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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Thanks - will take a peek Yep, your princess is in a different castle
  2. I am pleased folks are getting the reference Also - how is the stability/etc. working out for everyone?
  3. You're welcome And yeah - all of my OP's are due refreshes
  4. Oh the radial inline and mini tank have been deprecated for a while now
  5. Help me understand why, please Pretty! Actually, I'll one-up ya and just add analogues to these into the mod with some tweaked iconography Not all folks use MKS or MKS-Lite tho And tbh forgot that I should have added big tanks like this with the more recent changes.
  6. aaaaand another update Current version is 0.3.15
  7. Default for USI-LS (without UKS or MKS-Lite) has a much longer hab time, yes Just uploaded a new version that should fix the overconsumption problem
  8. Hab = how long they will stay in their current abode (i.e. if you go from a cushy base to a tiny capsule, this changes). Home = how long they can stay off of Kerbin based on the very best hab they have ever had. So a guy stuffed in a capsule has low values on both. A guy launching in a giant colony ship probably has high values on both. But if he is sent off in a small rover later, home will be high, hab will be small (so while you can extend hab with nice bases, they either need to stay there, or come back after short jaunts). Example would be a trip to Duna with a larger command ship with lots of hab space, and a small surface lander that just needs enough hab to last getting down to the surface and back. The line is moved in the correct place, but there's very likely another bug causing over-consumption. That should be it - tho it's hab space not work space Also, it can be EC as well, not just supplies. It's a thing that's selectable, will fiddle with the OP as I have time
  9. 0.3.13 - 2016.03.02 ------------------- Remove ReplacementParts input ressource from MPL (thanks far-lobyte!) Fixed issue with empty vessels and supply consumption upon Kerbals entering (thanks JPLRepo!) added more info to the VAB info windows (Thanks bennord!) Orbiting/Splashed/Landed should display correctly now. Both hab time and homesickness time are shown. When either timer expires, the habitation effect takes place. Corrected an issue that was causing hab time to incorrectly reset. Fixed an issue where supply consumption was out of sync with recyclers/etc. during catch-up mechanics. Fixed an issue causing diminishing returns for recyclers Fixed an issue where certain settings were not having effects [Side note - the VAB display also has an update but I'd consider this experimental for now]
  10. 0.3.3 - 2016.03.02 ------------------ Logistics pulls are now restricted to warehouses Warehouses can be toggled 3.75m and 5m kontainers and tanks are now distributed warehouses and participate in planetary logistics Kontainer price fixes (thanks zajc3w!) Various fixes to EL resources (thanks jd284!) Added the Crush-O-Matic for converting dirt into fertilizer
  11. It should not be.... maybe take it up with KCT folks?
  12. I'll be doing an interim release today - that should give folks a nicer base to work off of. And I take PRs against dev since that's what I work against Master is only for the released versions
  13. Sorry, was out of town. Looks like I need to add something to do this There's an analogue in UKS but as always, I prefer to keep MKS-Lite simpler.
  14. Looks like I missed a lot in this thread I'll be bundling up an update with the new PR's and reviewing the current issue logs.
  15. Thanks - would love to see this as a PR! Interesting - thanks for doing this - I will take a peek (and assume a GitHub issue is logged so I see it as I go through the repos)
  16. Part of the design is that you have to craft and balance your internal payload - that's by design Also the bits are pretty small - most of the stock parts would not fit in a sounding rocket (especially the mystery goo)
  17. Yep, it's getting a bit weirded out because your initial amounts are so small (i.e. the module anticipates roughly the same order of magnitude with the contents).
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