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Everything posted by cantab

  1. Consumer electronics won't care about it. What counts is the energy the battery stores fully charged when new. Indeed it's in the smartphone makers' interests if the batteries wear out over a few years, as a form of planned obsolescence.
  2. @EliasDanger are the blues hydrogen, or something else? @WinkAllKerb'' I get the suspicion yours is fictional. Batmanene or something like that.
  3. Yeah, the first response is, well do they? Celebrity deaths make the news, especially if it's seen as young, but are there any figures showing how it compares to the general population? Yes, several high-profile rock and pop musicians have died due to substance abuse, and several rappers been murdered in gang-related killings, but those are causes of death that aren't unique to celebrities.
  4. It's basically a digitisation project. Not everything in the world is available on a computer from the moment it is created. Astounding, I know.
  5. Testing the pre-release, I found that a single large craft used about 1.5 cores on my i3-6100, up from 1.1 cores on older KSP versions. So it is better multithreaded, but looks like KSP will still be limited by single-core speed.
  6. Yeah, mine was ozone. Red atoms as oxygen seems to be conventional. And I've gone and spoiled @Matuchkin and @p1t1o molecules by pointing my mouse at the images, d'oh. Try not to make the image link to its source, or else reupload to imgur or similar.
  7. Well I did find Dafni's by the internet: Limonene. I'll keep things moving with a simple one
  8. We've been identifying satellite galaxies of the Milky Way, and indeed of other major galaxies, for ages.
  9. So can Loki lift it? I mean, if anyone can trick an artefact into accepting them, it'd be Loki surely?
  10. There are better places for arguing the merits or otherwise of Macs. Why not suggest something you think the OP should get instead? Telescope is a decent idea. Or if you're new to astronomy, binoculars are probably better. There are good ones in the $50-100 range. Good more expensive ones too, but amateur astronomers tend to spend their money on big telescopes rather than high-end but small binoculars.
  11. Single-core performance helps everything, including the rendering and video encoding. The i7-4790K andi5-4690K are fine for virtualisation. But there are some other Haswell CPUs that lack VT-d, you might want to avoid those. In general, you could consider a second-hand CPU to save money.
  12. Funny molecule. 2-methyl-5-isopropyl-cyclohexene is my effort at an IUPAC name (and that's wrong), but I don't know what it is.
  13. Some sort of explosive or propellant?
  14. It will support DirectX versions up to and including 12, so you'll be fine. Almost all current GPUs support DX12, but there's been some argument over certain features not being done very well in the hardware.
  15. Low surface brightness. That makes it particularly hard to see against skyglow. Not to mention other celestial objects. Skimming the paper, it seems like they didn't image Crater 2 in the usual sense, but only detected it with sophisticated statistical analysis. And it's not abnormal that we're still finding Milky Way satellite galaxies. A bunch were found in 2015, and more earlier in the 21st century.
  16. A Barlow lens. It goes into the focuser and then the eyepiece goes into it, and it increases the magnification. Combined with a suitably-selected set of eyepieces, a Barlow will increase your magnification options for less money. Good Barlows *just* increase the magnification. Bad ones increase the magnification and make the view look like rubbish. So keep that in mind.
  17. Since this *is* the KSP forums, model rockets. If you have somewhere to launch them.
  18. Bingo! Ethyl cyanoacrylate, better known as superglue or Krazy Glue. As for the above polymer, hmmm...is it some sort of epoxy resin?
  19. Try not to get stuck figuring this one out
  20. Of course xkcd has commented on this:
  21. Chlorine's colour is rather faint, making it a poor explanation for Jool I think. Personally I think the toxic gas in Laythe's atmosphere is simply carbon dioxide. For us humans, more than a few percent CO2 will kill us even if there's plenty of oxygen, because we can't get the CO2 concentration in our bodies lower than the atmospheric level. Kerbals may be the same. And it makes sense that Laythe has loads of CO2 to help its strong greenhouse effect keep it warm.
  22. I try and always have *some* sort of abort contingency on Kerballed craft, but it's rarely the stock LES, mainly because I rarely use the stock 3-Kerbal pod because it's a freaking boat anchor. Often the abort contingency is "Bail out, hope no rocket parts hit you, and use the Vanguard EVA parachute."
  23. The big benefit of 2" eyepieces is the larger field stop permits a wider true field of view. That means they tend to be most useful in the longer focal lengths, while shorter focal lengths are fine with 1.25" eyepieces.
  24. Vibration is generally considered a bad thing in structures and mechanical systems. It's a bold move to try and make a wind turbine that deliberate vibrates, and that's being creditable about it.
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