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Everything posted by cantab

  1. I added a spacecraft, because what good is a space station if there's nothing to visit it? State of the station by cantab314, on Flickr It's a simple-as-you-like two-Kerbal lander. In theory it can do round trips landings to Minmus, Mun, Gilly, or Ike and come back to the station, but the margins will be slim for anywhere besides Minmus so you might prefer to provide extra fuel. Aerobrakes fairly well, but use due caution. Kerbin landing survivable but not recommended. Album: https://flic.kr/s/aHsky2ZExR Save file: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=40CBF49A479D54A8!426&authkey=!AFLqJEghBpAvOhA&ithint=file%2csfs
  2. Vessels in KSP are topologically trees. Each part can only be attached to one other part, and can then have any number of parts attached to it. So it's not possible to place a part that links two existing parts, except for struts and fuel lines.
  3. But seriously, I've got nothing. Games based on logic and turn-based strategy are or will be easy for computers. Micromanagey RTSes will give the computer the edge of action speed, so once the tactical and strategic planning is caught up with they'll beat humans. Even in less microey games, the computer will still be better able to give rapid inputs and keep track of multiple situations. Poker cuts both ways. Sure, the computer might have trouble "reading" the human, but the human sure as hell isn't reading the computer! It'll come down to probability and betting patterns, and I think computers have the edge there. General knowledge games are honestly a big advantage to the computer, and advances in natural language processing and so on will grant them the win. Physical sports look bad now, but with advances in robotics the machines will come to utterly stomp human sportspeople. Really, unless the game is pure luck - like Snakes and Ladders - I think the machines will eventually win.
  4. This only happened when they brought in the day-night cycle, and commercial buildings generate less taxes at night. To be honest it's still a mess though, especially because one night lasts about three months. Be careful though. An intact abandoned building transfers power, the empty space when it's demolished does not. You could get the power cut to a whole neighbourhood, or even your entire city, by the auto-bulldoze mod and if you don't realise and restore power quickly then you get your city decimated.
  5. Why should the shortcomings of our eyes at seeing the faint and subtle shades of the nebulae make those shades any less true?
  6. cantab


    So you want your nuclear reactor using a 500 degree C molten highly radioactive salt, and it's going to use graphite as the moderator with all the known problems that has. Doesn't seem like the best idea to me.
  7. To give another point of view, though Q: Well can you give me an idea? Are we talking days, weeks, months? Is that really an unreasonable thing to ask, as a user? After I've looked to see if it was mentioned before, and it hasn't been.
  8. It's from Trans-Keptunian, as are most of the other far out ones. They're inspired by our solar system's known Kuiper Belt objects, hence the high inclinations. I took them out though to make my game run better. When I put them back in, IIRC I need to change their orbits to be even wider anyway.
  9. To expand on the orbital mechanics aspect: If your probe is on a hyperbolic trajectory, it will be slowed down as it moves away from the Sun but its speed will always be faster than a certain value, just getting closer and closer to that. That speed is known as the "hyperbolic excess velocity".
  10. One of my heaviest lifters made orbit despite losing some of its upper stage engines when the first stage was dropped. And by some, I mean nine Rhinos. I think that says it all.
  11. "This hypothesis also can explain the formation of the moon by a extremely big nuclear explosion that broken the planet" Bunk. No way it could be big enough. Planets are really hard to blow up. "can explain the existence of natural nuclear reactors (like the nuclear reactor of Oklo)" Oklo is well understood and doesn't depend on whatever happens in Earth's core. More generally, any significant-sized "inner-inner core" ought to have shown up in seismic studies. And chemically, uranium and thorium are not thought to mix much with iron such as in the inner core. Rather, they easily form minerals with oxygen and are enriched in the crust and upper mantle. Both elements are considerably more abundant in Earth's crust than they are in meteorites, which isn't really consistent with the hypothesis that Earth's thorium and uranium went into its core.
  12. Unless you don't need to stop. The real-world example would be ICBM re-entry vehicles. Hypothetically, the "rods of god" concept would have even more need to maintain its speed.
  13. Yeah, you just need to stack up the batteries. I did it early in my "100 Worlds" save, though not eligible for this challenge. Pic Sorry for dreadful dark picture, but it's basically two 1.25m service bays each stuffed with 16 or so of the small batteries. That was enough to last the transfer.
  14. KSP doesn't use any DRM. This means you can freely make a copy of your KSP install, put that anywhere on your PC, and run it. Many players do this so they can maintain different installations with different sets of mods, as well as avoid problems when Steam updates KSP.
  15. On the other hand, how often do you actually see people using ions? Not very, it seems to me. Compare that with how often you see Nervs, ie all the blooming time. Seems like a pretty strong clue the ion could use a buff (or the Nerv a nerf) to me.
  16. I've visited every stock planet and moon in some way. Dres only got a probe flyby, though it got a landing in a modded system. Vall only got an orbit and a reverted impact. Jool probably got an impact at some point and you can't land there anyway. Duna and Eve got Kerbals landed and stranded there. Everywhere else, including Eeloo, I've landed a Kerbal on and brought him back home. Modded, I think Titanus in the New Horizons system is further out than Eeloo in stock. And I have some bodies that are *way* far out. This is the system I once had , the green orbit in the middle is Jool in more-or-less the same orbit as stock, and the light-blue one a couple out from it is Titanus. Once Kopernicus and everything else relevant is updated to 1.1, I'll be going to some of those way out bodies.
  17. Another picture of a Dobsonian: And this is a Newtonian reflector, same aperture I think, on an equatorial mount: The equatorial mount has its advantages, but you can see how overall more cumbersome it might be.
  18. I don't know the details of the system setup, it may well have been doing what you described. I suppose making it generally configurable, but with sane defaults, would be best. So that the player who does have an ultrawide screen, or multiple monitors that KSP thinks are one, can just move the interface elements into the correct place themself.
  19. I swear by my 360 pad for flying planes. I actually bought it with KSP in mind and it's such a joy to fly with, so much smoother than trying to use the keyboard. I know I could have got a flight stick, but I figure the controller will have more general uses, like if I want to play some console emulators or maybe driving games. For rockets, though, KB and mouse is fine.
  20. You can do a lot with batch scripting, though it's a bit clunkier than bash. OP's task just involves a simple for loop and some string concatenation whatever language you do it in.
  21. Earlier today I had the chance to briefly play KSP on a triple 1080p setup, it was running on the display computer in a PC shop. And to be honest the UI doesn't work very well. You've got staging way out on the left, resources way out on the right, navball in the middle, it's all rather awkward. I ended up dragging empty boosters into space because I didn't even see that they were out of fuel. I think KSP would benefit from a UI that's better in such setups. The obvious thing would be to keep all UI on the central screen, though there might be other solutions.
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