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Everything posted by cantab

  1. Nice result smj. Have you been able to tell if the dips do or don't correspond to the visual stutter?
  2. Then, though, you get into the needing specialist software problem. And it's not just for fancy features either, sometimes the specialist software ends up needed for the basics. My otherwise-good Gigabyte gaming keyboard is like that, the freaking Caps Lock light doesn't work on Linux because Gigabyte decided to do things some oddball way that relies on their Windows software instead of just following the standards that normal keyboards use.
  3. It's a strange issue. I wonder if some people not reporting it simply aren't noticing. I've found it essentially invisible most of the time. A good way to make it show itself is to get into low Mun orbit and hit 5 or 10 x timewarp, then in what should be a completely smooth and uniform motion the stutter is obvious. If it is the garbage collector then the solution is straightforward in principle, create and destroy fewer objects, but not necessarily easy to code.
  4. cantab


    There's a point. Can we confirm that it took place in the periods 1914-1918 or 1939-1945? Ie that you're not doing the old "technically WW2 didn't end until 1990" kind of thing.
  5. Yeah, I noticed it's hard to find a straightforward, quality, wired mouse nowadays. I currently have Logitech's M100 which ticks two of those boxes, but it's no more than average quality. (And it only has three buttons).
  6. I feel there's definitely a place for Zero-Point fairings in 1.0. They offer a combination of simplicity of use and constrained dimensions that no other fairing mod I've found has. Procedural Fairings offer comparable simplicity but will go round anything, KW offers nice fixed sized fairings but they're fiddly to use, and stock makes you do a lot of manual work and has few limitations. And I too wouldn't be too bothered by a FAR-only release.
  7. cantab


    The invasion and occupation of Iceland?
  8. I'm sure I spent more like £35...then again I bought it in a store not online, so that's probably why.
  9. Different adapter maybe? I have one and it picks up the pressure sensitivity just fine, the computer sees each button as both a digital button input and an analogue axis. Mind you I tested on Linux, Windows drivers may differ. (And some games may baulk at a controller with about 20 axes!)
  10. I think these days you're looking at either XBox360 or a Playstation line controller. PS2 pads work with an adapter, PS3 ones just connect by USB I think. There don't seem to be good gamepads made specifically for PC any more. I can't see a game having a problem with another pad unless it's been hard-coded to only work with a 360 pad or it has unmodifiable control settings. (Mind you my general lack of faith in developers means I expect both those things have been done!)
  11. It's literally the first city builder I ever played and I've done fine with it. The game does a good job of easing you in gently and helping you along. How long things take varies, depends how you like playing and what your goals are. If you build to a grid plan, use pre-made interchanges, and don't care what needs bulldozing then you can grow a large city in a few hours. If you prefer a less regular structure, opt to hand-build your junctions, or like to minimise demolition it's naturally going to take longer.
  12. A lot of mods are being updated very quickly, much as when KSP gets a new release. Potential issues with one-way tunnels are a good point. Does the stock direction reversing (right-click in upgrade mode) work for tunnels?
  13. For anyone like me who doesn't want to update right away, the only way I know to prevent it is to put Steam in Offline Mode. I'll be waiting for some mod compatibility to be confirmed, but once it is hopefully I can make some good use of the tunnels.
  14. cantab


    Some sort of military exercise? But I don't know any specific ones.
  15. cantab


    Thinking over it again, "Bomb upon bomb, yet no explosion. Shots fired in the dark night, yet no casualties." Maybe that refers to flashes, and the 'shots' are photographs. But we've been told it's not a celebration so that counts out a lot of the obvious guesses. And if it's in the Americas that rules out most of combat-related events of either World War, otherwise I'd think something to do with aerial photography.
  16. cantab


    Oh, hang on, is it the Manhattan Project? Or the Trinity Test specifically?
  17. cantab


    The liberation of the concentration camps?
  18. Micro ATX isn't that tiny really, it's not like Mini ITX. Though I second checking dimensions. As for the build, "typical high-end gaming PC", not an awful lot to say. If you're planning on overclocking then the i7 4790K is a lot more money than the i5 4690K for not much more performance, but the i7 is more compelling if you prefer to stick to stock speeds. If you at all like to store movies, TV shows, or lots of music on your PC then you should add a high-capacity mechanical or hybrid drive to complement the SSD.
  19. cantab


    Black Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday?
  20. cantab


    That Russian VE Day parade?
  21. When I used it in .90 I felt KAX's electric prop was overpowered. In a light plane I was climbing to altitudes like 20 km with it, and not even using anywhere near full power. Then again, maybe that's actually realistic?
  22. I got a 360 controller specifically for flying in FAR. It's not perfect but I've really enjoyed using it for aircraft flight, though I did need the assistance of a joypad>keyboard inputs program for some functions. (1.0 has better controller support but such a program might still be useful for some things). For rockets I tend to stick with the keyboard, though I've used the controller occasionally and it works well. As for all in ones, generally you're paying for appearance, and they aren't good gaming machines. Also in my view touchscreens only work when they're small enough that you'll be sitting within easy reach of them. The managers at my office have some large all-in-ones, they're good PCs for their needs but the touchscreen feature is pointless when you have to lean right forward just to reach it.
  23. From that PC the biggest opportunity for improvement is the graphics card by far. Something like a 970 or even a 960 would be a major leap up from what you have, doubling or tripling framerates in games that aren't CPU-limited. For the processor there's less room for improvement - the latest i5's are faster but we're talking maybe 30% better kind of stuff, not a huge leap. So unless you know - by monitoring your system as you play - that your games are CPU-limited I don't think a regular Intel build now would be worthwhile.Waiting for Skylake in the autumn may be an option. There processors will be a bit faster and may look like a more worthwhile upgrade from the 2500k, but more to the point with DDR4 you can expect a maximum RAM of 64 rather than 32 gigabytes. If you're building for the next three or four years that may be a factor. A "Haswell-E" build may be an option if you want a new system now. That would give you six cores which will really boost performance of things that can use them, but for things that can't (like KSP!) the single-threaded performance won't be much faster than what you have now. Again it uses DDR4 memory with a large RAM capacity. However Haswell-E stuff isn't cheap.
  24. It's not exposed in the game, but if you go into the settings.cfg you can add a second binding for the alt key. Making that a joystick button may help. Alternatively maybe an external program could turn the joystick hat switch into a Alt+WASDQE input. In my own case I need to combine those, and then holding down the XBox button and pushing the DPad does my trim - not a perfect solution but it works.
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