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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Will have to take a peek. The readout difference is because the colony bit is likely not accounting for consumption
  2. hmm... you should most definitely not be making fertilizer... let me see what's up, probably a bug on my end
  3. That first readout is not accounting for consumption
  4. Thank you! Can you do me a favor and log a github issue? It's what keeps me from forgetting all of these little things across 400 parts and a dozen mods
  5. Also, in the interim, please install any of my mods manually - you can find links on the USI Catalog page. Using KSP-AVC will also advise you if any of the bits are not the latest version, which will make it easy to keep your installs clean, prevent conflicts, etc. (and it updates the instant I publish a release). When asking for support, please confirm the version number (from the .version file) so I can confirm you are on the latest, as we've done quite a few daily updates this past week.
  6. It's how Unity wheel colliders work. There's a raytrace that points down (it's used for suspension travel, etc. as well). By rotating the entire model on the X-axis you're telling it you want to climb the sky
  7. There would be no value to adding a non-stock IVA to what is essentially an almost empty pod with no windows. So nope, no plans.
  8. Saw them. Don't do that. Wheel colliders point straight down, putting them at an angle like that means they can't make ground contact.
  9. As you've seen, you can set stuff back to the older values. Set the ReplacementPartAmount in the config to '0' (which it should already be) and you will not see the wear mechanic. That's the default. If you also use UKS/MKS-Lite you will need to do this in the config in Kolonization as well. And said resource is hidden and really only there to serve the gameplay mechanic (so you're still at three). Not aware of a config to reset the recyclers - the reason this was changed (as noted earlier in the thread) is because we had a few conflicting mechanics competing for the same resources, and it was confusing. So everything got consolidated and streamlined. As an addendum. You will get a pretty config UI come 1.1, but I am minimizing investments in UI's right now due to the move to Unity 5. The design goal here is to add a series of simple, toggleable (think lego) complementary mechanics (breadth) vs. focusing on one highly detailed one (depth).
  10. Your bump in RAM is likely because it bundles an additional DLL that handles all of the shared logistics and shared state. This is used in two placed with USI-LS: First, scavenging. So if you drop a container of supplies nearby a ship full of Kerbals they will grab from it automatically (which is very handy if your Kerbals became tourists due to a lack of snacks). Second, it lets me share some state with UKS - specifically, the Kolony Reward that increases hab time (which in turn affects life support, but only if you have it installed) and lets other mods tap into that modifier.
  11. Take care of yourself first No need to apologize, a thanks is more than sufficient!
  12. Mulch is a function of USI-LS not TAC-LS What would you like to do with said mulch? Sorry, depends on the mods And yeah, your best starting point is to confirm you are on the latest KSP and the latest version of all of the relevant mods.
  13. No hinting or selling - just noting that I agree this was the right call for all of the right reasons, and you will still get your goodies, just a bit later.
  14. PayPal or Patreon (I think the PayPal one is in the MKS thread)
  15. If someone tosses a pull request with the MM file, etc. I'll happily include it
  16. You should not have had an issue with that setup... did the power packs still have power? If so, I have no idea :/
  17. 0.3.9 - 2016.02.04 ------------------- Fixed issue that was causing some life support stats to vanish Fixed an issue where recyclers were not.. well... recycling. Fixed an issue that would potentially make permanent tourists
  18. hmm... A bit at a loss without seeing the base... how long had it been self sufficient (i.e. I assume you tested it in high warp before leaving it?)
  19. I'll do a guide on it. But basically, the longer you keep people on a planet, the higher those numbers go (and we're talking up to about 200,000 or so... they get big for a decades-old kolony). It will result in a bonus to the habitation number of any habs on that planet. So not good for your first colonists, but better as you establish yourself - and even better if you have more bases. There is not (yet) anything that gets you the infinite hab - those are new parts that are not yet released.
  20. Which specific planet are you having a problem getting to? And yeah I pulled out some of the destruction
  21. Ah... likely something to take up with the TAC-LS folks. What killed them? EC? Oxygen? etc.?
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