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Posts posted by RoverDude

  1. 2 hours ago, slyfox023 said:

    got a question for the day, will you ever be working on the interior parts of the mod? while these models you've made are amazing, the fact that they have nothing inside them kind of breaks the immersion when using them 

    Likely not.  I dislike making IVAs, though we'll take a pull request if someone makes some :D


  2. 22 minutes ago, MOPC said:

    Hi @RoverDude!

    Just wanted to ask nicely for a permission to post here some personal edits I did to learn MM patching and tweak Sounding Rockets to my liking. That includes:

    • PartVariant compatibility with new "serious" :P stockalike theme (had to edit your texture for that)
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    • Stock science rework + Kerbalism compatibility. I rewrote every experiment to give them different use cases and encourage making of different sounding rockets and tweaking them for each launch (to reach higher, to stay in air longer, to land safely with samples after high hop), also multiple launch programs as some experiments take quite some time to yield full science
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    • RocketSoundEnhancement compatibility with custom engine sounds
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    The engine I sourced these from is hydrolox, but don't say these sounds don't work amazingly well for SR SRBs, giving them that extra oomph

    There are multiple startup and flameout sound variants, plus different samples for low and high thrust (first and second stages in the video)

    • BetterSRB compatibility with their grain profiles and thrust curves

    Go for it!

  3. 9 hours ago, Tokamak said:

    I searched the internet for this and got nothing useful (mostly just long youtube videos that do not answer the question), so I'm asking here: How am I intended to distribute machinery? It can't be transferred with local logistics, so how am I supposed to resupply vessels that need it?


    Am I supposed to make a little rover with machinery storage and KAS connectors, or something? Surely there must be a better way that I'm supposed to do this, that I'm somehow missing.

    Manually via an EVA Kerbal - they should pull from nearby vessels.

  4. 19 hours ago, Dragonking said:

    Im trying to make my own mod that integrates into MKS, for that I also want to make a Tundra series part that supports the new type of converter option I plan to add, but to do that I need to know what the font used on the tXX files (in UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/Assets, for example t42) is, so I can write the name of the type of part while staying in the same style. I tried using a couple online font identification tools, but all of them only gave out paywalled fonts that I wasnt even fully sure were the correct ones.
    Can anybody here tell me what that font is?

    tbh.. I don't even remember.  Those were done a very long time ago.

  5. 22 minutes ago, BravoAlpha101st said:

    Cool, but it's pretty annoying that when I want to check all my Kerbals' life support statuses that there's about 5 billion vessels to check.

    Crew capabilities are also shared - so you're free to move them into the hab modules for your base so you have less to check.  Also if you have 5 billion vessels in the save, you probably have other issues :)

  6. 2 hours ago, BravoAlpha101st said:

    How does everyone seem to get their base all connected with multiple launches? When I do it, my modules are all over the place, not connected. How do people do this??

    I don't ;)  MKS was built with full support for disconnected bases.  So stuff shares within 150m for most stuff, longer distances for others.

  7. 1 hour ago, Nuggzy said:

    I just built a huge ship with 28 Near Future nukes for power. It maintains the energy just fine but the exotic matter conversion doesn't keep up so it will run for 54 minutes without stopping for charge.  I am using the 3.75m Z-Model. The question I have is what is the top speed on it? I added the Strange New Worlds mod. At present calculations it's going to take me 25 days of around the clock play to get there. It's only supposed to be a little over 4 light years away. Something isn't adding up here :huh:. Is there any way to get this going any faster?

    Mess with the config at your own risk.

  8. Just now, Zalym said:

    How well does MKS scale with Career Mode Funding and the Community Tech tree in terms of the gameplay? I've read elsewhere that the parts are fairly well positioned with the CTT. But, does working through the tech tree help "teach" MKS--a seemingly quite difficult/complex mod--in a sensible manner (from just getting supplies slapped on a capsule to later on opening up the ability to recycle/mine/build baes etc) ? 

    Or could it be better to just open the tech tree via cheats and have all the parts available to work out how they function via trial/error and the helpful guides in say Science Mode for example?

    That's really up to you to be honest.  But it's designed with CTT in mind for those doing a career playthrough.

  9. 16 hours ago, slyfox023 said:

    I've wanted to ask, will you be moving this mod to KSP 2 once mod supports gets added? 

    Sitting tight as there's a lot of overlap, and I'd like to see where KSP2 lands first.

    56 minutes ago, Terwin said:

    Looking at the roadmap, he might be putting a lot of it into the core KSP2 game. 

    It might be more enlightening to ask if he intends to migrate his LS mod, as it sounds like that is less likely to be integrated into the core.

    That said, it may be a while before he has the free time to work on mods, as he is probably putting a lot of extra hours towards his day-job.  I hear they just released a large product in early access and are working hard on supporting it.

    Won't be me personally - my role in KSP2 was purely some of the art.   And since I am off on a different project now, I have the same info you guys have :)

    17 minutes ago, Grimmas said:

    RoverDude is working on his indie game now plus we don't even really know what colonies will look like in stock KSP2 yet but we do know that there will be a resource acquisition and transportation routes system so there might not even be a need for a mod like MKS, it's too early to tell.

    Yep on both counts.  Our new game takes priority right now (and it's downright snazzy!), and there will be no consideration of a port of any of the USI mods to KSP2 till we see where KSP2 lands both in terms of stability as a modding platform, and overlap with the USI stuff.  That being said, we will be doing a bit of buttoning up on the KSP1 mod side in the relatively near future.

  10. 1 hour ago, modus said:

    Maybe a long shot, but @RoverDude, did you in fact work on ksp2? (Totally ok if you can't comment on that)

    Edit: I remember him saying in the mks or usi thread (best suite of mods in the game imo) that he was 'living the dream' when he was asked about his involvement with ksp 1 and 2, but some time later he said something about him making an indie game with robots. I should look it up.

    Did a bunch of art for KSP2, not code or design this go around.  


    1 hour ago, Chilkoot said:

    Would love to know more, too.  That Adderley guy's getting tons of screen time, but we want to know more about what Bob's been up to!

    Been neck deep building a new indie game with @DoktorKrogg for over a year now.  The fun part being that we get to build the game we always wanted to play.  The not fun part  being that it's not done yet - though we're pretty stoked about where it is (and there's a lot to be said for being 100% greenfield), and having a blast! 

  11. 42 minutes ago, joynerm said:

    Hey @RoverDude, I currently use USI Kolonization Systems, exploration pack, core and tools but I have TAC Life Support. There are some parts from USI Life Support that I want to be able to use (preferably I would just switch to USI LS instead but I have ships out that would end up with missing parts/get deleted), so would I be able to just pull the files for those parts over to the MKS folder or can they only be used with USI LS? Thanks in advance!

    Not enough info unfortunately.   They aren't going to work with TAC-LS without a config

  12. 10 hours ago, titus said:

    Hi.  Is the life support LIS mod bundled with this?  I tried installing MKS and LIS separately and unzipping made it seem like I was replacing the same directory.

    Been playing KSP since it's earliest days in early access.  Decided to try a modded playthrough just before KSP2 drops.


    USILS is not bundled, but they do share some of the same dependencies.  As long as you nab the latest versions of both you will be good to go.

  13. 5 hours ago, Psykikk said:


    I do not see any reference in the biomes abundancy settings, at least afaict. 

    the wolf  depot settings in the save file list all abundancies per biome depot, then states if depot is established or not. there is no entry in there for gold ore. 

    adding recipes would be- like you said - probably fairly straightforward. 

    ah well. 

    WOLF leverages the stock resource system (written by yours truly).   If Gold Standard uses it as well, awesome.  Otherwise, you can see the Community Resource Pack configurations for examples (or the stock example for Ore).

  14. 7 hours ago, Psykikk said:

    hey there,

    how hard would it be to incorporate gold as a new ressource into MKS / wolf ? 
    I have both MKS and "the gold standard" installed, but they do not play together at all. 

    having the ability to harvet gold using wolf depots would be a godsend. 

    thanks in advance

    Easy enough with module manager and whitelisting the resource, then making all of the appropriate bits that can work with it.

  15. 16 minutes ago, Zmeya said:

    Could we get an option for configuring what resources are needed for making parts/ships(a difficulty option kinda like what USI-LS has)?  While I can't speak for anyone else, to me at least when you have material kits and specialized parts, needing 5 other resources that seem like they would be included at part of the first 2 just ends up feeling like unnecessary added complexity.

    There's already an option to turn off the machinery component.  For anything else, Module Manager is your friend.

  16. 1 hour ago, Alioth81 said:

    Somehow supplies are not first used from tanks set to a higher flow priority but across all tanks equally.

    Do I need another setting besides flow priority for life support resources? Or maybe it not intended to work at all?

    The latter :)

  17. 57 minutes ago, ra4nd0m said:

    Hi @RoverDude so it seems that KonFabricator is broken in all launguages except English.

    It is caused by using hardcoded "engineer" string in if statement. Instead of this it would be much wiser to get that string from loc file 

    There is a temporary solution just to switch game language but i hate it because it defeats all my hard work localising all the mods i use. So please maybe a hotfix can be quickly made.


    Happy to take a PR on this one.


  18. 2 hours ago, Jimbodiah said:

    To continue on from the general thread.... about different kerbals popping into my craft.

    Not sure how this is related to USI LS, as it's not running out of supplies. The log posted earlier shows 3 kerbals in my ship but I had no one on board when launching (and all parts that can hold kerbals are empty after checking the  "transfer crew" option). When I had normal crew and they were replaced by tourists, I still had LS supplies on board.

    link to log:  http://dasher.nl/kerbal/log.zip

    If you had nobody on board when launching and Kerbals suddenly appeared - that's not USI-LS.  They probably went tourist (which IS USI-LS) because their initial state was not logged because of whatever made them magically appear post-launch.

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