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Everything posted by cantab

  1. So the basics: Moho is an exception to all the rules and needs special treatment. Go at the right time. Lots of tools will tell you when. Go in one prograde burn from Low Kerbin Orbit. A relatively small mid-course correction is OK but it's inefficient to make big changes to your solar orbit once you've left Kerbin. Leave Kerbin's SOI nearly parallel to Kerbin's orbit round the Sun. You want your transfer orbit to just touch Kerbin's orbit, not cut across it. If you're bang on the transfer window it should also just touch the destination planet's orbit, but some variation is common there.
  2. Yeah, I think Keelon is better as a "super Eve", which needs a landing to be possible in order to have the challenge of a ascent.
  3. I've seen the same issue occur myself. And I believe it's the root cause of the explosions on launch some people have suffered - that the rocket gets put in the wrong position vertically on the launchpad. If it's too low it clips into the pad and kaboom, if it's too high it drops onto the pad as you saw. I've seen both happen with the exact same rocket.
  4. Jeb would install FAR (Ferz Alternate Rules). Mechjeb will be rather hopeless in the FAR environment, handing real Jeb a string of easy wins.
  5. cantab


    Correct, if wilfully verbose.
  6. On the heating system, I've found it easily becomes unusable due to how prone parts are to overheating and exploding seemingly at random. Now I just go around with the heatproofing cheat on. I believe, but cannot of course prove not having access to Squad's source, that these overheating issues are symptoms of a fundamental numerical instability caused by using an inappropriate algorithm. It's an easy mistake to make by someone who isn't an expert in relevant fields of maths and computing, and is definitely something that warrants looking at for 1.1. To underline, if my belief is correct then 'tinkering' with the code won't fix it, what is needed is a full rewrite of the relevant code to use an appropriate algorithm, which is something that requires Squad to gain some expertise in the matter.
  7. I doubt it has anything to do with the page file. KSP typically will crash after a couple of hours playing because of memory leaks, but 23 crashes in a day is extreme and suggests some other bug.
  8. Roverdude made a standalone warp drive. Not an exact copy but largely works the same way.
  9. cantab


    Sadly I haven't found the time to come up with anything really good, so here's a quickie: What is destroyed just by mentioning it?
  10. The question is rather does anybody running 32-bit KSP not experience such crashes! They've been plaguing KSP for a few versions and patches now, due to an assortment of memory leak bugs. Setting textures to half-res may help.
  11. The old consoles send what is effectively an analogue TV signal. While a modern TV will almost surely have an antenna input it's very possible it's only able to decode digital signals with no capability to handle the old analogue ones whatsoever.
  12. In searching for something else I found this thread about Nova's concepts, http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/1849 If you haven't seen it already it could be useful. In particular it's got technical details like orbital radii and atmospheric pressures.
  13. In searching for something else I found this thread about Nova's concepts, http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/1849 If you haven't seen it already it could be useful. In particular it's got technical details like orbital radii and atmospheric pressures.
  14. Spotted a typo in the Trans-Keptunian patch New_Horizons/CompatabilityPatches/TransKeptunianPatch.cfg @Body[Plutto] Should be Putto not Plutto
  15. The current demo, based on KSP 1.0, has a very limited range of parts, but it is enough to do all the KSP basics. Remember that unlike older versions of the game, KSP 1.0 and later has meaningful aerodynamics. A streamlined rocket with fins at the back will fly better than a flat pancake. Some particular demo-specific difficulty: No mods. If you want to know your TWR and delta-V you'll have to calculate them by hand. IMHO that's something every KSPer should know how to do anyway. Alternatively you could take the trial and error approach. Limited control options - the demo has no gimballing engines and no aerodynamic control surfaces. Small rockets will be OK with the command pod's torque, but larger rockets or anything using the Stayputnik will need either reaction wheels or RCS. No really good lander engines. The Reliant is heavy and the landing legs are too short so you'll have to either land on the engine bell or get creative with your design. The RCS thrusters aren't bad for Minmus but it's a bit trickier to land without variable throttle.
  16. Mass alone is less important than moment of inertia. In laymans terms a long skinny ship is harder to turn than a short fat one weighing the same. Also I'd say keep in mind reaction wheels aren't always the best control method. For launchers I find the engine gimbals give plenty of control by themselves. Long skinny things are good candidates to use RCS or Vernors. Aeroplanes can and IMHO should use control surfaces. And small probes are generally happy with the weak reaction wheel in an OKTO or HECS core and have no need for additional torque.
  17. Not quite. To get SOI change predictions you need a level 2 Tracking Station. To get manoeuvre nodes you need a level 2 Mission Control and a level 2 Tracking Station.
  18. Yeah, I rather suspect they're filing the patent because they feel they have to. To me the most obvious impracticality is carrying three different engines. That's triple the maintenance cost, extra dead weight to carry around, and probably upping the development costs too. For anything like this you really need one engine. That's why Reaction Engines' work is so important, a jet that's good from a standstill to Mach 5. (And a rocket mode, but that's not directly applicable here).
  19. Auto to the control panel. But only because the forum lacks a simple "View Threads You Posted In" button like I've found on some other forums.
  20. I'll grant that maybe the forum staff can't do it, but surely somebody has full administrator access to the forum server. If not then as 5thHorseman says you're just asking for trouble sooner or later. Of course last I heard Squad wanted to change to a different forum software anyway.
  21. Regarding the sun in New Horizons, I was looking at how some of the body distances compare with standard KSP. Kerbin is about 2.3 times further from the sun than in stock, and that same multiplier in the 2-2.5x range multiplier comes up for Urlum and Neidon with OPM installed. On the other hand Eve and Jool are about level with their stock counterparts. Duna in its NH position ends up about 3.6x further from the sun. This makes me think that a star 4-5 times as luminous as in stock KSP might be appropriate. If the sun stays the same size then applying the Stefan-Boltzmann law that should be a surface temperature 40-50% higher than in stock, which puts in in spectral type A, a bright white with maybe a hint of blue. (I'm ignoring that the stock Sun is already underluminous for its size and temperature which could be explained away by the KSP universe having a different Stefan–Boltzmann constant). On the other hand that ought to make many of the inner bodies even hotter than they already are. Laythe in this imagined NH ought to be like Eve in stock, Eve ought to be hot as Venus I would guess, and Ernus probably should be boiled away PS: Turns out there's a pretty simple equation to estimate the temperature of a planet or moon, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planetary_equilibrium_temperature . It's really only a starting point because atmospheric compositions and rotation rates and other factors come into play, but it could be used as a simple "does this make sense" kind of check.
  22. Other Games Are Available But as far as KSP goes, to get a fresh experience I'd suggest one or both of: * Get some fairly comprehensive parts mods you haven't tried before, and use only them, deleting or else ignoring the stock parts. (Note that deleting stock parts may break career by messing up the contracts). * Get a mod that reworks the solar system. New Horizons is excellent and is what I'm using, Alternis Kerbol Reloaded is another choice that might be good for lower RAM usage, and there's always Real Solar System.
  23. Going of Alexmoon's website. All dates in Kerbin time. (Eve: Y1 D1) - This transfer is far from ideal but still doable. Moho: Y1 D39 Jool: Y1 D196 Duna: Y1 D231 Eeloo: Y1 D242 Dres: Y1 D390 Eve: Y2 D151 As you can see there's something of a cluster in the third quarter of the first year, and unless you go there pretty much right at the start you will have to wait the longest before launching your Eve mission.
  24. Well there's no reason it can't do both. DMagic already has parts that do dual duty as science experiments and ScanSAT parts. What I'm imagining is that the Geiger Counter might be configured to work like the stock Surface Scanning Module for selected mod resources.
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