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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. IMO given they are dropping Win64 entirely in 1.0 it would be less of a 'Beta' and more of a 'giant steaming sack full of bees'
  2. Conversion from Organics to Supplies is 1:1. Conversion from Mulch to Organics varies by module, and can only be 1:1 with a land-based Mk-IV (or just create organics with water/substrate). i.e. a Mk-II MKS base can still be 100% self sufficient... if you are on a source of water/substrate (which makes the base site selection mechanic more interesting). Orbitals will not be 100% closed loop... tho I might consider an evolutionary step where the small supply runs from a MK-IV surface base could abstract some of this out. The buildings do have different conversion rates - i.e. how much mulch they can convert into useable organics (Organics:Supplies is always 1:1) Kerbin six hour days.
  3. Actually Karbonite (Regolith) already simulates this (yes, it's a 'catch up delta time' approach, but works well). Side note - the rub with actual background processing is handling the lag when it starts to scale (I have seen multiple cases of people having... I kid you not... over 100 drills and/or resource converters on a single ship).
  4. Karbonite and K+ (and really, all of my mods) will move to the stock resource system (since it's highly moddable) but will not touch stock resources.
  5. No worries And difficulty sliders are amazing things.
  6. Actually, being able to refuel at your destination can significantly reduce launch weight. And ISRU is already kinda a thing, with various prototypes, etc. already in the works.
  7. Actually, Max just showed off the narrow bad resource scanner last SquadCast, so yes the resource system is very much alive and well @r4pt0r - curious, why do you feel ISRU does not make gameplay sense?
  8. See above Yes, this gets a full retool/refresh for 1.0.
  9. The PackRat was made by me (Side note - anything released by USI is made my me, with the exception of most of the Karbonite models). Also - yeah, the old storage mechanism is kinda flaky right now, so would be good to see this either sorted (ideally with an update to the PDF documenting it), or I will likely have to deprecate support (which is what I have done currently in my dev build till this is sorted).
  10. After 1.0 I will release some craft files Correct. It's a hot mess. And since KAS containers are being punted, and KIS storage is flaky, I'll have to deprecate KAS support until such time as KIS stabilizes.
  11. Get rid if the Karbonite_0.5.5 folder I see in your GameData for starters. If you use MKS, reinstall 0.22.8, it has the most recent FireSpitter.
  12. Ok. You had specifically said repaint vs. initial paint. Repaint in the field is disabled. If you can't paint in the VAB, then yes you have a different issue. Screenshot of GameData folder and your USI folder helps.
  13. I'm a bit partial to Karbonite for obvious reasons Plus it's up to date. And as noted, is probably closer to what you will see in the 1.0 resource system, given I'm the author of both. And yes, it can do the whole drill for one resource, convert it into useful stuff thing. Oh... and it processes in the background. Kethane does not.
  14. Edit/delete the EL_Config.cfg file in the Kolonization folder. Just note that I do this because MKS uses a very different production chain than stock EL, and because of VAB icon zoom bugginess because of a lack of Kethane. Also - Taniwha did you decide what you're doing (if anything) WRT the Ore resource now that that name is being used for a stock one in 1.0?
  15. Then take bigger containers. You're citing a lot of what are, at the end of the day, just planning and design issues.
  16. Said generation ship would have to stop periodically and grab raw materials.
  17. They start using the supplies immediately. Just that they can go 15 days without supplies before going on a ship-wide rampage. If you had, let's say, the basic MKS/OKS pioneer module, you can count on getting 25% of that goodness recycled. But in general, if you're not using MKS/OKS or any other 'greenhouse' mod, assume you just pack the three years worth. If you run out... well, you have a fifteen day grace period. If that runs out, the Kerbal is going to look around the ship for any container you cleverly locked (using the right mouse button menu and explicitly locking that resource). The first Kerbal to find that stash will eat a meal, then the rest gets dumped. This is to prevent the situation were you just starve all of your kerbals and use a probe core to 'unlock' supplies at your destination. Now, I suppose one could be clever and make tiny 1-supply packs and radially strap a zillion of these to a ship, but at that point you're just cheating anyway Side note... if you were out of supplies and at the point where the Kerbals have ransacked your ship, they are already grouchy... they are not going to leave the ship as EVA is disabled.
  18. Kinda. And Kinda not. You would have to have two ships, because on the brink of death/grumpiness the Kerbals are going to break open every biscuit tin in sight. And when you land them at that supply base, the first one in is going to break open said biscuit tin, and discard the rest out of the airlock. So you will have to have one sealed container per Kerbal, and then a completely separate supply ship after they ravage the first one. (Side note, it's hilarious to watch in-game as the messages pop up).
  19. Yep you would just send a container. Tho you could do a MM config pretty easy tho to add some to a hitchhiker if so inclined
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