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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Other than everything in KSP is scaled
  2. Given that most of a unit of supplies is now water (whereas before the mass was mostly food), it's due for a price review. Granted, that also means looking at the rest of the corresponding resource chain, fixing lots of tanks, and updating CRP (which means giving other modders some runway) - i.e. not something likely to change soon.
  3. .Yup - but then that assumes recyclers. Recyclers are a separate thing now. A much better comparison is the mass used on the Gemini missions.
  4. Probably better for Nertea to include them tbh, tho I expect he's appreciate the pull request. And yeah... eeloo is hard They are auto merged with the most pessimistic settings taking precedence. Actually, food is not your problem - water is. Drinking, hygiene, food prep, etc. - As noted, the default USI-LS number is about half of what a human astronaut hauls to space per day. It's a really interesting problem space.
  5. With UKS, close - you get MIA not death
  6. Oh, once done just do EVA maintenance with an engineer and they will be replenished from materialkits. Yep, disabling of supplies is totally intentional to prevent folks from trying to hide the cookie tins from the kerbals. Consumption however should not be occurring on the pad - a github issue for that will help get it sorted quickly
  7. ahh - ok! So what is the current default recipe then? Just want to make sure I have my stuff in line (at least for defaults)
  8. This is the part where I remind folks that I make this stuff for me. Selfish, I know. I wanted more breadth, so I added it. If it is not your cup of tea, there's TAC-LS, ECLSS, Snacks!, etc. And yes, a resource. Made it a lot easier to have wear as a result of conversions, etc. but decided to not clutter up the UI. Works beautifully for me and my game, and that's the most important bit
  9. Hence the note about 'next patch'
  10. The ag module is lighter, acts as an efficiency part for the Aeroponics module, and the efficiencies work both ways (i.e. it can go above 100%), and is also a recycler (which matters when you're starting to stack them on a larger base). And in the next patch, the crew modifier for the ag module is being updated, and it will also have it's efficiency cap removed. Also it comes with two crew capacity, which impacts both efficiency and hab. So it's a trade off.
  11. Recyclers do not get rid of mulch they just have you make less of it. Turn on the ag module's agroponics to get rid of mulch and convert it into more supplies. With so few Kerbals, just turn on only your best recycler. Add more only if it reduces your supply load - once they stop being effective, turn them off, see how that affects your hab burn time.
  12. ReplacementParts by default only light up when UKS is installed (only because there's no easy stock way of making them). They are automatically converted from MaterialKits. ReplacementParts themselves are just an invisible zero-mass resource I use to track wear.
  13. Works for me, which is the important bit.
  14. Not better, not worse, different.
  15. See below. The intent is that all of the bits you need come in the tin, without requiring MKS-Lite or UKS
  16. 0.3.5 - 2016.01.25 ------------------ Fixed an issue with the cupola config The Science Lab is now a 70% recycler Kerbals now consume (by default) 16.5kg of supplies per day Nom O Matics have been tweaked to be converters based on the new scale Habitation is now on by default (since there are sufficient stock parts to cover the mechanic) See LSModule.cfg for suggested settings for modders making USI-LS compatible parts
  17. I cannot repro this... Humor me and try on a clean KSP version with just USI-LS Unrelated. You will now have stock or bundled parts for all of the mechanics: - Cupola is a hab multiplier - HitchHiker adds hab space - The MPL is now a 70% recycler So that being said, I am moving the DEFAULT USI-LS to 16.2 per day to be in line with the UKS config, which will allow me to beef up the Nom O Matics to be converters at an appropriate level (saves me doing extra MM files and makes support easier). I'm ok with this since I have stock or included parts to cover all options, and modders have had a reasonable amount of warning (and worst case, their users just need to include a few stock modules to bridge the gap).
  18. Yeah it does not quite work like that - the only way to reset that short term timer is to switch vessels. So to go all meta, getting out of the base and going for a rover ride would reset the short term timer.
  19. You still have short term and long term timers. If you were already at the cusp of that short term timer and you deflated their hab, they are probably going to be liquided you removed the bouncy castle
  20. I've explained this a few times already. You do not have enough space for those Kerbals... not enough living space, and likely not enough workspace. your loneliness penalty is nothing compared to the penalty of making them hot bunk. Add more habs. Has zero to do with disconnected bases and everything to do with making sure people have enough breathing room. Side note - those habs and their space are based on data on minimum living space for prisoners (scaled to Kerbal size). People need a surprising amount of space. I'll take a peek Need a tech tree review tbh. And let me see if I can repro your issue. Bingo. Right, as noted, there is a cap. Plus side is those do help out as your crew gets larger (beyond the capacity of the pioneer module).
  21. Actually... yeah, with that small of a crew that makes sense You got a 'Red Dwarf' situation going on with just a couple of kerbals in a very well equipped ship (to put it another way - doing a small crewed trip to eeloo and back can be done with a hab ring and a decent recycler).
  22. Has nothing to do with RAM... and I've easily built long term bases with the bits included at a fairly low part count. And btw... you already make replacement parts out of material kits Just do a perform maintenance function. But your base remains fundamentally flawed because you have too many Kerbals with too little working space - nothing is going to fix that. Yes, such parts are in the works. Plus some rigid parts which are a lot more durable/long term than bouncy castles. Interesting idea Log a github issue Yes - but it will require water (since that's your major constraint, and you can't recycle this stuff indefinitely). Grab the latest release tho the Cupola is bugged at the moment - if you still get weird results, show me a screenshot. You would need to add configs for hab value or hab multipliers (modules tend to be one or the other). Recommended values are based on mass so stuff balances correctly. There are notes in this in LSModule.cfg
  23. No worries, that being said - if you do go back to the standard mechanics, it's pretty easy to get to a happy place with hab. - Only bring the Kerbals you need. - Give them their own rooms - Add in hab multipliers to extend hab time, recyclers to reduce supply consumption. Just wait till health, radiation, and sanity come into the mix But then this is why all of the bits can be turned on/off
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