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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. There's nothing in Karbonite or any of my mods that would cause that. It's going to be either an issue with your install, or an issue with KSP.
  2. Excellent point. Yes, some bases may suffer a big surprise. Luckily there will be a very easy way for people to fix this Out of scope for Regolith, but an almost trivial MM config for anyone else to pick up and do.
  3. I hear ya, problem I have been having (no offense) is people posting stuff without actually using the part. At this juncture, I can span the entire Kerbol system in four minutes. there's just zero reason to make this faster as it's only going to aggravate Unity's floating point issues. So it makes no sense to prematurely optimize something for a condition that doesn't even exist. See above. I have heard no plans for new star systems from Squad, but if something does in fact materialize, I'll adjust accordingly. We also already have jump beacons And that would be a different mechanic anyway. Version? This was a bug in an early release but should be corrected by 0.0.4
  4. Yeah the rub is that it's going to be a KAS issue - probably related to the container logic we use to make a packrat snap together.
  5. Also. If it took you four hours to get to jool you are either using some other mod or doing something horribly wrong.
  6. Bear in mind that no mod I am aware of deals with those kinds of distances, since unity gets downright wonky due to floating point precision issues. Show me a mod where there's a use case for faster speed and we'll talk as it is I can go anywhere in the kerbal system in under five minutes.
  7. Yep, I'll do a recompile for 0.25 and start a new thread over the weekend to keep it rolling as is till I can do some tweaks and merge things in.
  8. That's one huge space shuttle then, given I can sneak a small freighter in there. Changing the config does not reflect in the model. And as always.. bear in mind the intent is to have bubble size as a limiting balance factor, but do what you wish with configs, tho I'd recommend MM instead of direct editing since I change things and horrible things may happen.
  9. Ramarren - not sure what issue you're describing RE the catchup code - But I've had zero issue with multi-step converters. Just make sure you have enough capacity to cover the minimum delta time (one day).
  10. Ok. Gimme a few weeks and I'll whip up a power transfer system.
  11. Tell me what you need the power beaming for I've been asked a couple of times to also do something like that as well, I just don't have a use case for it yet.
  12. Death is probably greatly over exaggerated Either way, CC license and I may just change things on my end and release my own patch that makes the stock drive work. Just no bubble (boo!)
  13. Not quite. Missing animations, transforms, and all that jazz, and of course no bubble. Haven't heard from the OP (I expect my suggestion RE some kind of collaboration got buried in other posts).
  14. Ahh - probably out of date. It used to be bundled, then I de-bundled it to save on bandwidth for folks. Trust me - it saves my sanity as well
  15. @cantlab - two bits First, surprisingly hard to see if you are clear of terrain - it's an expensive operation. And second... you're out of warp distance almost instantly anyway, so once you're in orbit it doesn't matter as much. Suffice it to say that I have no intention of changing this mechanic. The current patch adds a parameter that determines cutoff range by percentage of the current celestial body's radius. So a larger bubble around Eve than Gilly. There are design reasons why this constraint is in place, so I really have no intention of changing it (you folks are of course free to do what you will with the config files). @Spacemouse - fixed that issue in the next update. btw - you guys are already exceeding lightspeed. That '160%' is 160% the speed of light - which is about 300 million meters per second.
  16. And why is this? Show me a system that requires it and I'll take a look - but you're dealing with Unity physics issues if you need something that powerful to traverse your game space.
  17. Actually... on a straight burn you can go from the sun to the Eeloo apoapsis in four minutes at the drive's current config. There's no need right now to make it faster @Keymaster89 - play with it first please Creative use of girders as masts/spars to pull together parts that tend to fall apart easily, like the RCS tanks, SAS, etc. - I'll toss a pic up later. You will absolutely have to get creative with your designs and drive carefully.
  18. Let me put it another way. Why do we feel the drive should be able to be engaged at 100KM vs. 500KM vs 1200KM? What gameplay benefit does a gradual throttle give us, since to be honest, there is no such thing as a gradual throttle with this... because either the percentage is so low as to be useless, or it nudges over half a percent or more and erases any difference in the numbers mentioned above because throttle in the lower range is exponential. 1% speed is still over 290,000 meters per second. What mechanic you will likely see is cutoff based on planetary radius with a bonus or penalty for certain drives.
  19. Nope, nothing will break when I swap over It's just non-persistent part module stuff.
  20. I believe you mean ultra speed for death. And it's already editable via the config.
  21. My Alcubierre drive (soon to be drives) have CTT support
  22. Plans are for: 0.625m probe-sized (foldable, inferior ISP tiny bubble and lots of fuel storage) 1.25m (foldable, subluminal, smallish bubble, but very good ISP) 3.75/5m (subluminal, bulky, poor ISP but massive bubble and large fuel storage)
  23. Depends. What problem are we trying to solve? The reason it even has a lockout range is because the drives are stupidly dangerous, so it's a safety thing. They were never designed to be used for atmospheric use. (If folks disagree, it's just a config edit). Side note... three new drives in the works. New models, unique capabilities and limitations.
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