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Everything posted by cantab

  1. cantab


    Whichever way will get you to your destination quickest, dur.
  2. Career. Because I've been playing the game long enough that I can do the majority of things if I have few limits. I enjoy building to constraints, it gives me an extra challenge, and so I enjoy career mode.
  3. The numbers shown are known to be screwy. In practice the big dish transmits faster but uses more energy than the square dish, which transmits faster but uses more energy than the whip. For small spacecraft the worst is the square dish. Both the whip and the big dish are physicsless, meaning their nominal mass and drag are disregarded, but the square dish is not and so will reduce your delta-V and may imbalance a probe. Faster transmission is rarely useful. Since you can spam experiments and let the transmissions queue up, even in a flyby or a descent to safe landing the whip will be fine, so it's only impactors that actually benefit from having the big dish.
  4. Career Mode. That'll put paid to your messing around!
  5. Based on past experience, ignore it and keep playing .90 But I think I will give Squad a week to issue a point update if they need to, then go and look to see if the bugs that infuriate me in .90 have been fixed. If they haven't I'm going to be Not Very Impressed.
  6. My suspicion is that the effects of shape will be present but somewhat muted. So a pointy rocket will experience less drag going nose first than going sideways, but not as much less as is realistic. I hope I'm wrong because I don't feel KSP should willfully compromise its physics to give "arcade" gameplay. Rather it should develop and refine its interface to make the simulation accessible like it did for the orbital mechanics going from nothing at first, then adding a real time orbit map, then adding manouvre nodes and course predictions. We know Squad at least are working on the equivalent for the aerodynamics.
  7. cantab


    Is it this thread?
  8. My intersection previously shown works OK. It's basically a triple roundabout, just looking rather polygonal. On the other hand some of my other roundabouts are really snarling up because the traffic is Doing It Wrong, people on the roundabout stop to let newcomers on and it gridlocks. I need to experiment more, and probably suck it up that buildings nearby are gonna get demolished all the time. And wow Average, you have some serious mountains! I didn't have anything huge on my map - the one with a round lake half in the starting square - but I did manage to build about a 380 MW dam just downstream of the lake. That let me shut down the coal power stations. Anyone know if polluted land can heal itself, or is it Ruined Forever?
  9. Regarding Ec, the other night I tried to do some experiments with the rover wheels, accelerating a known mass craft from a standstill and seeing how much Ec it took. Overall they don't seem to make an awful lot of sense, but it did point to 1 Ec being on the order of 10 kJ. Looking at the ion engine performance might also let you get a value for Ec. Then again perhaps both the ion engines and rover wheels should be treated as giving unrealistic performance for gameplay reasons. Unless somebody makes a mod that generates electricity when you smack into it I suppose it isn't an issue.
  10. Drivers, U Mad Bro? Yeah, my intersections end up looking a bit goofy. Will have to see if they work.
  11. My city's bus drivers are terrifying! I saw one of them clearly get up on two wheels on the roundabout. Still, the brand new buses certainly seem popular Anyone know where screenshots taken with F11 (in the game itself) go?
  12. How do I change my password on Kerbalstuff? I can't find the option anywhere.
  13. Interesting, that certainly makes life harder for my tanker aircraft.Have there been any thoughts to making airfoil shape a tweakable option, with FAR then using appropriate parameters? That would add even more to the design possibilities, and also really help set FAR above newstock. On the flipside I'd be all for coarser options for wing strength. A choice between .1, .2, and .3 is useful, but a choice between 0.24, 0.25, and 0.26 seems a bit over-fine and I find it makes it fiddly to actually set a chosen number.
  14. Neither, I try and balance things. Typically my builds will start with some general goals and constraints. These of themselves are often what I want to do rather than what is the most efficient. For example if I'm making a Mun lander I might decide that it's going to have a two-Kerbal orbiter and a one-Kerbal separate lander a la Apollo, and that the lander will be RCS-powered. Then within those goals and constraints I'll try and build reasonably efficiently while still having an eye to looks. I won't add loads of extra mass or parts for fashion but neither will I take the absolutely most efficient choice if I consider it ugly. Prime example is using a 48-7S in a 1.25m stack looks ugly so I'll often use the 909 instead. When I have planned on building something pretty often it comes out looking like it hit every branch on the ugly tree anyway. The Magellan was meant to be a luxury yacht.
  15. cantab


    It's closed to guesses now. The solution you were all looking for was a diary. A digression into English language is needed. In British English the word refers to an item of stationery as well as a record of past events. A diary in the latter sense might well be written in one in the former sense. I believe in American English the former would be called a "planner" or something, and almost all the riddle refers to that sense of the word. And I knew none of that until well after writing the riddle when I started to wonder. Randazzo's guess of "calendar" was close, but I would take that as meaning a wall calendar not a desk or pocket diary. With that out of the way, the explanation: Stores of knowledge no-one may see - A diary, as in a personal record, is a very private thing. Abutting spacetimes - Appointments, which have a place and a time. ; energy Is needed yet to make them real - You need to make an effort to make the appointments actually happen. As the strings the present must feel. - Diaries usually have a ribbon that you place between the pages of the current day or week. That present may elude our grasp When what's to come we spy in glass. - Towards the end of the year when the shops and their window displays are full of next year's diaries you'll have a hard time finding one for this year. Week foll'wing week, day after day, - Usually either a day or a week per page. A year or more to maybe stay. - Diaries usually last a year, but longer durations such as 18 months aren't uncommon. I've not tried to make this easy - Filler. And clearly I made it too far the other way! But I do hope it is not cheesy. - It's not the similarly-spelled "dairy".
  16. The Dirty Rascal 2 tanker aircraft can be a handful but is ultimately safe. "F9" is an unscientific superstition with no basis in fact. We are a Space Program and we hire astronauts. Applicants for an astronaut job shall not be diverted to ground crew, no sir. Any ground operations are training.
  17. cantab


    Dang. Did I really make it too tricky? Well Randazzo can go next, he came by far closest. Solution and explanation when I'm on a real computer not my phone.
  18. That we're once bitten, twice shy? I haven't forgotten that Squad claimed they were working on a new site for mods, only to then abruptly announce that actually they're outsourcing the mod hosting to a third party with a bad reputation among many gamers. And Squad were already talking about a new forum, and while I think they've denied they'll be outsourcing the forum in the same way, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if they did after all. Was Kasper's post so absurd as to be unbelievable? Possibly. Were certain aspects things I could see Insert New Forum Host Here doing? Absolutely.
  19. The release of KSP 0.23.5. Oh wait, that wasn't a joke. But it was on April Fool's Day.
  20. cantab


    It's not any sort of holiday season, any sort of store, or anything to do with Doctor Who. Nor any of the others. I'm about out of hints to give, and I'm not sure they help that much anyway, plus 7 is an auspicious number.
  21. I really don't think that will work. While X forwarding over SSH does work, I don't think it's at all made to work with 3D acceleration.
  22. Yeah, I agreed the game could stand some more fuels. I'd be happy with Cryogenic Fuel and Cryogenic Oxidizer. Run efficient engines, but boil off over time. LV-N's use just cryogenic fuel. Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer. Like what we have now. Jet fuel. Just for jets. Monoprop and xenon, of course.
  23. Regarding delta-V, I'd been in favour of a heavily simplified readout. Lowest stage with engines in the VAB, current stage in flight. That makes the calculation code a lot simpler and will still be plenty useful for the more straightforward rockets. There's always KER for when you have the more complex requirements.
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