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Everything posted by AlphaAsh

  1. Cheers chap. I'll spend some time on this probably tomorrow and give you a shout if I hit a wall.
  2. No need for a decompiler. The source for this mod is available on GITHub and has a licence that allows you to fork it, borrow from it, whatever. A lot of mods for KSP are like that. Cross-posting from your other thread: I've been a software developer for a looong time. That means I've had years to gain some important generic technical skills that provide me a foundation to be able to rapidly pick up just about any IDE or 4GL or OO or whatever pretty quickly. I didn't look at C sharp until I started modding KSP. That means I'm no wizard, just capable. You can't expect others to step up and do what you can't do yourself. That's just how it is with modding. You have to put in the grunt work yourself first. Look at how much I pissed off a certain Justin Kerbice when I started modding KSP, because I made the investment he didn't, surpassed his efforts rapidly and shut him down when he tried to berate me for pursuing help when I had done the ground-work and then needed some very simple guidance (not hand-outs). It's through knuckling down and hard work that I gain respect from other excellent modders, like nightingale and magico13, who are frankly waaay better than me, because I know they know that I know that. If I can't be bothered to put in the initial investment of my own time, why should someone else give me their precious time?
  3. Sounds good chap and I'll have a look-see. KK is only concerned with recovery of splashed and landed missions so I'm not sure this is the right way round to do it though. What might be a better approach is if KK's calculation of distance to nearest open base was exposed for StageRecovery to be able to hook on. TBH though, my coding skills are sucky and rusty so I'll probably need some help with that.
  4. Yup. You wouldn't need the fuel tank either. It should be possible to just detect that a craft is landed on the runway or launchpad and then let your app present a GUI with function restricted accordingly. Nah it's just data. You would need to get your head around how persistency works in KSP. I ended up having to use my own external database because KSP's native stuff seems to really only work for parts and contracts and other functions already native to KSP. I do know some other modders have had more luck there though.
  5. If I'm understanding you correctly, you're currently doing a feasibility study of what you'd like to do. Other modders might jump in and disagree but here's what I can tell you: Yes. Kinda. Probably the best way to achieve this is to empty the tanks when the vessel is launched. Another approach might be an MM config that initialises all stored resources to zero. And another solution might be to have parts automatically emptied in the VAB and SPH. Fairly certain KSP's API has a lot of hooks for resources in various scenes. Yes definitely. I do this in KK already, in that by default you can't anyway. It wouldn't be hard to orphan a GUI from the statics I use in KK either. It's just a GUI that has access and function restrictions based on the vicinity of a craft to an object and some data. You could integrate this in to the same GUI I describe above.
  6. I do like the basic idea behind this but feel you need to get your design a little more ironed-out. However, before you go spending time doing that, I have to warn you about this: From personal experience of modding for nearly two decades... the project lead needs to have most of the technical skills the project is going to need themselves. Trying to get others with the skills to step up and implement your grand plan for you is a recipe for failure.
  7. A couple of examples of contracts I'm working on: I'm also working on a short contract campaign involving the ancient anomalies in KerbinSide. Here's the first couple of missions to wet your appetite. Expect adventures and espionage and intrigue innnnn space. ETA: When nightingale gets the version of CC I'm using released, the first few contracts will be released. I highly doubt the campaign will be ready for that.
  8. WIP preview. Special thanks to nightingale who has been extremely tolerant of my constant hassling and harassing. He's helping make this fun actually work.
  9. See the FAQ and Known Issues in the OP. Didn't happen chap, sorry.
  10. Might be Texture Replacer munching the icons instead. IIRC that mod does something to textures similar to ATM.
  11. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/105247-1-0-2-Kerbal-Konstructs-%28v0-7-5%29-Now-With-More-Bits-That-Work-Properly?p=1636042&viewfull=1#post1636042
  12. v0.7.5 available from KerbalStuff. Changelog: You can now 'buy' fuel for working fuel tanks in Sandbox and Science mode but it doesn't cost any funds (since you don't have any). A little more GUI feedback. A couple of small bugfixes.
  13. No the directory structure wasn't changed. KK and KerbinSide have separate directories in GameData. The correct installation procedure for KK is fully explained in the OP. Updating KK is a simple process of deleting the old version of Kerbal Konstructs (that's everything in GameData/medsouz/KerbalKonstructs) and then installing the new version. if the icon is broken, you haven't installed the mod properly.
  14. v0.7.4 available from KerbalStuff. Changelog: Fixed: Being able to select KSC as the target base of the NGS. NGS reported co-ordinate precision and consistency increased. GUI slightly more verbose in-game. More improved GUI feedback still to come. Far less verbose in the log. Forgot to shut off a lot of debug in the last version. Sorry.
  15. SPC's Expanded Bases and the latest Oceania. Everything else should be in the current All in 1 unless I mucked up.
  16. Fair call. I don't see it being a quick release. I really want to do a thorough trimming on the content and improve a lot of the models. That's a big chunk of work so the current version is going to be current for a while. Forced to give an ETA for next version... a month. That is a pretty wild estimate.
  17. Yup, there's very poor handling of the non-feature there. I'll add it to the list but it won't make the next version. Cheers chap.
  18. Erm what? Posted 27th April: Since adding working fuel tanks to Kerbal Konstructs I've not confirmed any additional features to that. Other than the post above and then an interim release to take advantage of KSP's now native DDS support, I've not confirmed any "big release" for KerbinSide. I'm interpreting your post as a troll/thread-dump, possibly due to frustration with my extremely laissez faire approach to planning and scheduling. If that's not the case, perhaps you'd like to try re-wording your question?
  19. See the Troubleshooting section of this post: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/105247-1-0-2-Kerbal-Konstructs-%28v0-7-3%29-Now-With-More-Stuff-and-Things?p=1636040&viewfull=1#post1636040
  20. Bug fixed in latest KK: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/105247-1-0-2-Kerbal-Konstructs-%28v0-7-3%29-Now-With-More-Stuff-and-Things?p=1903013&viewfull=1#post1903013
  21. It was very useful. I just forgot to switch it off for the latest release. I'll fix it shortly.
  22. v2.1 of Kerbin's Age of Pioneers parts pack available from KerbalStuff. Changelog: Many new parts. Tested for 1.0.2 compatibility. Textures converted to DDS. Switched from mesh to model in configs and all model and texture files moved to an Assets folder.
  23. Eskandare's Oceania pack has been updated to v1.3. Find it in the OP. Changelog: Resized preview images so Launch Selector doesn't b0rk.
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