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    Snarky Old Timer

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  1. It's been 10 years. My beard has grown it's own eco system. I am surround by wolves. My hand sweats profusely on the keyboard. Rocket launch after rocket launch. Another after another. Loved ones leave. The walls crumble around me. The world may be ending... ...but there is always KSP.
  2. I find it best to not play a new Squad release until they've had time for a hotfix or two.
  3. I've been around for the same period and remember terrain seams eating vehicles, solar panels blowing up when traveling through the Mk3 cargo bays, and wheels sending Kerbals into Kraken bait. Never "unplayable" but constantly "did no one play test this?"
  4. Those who ignore history and all that. I have patience. If this still holds true in a few weeks, I'll give it a go.
  5. Most interesting update in a while. I look forward to the bug hunters digging into this and eventually playing 1.11.1. Nice job so far.
  6. It's here so people can vent. Also...this is a lie your parents told you. Sorry.
  7. Because KSP: Diminished Edition was a bad title that wouldn't sell as well. So they decided to lie and call it Enhanced.
  8. Good to have another simplified fuel option. Personally, I like my Kerbal a tad simplified compared to Real Fuels.
  9. Stock career mode. *hides in flame resistant cardboard box*
  10. Definitely something that needed improving from KSP1. One of my big pet peeves. I got bronze.
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