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Everything posted by cantab

  1. Yet they are still mods. Having made your confident pronouncement that "mod support will never, ever, ever happen on a console game", and been proven wrong, you felt the need to redefine what you consider "mods" to be. If that's not the No True Scotsman argument then go ahead and claim what you consider is, thereby No True Scotsmanning the No True Scotsman itself.In any case you are presenting a false dilemma, implying that the only options are no code at all or unrestricted do-anything code. There are plenty of ways for a game developer to allow mod code to run in a controlled fashion, able to do certain things but not having an unrestricted ability to change the game. For just one example, the game could provide a modding API and automated code review could block any mods that manipulate the game outside of that API.
  2. LOL. Not realistic though, the Wii is obsolete now and with a measly 88 MB of memory it would require a stupid amount of work to make KSP run on it. Delta-V is not difficulty. While I think there's a case for a rescale, the addition of decent aerodynamics, an attempt at thermodynamics, and thrust varying with atmosphere have all made 1.0 more challenging than .90. Sony and Microsoft have their own records of treating customers like dog doo as well.
  3. I'm surprised 1280x1024 is so rare. It was once among the most common resolutions and I'd have thought more people had those monitors still around.
  4. It's not officially confirmed, but considering the trailer was leaked on Nintendo's official Youtube channel I'd say it's overwhelmingly likely, though there could be an 11th hour about-face. Had it been leaked by Squad or Flying Tiger I might suspect the trailer had been made anyway without the final go-ahead for the port, but not with it already having been in Nintendo's hands.
  5. Unity 5 supports Vulkan? Interesting. My testing has shown some evidence of graphical detail causing CPU load and thus extra lag in an already CPU-limited situation, perhaps Vulkan can do something there.
  6. This is rather unfair. Yes Squad rather pushed the "1.0" branding, and yes they've added features without fixing old bugs, and yes they are targeting new users with the consoles. But in a world full of day-1 DLC, pay-to-win microtransactions, abandoned early access games, and all the other ways game developers have found to keep milking the money out of the same players, Squad have avoided all of that.
  7. KSP can run in 2 GB of RAM, just about - it takes using OGL or maybe DX11 and dropping texture resolutions but it's possible. As for CPU performance, that's harder to judge since unlike the PS4 and XBone the Wii U's processor isn't similar to widely-benchmarked x86 processors. One discussion quotes figures that suggest the Wii U's processor offers comparable single-threaded performance to the PS4 and XBone, though they're really rather crude estimates. Quite probably the performance variation between the three consoles will come down to how well PhysX and Unity have been written on them, and not so much either Flying Tiger's work or the underlying hardware. Incidentally, there's a very simple way for Squad and Flying Tiger to majorly improve KSP's performance: Procedural Parts.
  8. I mentioned elsewhere, it's very hardware-dependent on Linux, and to an extent distro-dependent too. AMD Linux drivers are awful. As in R9 Fury getting beaten by GTX 950 on Linux kind of awful.
  9. KSP-AVC still isn't picking up FAR 0.15.5, 2 days after release. Is that much delay normal, or has something gone wrong with either KSP-AVC or on ferram's end of things? (And yes I know I can manually update anyway, but it would still be nice if AVC did its job.)
  10. 1080p now. In the past I've played at 1280x1024 which was OK and 720p which felt cramped.
  11. I've expressed confidence in the PS4 and Xbox One controls, I'm sure KSP can be made to work very well with a gamepad (though I'm equally sure it can be given totally botched controls). But throwing the Wii U in sets the cat among the pigeons somewhat. With the big touchscreen it offers unique opportunities, but that means it may want rather different controls to PS4 and XBone. Will Flying Tiger play to each console's strengths or will we see a half-baked one-size-fits-all control scheme.
  12. Kethane deposits are discrete, the planet is divided into hexes that either have it or don't, and they're randomised. Ore and Karbonite use a concentration-based system and can be configured to follow the planet's terrain. Kethane deposits are finite and can be mined out forcing you to move on. Ore and Karbonite are limitless letting you leave a base in one spot permanently. Kethane scanning takes time, stock ore scanning is instant. One of the first things I'd like to see improved in Kethane is timewarp scanning by the way. Kethane equipment is considerably lighter than ore equipment. Kethane can make xenon, ore cannot. Kethane is focussed on mining, with just a single engine using raw kethane (a jet that doesn't require oxygen). Karbonite has lots of engines. Kethane doesn't care about Kerbals. Ore requires engineers. Overall I'd say Kethane is well suited to a lightweight nomadic style of ISRU, making pit stops on planets during the course of a journey. Ore and Karbonite are well suited to more permanent operations.
  13. I think the liquid rockets selection is pretty comprehensive, in need of an art pass more than anything else, and maybe LF-only tanks or better a switching feature in stock. The SRB selection is rather lacking though, with a clear need for a 2.5m SRB or two. I think I'd round out the selection with a .625m SRB, offering similar fuel as the Flea but in a lower-thrust longer-burning package, and an upper-stage SRB with good Isp but weak thrust for when you want to circularise or escape Kerbin and aren't fussy about precision.
  14. Tag. I might have trouble finding somewhere to fit this, but I'm sure I'll manage.
  15. I'm another who's been using Linux for years, and will keep doing so.
  16. Any thoughts on a 2-Kerbal pod, for either this mod or MRS? It's absence is one of the biggest holes in the stock game. Yes there's the Mk2 aeroplane cockpit, but that makes unwanted lift on rockets and isn't well shaped for a capsule-style re-entry.
  17. These look really good. When I make bases on places like Laythe and Serran (a New Horizons planet) I think I'll have to put some of these around.
  18. One possible snag with the comet, if Kopernicus assigns it a FlightGlobalsIndex number lower than those of the Joolian system then updating or adding OPM will mess up the locations of people's existing ships. Though arguably that's something that should be resolved in Kopernicus.
  19. Anyway, I got Bob back. Thanks for the warnings about re-entry everyone, I checked it with a crash test dummy (totally not a Kerbal renamed Buster) and sure enough they burn up in a 75x65 orbit. So I jetpacked Bob to Kerbin orbit doing a powered capture and rendezvoused a ship with him there. Made a bit of a hashup of the rendezvous but hey, it was with an inclined, eccentric, retrograde orbit after all.
  20. Yeah, the three-Kerbal pod is a total boat anchor, it's frustrating. It should weigh about the same as three one-Kerbal pods. Maybe a shade more since it's more durable. But not four freaking tons.
  21. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_true_Scotsman You're welcome to doubt it, but I'll consider Bethesda's official announcement more reliable than your speculation.
  22. For that matter, you overlooked an option: Retain the old cockpit and do not include the new one. (I don't feel that way and I doubt many people will, but it is an option nonetheless.)
  23. You're flat out wrong. Unreal Tournament 3 on PS3 had mods, and Fallout 4 on XBox One will.
  24. We discussed that, it's because we're using on/off keys to control the gimbal movement. Fine controls does change the behaviour so that a brief tap won't immediately crank the gimbal to the max. Fine controls is something you can switch on or off because sometimes you want near-instant full deflection on your controls.
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