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Everything posted by FonVegen
Does that include the star? It looks blueish, but that might be the atmosphere...
I found a gas giant with 900+ moons and several planets with life on them that were just beautiful to "stand" on; multiple moons, multiple stars, foreign planets visible in the evening and night sky... that is just an amazing sight time after time. Among the coolest things are the gigantic cloud vortices on tidally locked planets. Let me see if I can find some of the coordinates... EDIT: RS 1186-1794-7-748851-106, planet A12 RS 1186-3586-7-215251-1487, planet B5
Interesse ist auf jeden Fall vorhanden, die Möglichkeit hinzukommen... auch eher weniger; ich wohne in Bielefeld und ziehe bald nach Bremen, also etwas in die falsche Richtung Außerdem fängt da dann auch mein Studium an... also werde ich vorerst auch keine Zeit haben, so gern ich auch kömmen würde. Aber wenn da alles gut läuft, kann ich mich in fünf oder sechs Jahren mit etwas Glück auch zu den Mitarbeitern beim DLR zählen ^^
@PTNLemay Actually there is a bar for "Gimbal Range" that you can in- or decrease from 0 to 100.
-12 Am I causing any inconvenience? Good.
You could try to calculate the exact gravitational force of the earth and the average drag of your body that would be needed to cause a to result in the velocity that caused the injuries you received.
-32 Tonight! We rise!
2^6+1=65 65 it is now.
Oh well, I'm all in for the Macey hype I never unsubscribed, although I admit I lost faith he would ever return. When I saw his new video pop up on YouTube, I thought some algorhythms had messed up and tried to send me to an older vid... when I realised that I was witnessing what was more or less the resurrection of a legend, something in my head shut down and I just stared at my screan for a minute or two. Then I was happy. And I am to this very moment.
Rethinking the nuke engine, where can we take it from here?
FonVegen replied to Colonel_Panic's topic in KSP1 Discussion
Well, for weight-limited SSTOs, nukes may not be the best option. You know, the amount of mass you can leave out due to oxidiser being unnecessary is replaced my the mass of the NERVs. At least that's what I think. Very large designs would probably be less of an issue. So far wings work well as radiators. Although it's a little bit weird that we have to use plane parts on interplanetary spaceships just to keep the engines from exploding... -
I have no words... This is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. Seriously.
If you look closely, your zero is actually a 1 now!
Shadows of the Kraken: Remastered & The Lost Chapters
FonVegen replied to CatastrophicFailure's topic in KSP Fan Works
It takes a certain amount of talent to take me from smiling at "MechIvan", to broadening my smile with that Carl Sagan bit, just to completely crush the mood with that cliffhanger in the end Congratulations, you just made yourself one of my favourite writers... now onwards to waiting for the final chapters! *waits heroically* ... That might take a while, I assume? -
The ROUND8 memorial thread - UPDATE: It's alive!
FonVegen replied to ShadowZone's topic in KSP1 Discussion
SQUAD is planning to turn it into a Xenon fuel tank, not to remove it entirely ^^ -
Sir, I must ask you to immediately [DELETED] and move to decontanimation in containment chamber [X]. Waiter, there's a dragon in my soup.
-19 Coming up soon.
49 Getting there slowly but steadily!
Why so negative? -6
A: Kerbol kann man sich auf etwa 1300 m nähern (oder K, weiß ich nicht genau), dann.. na ja, *BUMM*. B: Die Ausrichtung des Rovers lässt sich mit einem Sky Crane relativ einfach bestimmen; also eine Landestufe, unter der der Rover sitzt (am besten im Orbit zusammenbauen) und die, nachdem sie den Rover abgesetzt hat, wegfliegt; entweder in den Orbit oder in die nächste Felsformation. C: Ja. Je weiter der Planet weg ist, desto mehr Punkte gibt es pro Biom. Die Entfernung vom jeweiligen Landeplatz spielt aber keine Rolle.
Du musst zumindest bedenken, dass Kerbals EVA-Berichte machen und Bodenproben nehmen können; braucht man zwar nicht unbedingt, um den Tech-Tree zu vervollständigen, aber es bringt viel Wissenschaft für neue Teile. Außerdem sind Rover nützlich, sobald man es geschafft hat, einen zu bauen, der nicht bei der kleinsten Kurve Fassrollen macht. Für höhere Geschwindigkeiten empfehle ich: breite Aufhängung, Flugzeugräder (die gehen nicht kaputt, wenn man schnell fährt) und ein Raketentriebwerk. Das kann dann ziemlich lustig sein. Immerhin geht es bei KSP ja manchmal auch einfach nur darum, absurde Konstruktionen auf die abenteuerlichste Art und Weise zu nutzen. Biome sind glaube ich zumindest teilweise höhencodiert; deshalb tauchen die "falschen" Biome manchmal auf. Wenn die Debug Toolbar aus ist, bleiben trotzdem die Effekte an. Du musst die Unzerstörbarkeit vorher wieder abschalten.
Making your KSP screenshots better! [Big Images]
FonVegen replied to tajampi's topic in KSP Fan Works
Thank you! What you did to mne is absolutely amazing! ... I would rep you, but I'm told I already did this. So I'll do it again once I'm allowed ^^ -
Making your KSP screenshots better! [Big Images]
FonVegen replied to tajampi's topic in KSP Fan Works
No problem, and thanks for doing this ^^ Those are truly pieces of art... I wonder what the nuclear engines will look like as they propel the spacecraft in front of the sun rising above Kerbin... I think I'm kind of hyped about this -
Making your KSP screenshots better! [Big Images]
FonVegen replied to tajampi's topic in KSP Fan Works
Not trying to be mean or anything, that image looks great, but... it is definitely not made by me. I never designed a lander like that, and the image I submitted was one of my Duna ship departing from LKO. -
Neillan Kerman. I'm a test pilot, or I have been until I prove a little bit too prone to crash the designs I was intended to test into expensive infrastructure. Wasn't my fault though, the designs were all crooked to the point of not being functioning at all. I am a good pilot. In fact, before testing impossible planes my task was recovering crashed crew members from all around Kerbin. Haven't given up my occupation that was granted to me since, thus I live quite close to the KSC. Should this enlistment be used for nothing but spamming my inbox with advertisement and malware, expect me to come crashing through your window with the first supersonic vehicle I can get my hands on. But if this really is a call to arms, then give me a plane, a rocket, or anything that is capable of leaving the ground. Whatever you want me to do with it, I'll get it done.