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Everything posted by cantab

  1. Granted. And you're fine, no sickness. The 11 other people on the flight though all projectile vomit in zero gravity. I wish for a non-explosive ride on SpaceShipTwo.
  2. Question tangentially related, is there a way to monitor GPU loading other than checking game framerates (which may be confounded if the game's CPU-limited)?
  3. Fair point. My "cores" may be simple low-part-count things but designing them took me a while.
  4. cantab


    Sounds wrong, sorry.
  5. cantab


    Filling a hole to take a screw, Making models, along with glue, Moving around for puzzles galore, Or just on hand for keeping score, None of these are my true purpose, Once I do that I'm only rubbish.
  6. Even then, keep in mind they're using a core and a pair of boosters, each having nine engines. Not a core and thirteen pairs of boosters with a single engine each.
  7. I contend that if it was heading towards you a rocket chainsaw would be utterly terrifying. For your next challenge, it's Bonfire Night soon and the Kerbals want to join in. Make them a bonfire, complete with guy.
  8. The new actor for Dr Who looks nothing like the old one! What were they thinking casting him, even a blind man could see the difference.
  9. Nicely done. I was content to just have my probes whizz past it, and that was likewise having taken an Eve gravity assist.Just now I set said probes on course for Eve again. Having taken different routes in they actually passed by Moho within about an hour of each other, but now they diverge again, with one set for Eve right away and the other waiting several orbits. I'm hoping to get them to fly past Duna and beyond.
  10. If you're very tight on RAM the demo needs less, having fewer parts. But you can use mods to reduce RAM usage, or even trim down the parts set from the full game if you're really short.
  11. Granted. But next week is even worse. I wish I'd find this secret mission thing in the Pokemon demo.
  12. cantab


    Oh god, Rubik's Cube. I've got one sitting on the bookcase just taunting me.
  13. I've only had the regular-size ones once, they're not at all common over here. They were OK, kind of weird though. And I could surely eat a jumbo one.
  14. Granted. You get slightly better than you are now, but that's your skill limit. I wish my biscuits didn't break when I dunk them.
  15. 99% of people who see that will just think I spelled Moon wrong though...
  16. Kerbal pumpkin here too Attack of the Kraken by cantab314, on Flickr Lighter view: https://flic.kr/p/pT9zX4
  17. Granted. Wishing for something bad doesn't make it not bad. I wish I had a self-carving pumpkin. Actually, that would be a cool idea if I wasn't planning a Kerbal pumpkin instead.
  18. Yeah, that's how I did my lol-delta-v Near Future ship. Work in 2x symmetry, place a stage with accompanying struts and fuel lines, then copy and paste that. I also built it as a square spiral, like so, which I found seemed more stable than a hexagonal packed design. 65438 72127 83456 But it's still more complicated than some other staging strategies, and I still ended up with a missing pair of fuel lines. For an interplanetary ship, this is valid. For a launcher less so. I don't need more delta-V per se but more payload to orbit. If I've got an asparagus lifter built for a 40 ton payload, and I try and slap a 400 ton payload and more asparagus boosters with it, I'll end up with 1/5th of the TWR on my core stage. Since said core stage actually has the lion's share of the delta-V, chances are I won't make orbit.By contrast, if I've got a serially staged lifter built for a 40 ton payload, and I want to lift a 400 ton payload, I can gang ten of those lifters together and I'll have exactly the same TWR at all points in my launch. If it's something like 45 rather than 40 tons then sure, adding a couple of boosters to the asparagus lifter will work. But adding a couple of boosters to the non-asparagus lifter will equally work.
  19. The thing is that there is something like 1016 kg of water on Venus already. About as much as Lake Superior. That's nothing compared to Earth, but it's equivalent to several hundred good-sized comets. I'm not sure what kind of climate you could achieve with such an amount of water, though I assume it would be pretty much a "desert". There'd be a need to keep the water cycling and there wouldn't be significant bodies of water on the surface. To increase it further, I'd still be minded to consider reactions that might break down rock and release water. Even if they're pretty energy-intensive I suspect it'll require less energy than throwing comets about.
  20. Messing around The podracer layout is terrifying. The only time this has landed survivably was when it hit the SPH. Which is what it was designed to do, so, SUCCESS!
  21. Well, quick rough-and-ready estimate. Let's guess we need 10 m/s to course correct a comet so it smacks into Venus, and we have a thruster offering a specific impulse of 10,000 s. That means we need a mass ratio of about 1.0001. Seems tiny, right? Well a good sized comet will mass maybe 1014 kg, so you'll need about 1010 kg of propellant. That's a lot, any way you cut it. OK, so you get round that with an ion engine that can use the comet itself as propellant. Much better. Now you want to accelerate 1014 by 10 m/s in 108 s (about 3 years). That's gonna need about 10 MN of thrust. Ion engines require around 10000-10000 Watts per Newton, so you'll need a power plant delivering 100 GW to 1 TW. That's on the order of the power consumption of an entire country. I'm not even going to try and calculate how massive the nuclear reactors would be. And remember, comets are in difficult and time-consuming orbits to reach.
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