KER in atmospheric mode will let you choose an altitude and speed. That can be useful for getting an idea of how the engines will perform before you leave the SPH. The RAPIER and the Whiplash both have a strong ramjet effect, producing more thrust at high speeds. That means you don't want to slow down too much as you climb. Typically I look to steadily accelerate as I climb, and IIRC I'll be supersonic below 10 km, then around 15 km I start reducing my climb rate aiming for level acceleration around 20-22. That's in FAR though, stock aero is a bit different. If that doesn't work, three other things you can try. Break the sound barrier low then climb without losing speed, but you'll be fighting a lot of drag. Climb to a decent altitude then break the sound barrier in a shallow dive, but you will have to regain that high. Or light the rockets as an ad-hoc afterburner to get past Mach 1, but that will use a chunk of fuel.