to get into orbit. Even if i am doing it the hard way LOL
  5. Ya, I noticed you can turn the am reactor on/off on demand, and I knew about the long startup times with fission, but is there still the mwatt requirement to init fusion and keep em going? Or do they act like am where you can on/off as much as/whenever you want? If so, I'll probably stick to fusion for the ship, and toggle the reactors on/off with the appropriate engines The engine still needs to be attached to a reactor for isp/thrust calc so it not really game breaking. It can actually save a little on am at the start if you have other reactors on the ship and start with the am reactor off Thanks! Can you effectively dump waste heat with them? It must have been hitting 35k that did it. Seems wierd that it kept animating a flame (not a flame out, but a low thrust flame) after shutting down :/ I'll see tomorrow hopfully if i can reproduce it and maybe get it on video. Quick edit: I'm assuming that the thermal rockets reach max isp in a vacume, so even at 35k they are less efficient than the could be?
  6. Ya, I'm having more success with a 3x fusion, 2x rocket and a jet setup. 104 days of fusion power at full throttle vs 40 seconds of antimatter. Not counting extra from remaining thermal power. ( but fusion reactors keep "running" when not actively in use though, don't they? :/ ) Edit: some bugs! Thermal power is not just per reactor. In my am test i noticed that tp was taken evenly from all reactors, and the empty am reactor was filled by the 2 fusion reactors. Don't know if working as intended, figured I'd report it here. Also, do the turbojet shut down at a certain altitude in atmosphere mode? The message says to prevent overheat, but it was nowhere near, only about a 1/4 into the overheat bar. Could it be because I haven't put radiators on it yet? I'm only testing fuel flow and core balance so the ship is pretty minimal as far as stuff like rads (since I don't want to add more than I need) and drop tanks. As well, the engine remained animated as if at minimal throttle even though it was off....... Amd if I turned on the thermal rockets, the jet animated to full throttle :/
  7. Anyone got stats for antimatter usage for running a turbo jet in atmosphere mode? Assuming that once thermal power tops out, the reactor simply doesn't use am until you use the engine. I guess I'm looking for the flight time of that config. Trying to build an ssto that can possibly refuel it's atmo engines in orbit and maybe refuel it's rocket stage while landed/floating/aerobreaking around Jool.......... Heheh Again, 5am inspiration, but need to sleep :/
  8. I for one wish there was more discussion around the actual mod like action group stuff for specific fuel switching or even how it's going along with killing the tree loader dependency. Ya. Finally got to experimenting with this. It does not like 2 engines, 1 reactor....... LOL I haven't looked at the resource definitions, but I wonder if changing something in those cfgs would allow my madness :/ got to go to work tho. #kerbalworldproblems
  9. Strange questions that I have at 5am when I need to sleep, and not think about turning on my computer to play KSP: if you turn on part clipping, can you power multiple thermal engines? Do the engines have to be connected to the reactor, or do they just use thermal power? What about generators?
  10. Not to get too much more into this, but I guess half my problem is using a controller (because why not) and the other half is mechjeb being WAY more than what I need/want. I think it looks way into the future for an eventual closest approach instead of just when the next intersect or 2 is, and what your separation will be at those points. Right now I can correct relative inclination in flight mode really easy: warp to an/dn point at the right purple triangle, burn, watch number go down, profit. The same could be done with intersects except you would burn pro/retrograde. Here's a sample of how I tend to ui in ksp right now: (was testing out some mechjeb's sass kill rot mode vs ksp stock sas, which was....... interesting) Quick edit: like I said, don't put a ton of work into this especially when ksp doesn't pass those values
  11. Heh....... it kinda surprises me that it doesn't :/ oh well, I guess I'll have to use my mouse in map mode
  12. :/ does ksp give you access to values for the current intersect time(s)/distance(s)? Even just displaying that would be helpful, even in map view (LOL). Would there be a way to estimate how this distance would change based on this distance and the different orbit times/circumference? Just throwing ideas out, because if it is really damn complex or resource intensive it's probably not worth it
  13. So. I went back to stock aero, and I gotta say I find it actually a little more enjoyable even when flying a traditional plane. There's nothing quite like (successfully) banking at 300m/s, 1km up o_O I still can't bring myself to not using vertical wings as outriggers though :/ 3rd iteration of the ship I posted earlier: It uses a lot if the sp+ stuff. Can't wait to see what you come up with for the new cockpits
  14. It's all good I wish I knew more about modding ksp, but it surprises me that it's not a value you can get right out of ksp itself considering it's listed in the map view....... I'm talking about craft targets, which I assume is different than what protractor is doing. It would save a lot of map screen mouse positioning especially when I get within marker distance. Or even launch to rendezvous when needing to stage parts of the rocket.
  15. Tried searching around, even in the changes file on github, and was just wondering if there will ever be a closest approach distance and time listing in the rendezvous section?
  16. This reminds me to inquire if you would be able to add the ball markers to navhud. I know an api is planned, and I have no idea if NavHud is customizable from the outside, and therefore no idea as to which side would have to add to the other.
  17. I won't get to use this till later today, but thank you so much in advance. This will be great to use to learn to get my aero captures to the point where I'm not quick save/loading for an hour :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  18. It is tempting LOL. Considering I have a KSP install in linux for all of the mods, *and* one on the windows side of things that's a lot lighter, and a lot more "stock" , another one wouldn't be that hard to do. Hell, I could prolly just script something to disable/enable NEAR then launch ksp. Meh, I can even be honest and say I'm a little "fencey" on all the aerodynamic stuff. I guess it really comes down to what you want to be able to fly more than anything else. /rambling and all that.
  19. Here's something I've been playing around with for a couple of days. It's little more than a proof of concept, but I'm hoping to make it SSTO capable. I was also testing out TWR ratios, and this one is set for around 2.1 ish so that I can leave the throttle @ 50% and simply push it around from there with the controller triggers. I had to resort to part clipping only for the 3 engine stack on some cubic struts, which surprised me. It gets unstable at pitch values < -45*, but I haven't flown it above 10km so I'm not sure if that's just a lower atmo thing, or the nature of the craft itself. The Scythe was unstable sooner........ All of this is in "stock" NEAR btw, so 30% less surface TWR.....
  20. I get that, but there are literally nodes for docking_throttleup, and docking_throttledown that you can set whatever other keys for, yet do nothing.
  21. :/ then why have docking_throttleup and such in the settings.cfg at all?
  22. I've even tried messing with the binding's switchstate (which was defaulted to 'none') and group number. Nothin.
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