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Everything posted by AlphaAsh

  1. It will. KerbinSide's textures will be DDS next version, now that KSP has native support for the format. Please clarify. Not showing where? The launch site selector in the VAB/SPH? The launch site after launching? The icons in the tracking station? I can't help with such vague info.
  2. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/117146-Best-converter-for-*-dds-format?p=1885195&viewfull=1#post1885195 Still experimenting but that's where I'm at with DDS in Paint.NET. Haven't tried GIMP.
  3. Paint.NET's dds conversion is proving far more reliable than Lilleman's KSP to DDS converter. About 50% of tgas failed to appear in KSP after conversion with the latter. 100% are appearing reliably after conversion with Paint.NET. I'm still experimenting with the settings of Paint.NET's converter. So far, DXT5, Compressor Type: Range fit, Error Metric: Perceptual, Generate Mip Maps: Fant has given good results, although results can be poor where any texture was scaled on the model. EDIT: And no .mu hex hacking is required. KSP natively loads DDS.
  4. You sure about that? With DDS loading now native in KSP, won't it just grab a texture with the DDS extension if it finds it? Argh gah. Wished I'd read that before I just spent the last two hours on it. Heh
  5. Great stuff regex. You may proceed to ignore this now. (I have cake.)
  6. For what you want: 1 - Install latest All In 1 2 - Install KK Feature Update Working Fuel tanks (see the OP). 3 - Install latest KK. Sorry for the mess. There is some consolidation coming soon.
  7. Agreed on all of this chap. One suggestion would be to change the name of your pack slightly. Tourism+ or something like that. EDIT - Tourism Pro Contracts. RealTourism. TheseTouristContractsAreBetterThanStock... I could go on.
  8. Dedicated to Squad. Thanks for the awesome game.
  9. Ooopsie missed that last night. KerbalStuff updated. Sorry bout that.
  10. Yup. Next version of KerbinSide there'll be an increase in global coverage but a few bases will also get the chop.
  11. I'm looking at the issue myself today. As far as I can see it's a case of making sure node orientation is set correctly to -1.0 or 1.0, rather than just letting it default.
  12. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/117365-We-re-working-on-1-0-1?p=1876977&viewfull=1#post1876977 You should see parts mods being updated soon.
  13. Seeng this too with a lot of modded and custom parts. Something has been changed regarding nodes and I'm surprised there hasn't been more mention of it by parts modders. I suspect it's something like node integration or support of multiple colliders being dropped. Hopefully modders will get some more info on this issue.
  14. I wouldn't say unfounded Previous updates did royally screw with parts of the API KK relied on. Thankfully that didn't happen in this update. I'm starting work on something of a special edition/reboot of KerbinSide. The culling of bases is going to happen because there's far too many redundant ones. Some new bases will be added to further increase global coverage. Bases will be improved/expanded. New features I'm wary to go in to too much detail yet but one thing I will hint at: there have been attempts in the past by other mods to provide visual proof when in orbit that Kerbin is populated. I'm planning to try my own idea for that (and no, it won't step on the toes of Eskandare's project).
  15. Launching from custom sites working fine. Initial base tests complete. Current version good for 1.0.
  16. 1.0 compatibility is looking very promising with initial testing. Not sure if level 0 facilities were introduced so testing continues. Fingers crossed launching from custom sites will just work. More info after some more testing.
  17. I didn't think I was going to get paid. I didn't bank on getting paid.
  18. I've been modding games since Doom, MeCripp.
  19. Erm. Yes I have. And it's been going on for nearly two decades. That's what I do. I tried working in a couple of studios - we didnt get on No surprise there. I did recognise that. Thank you. <- Serious smiley. No sarcasm intended. Your self-moderation is admirable sir
  20. Oh it's this discussion. Again. I'm trying so hard not to just explode in a puddle of sarcasm in response to what I'm reading. Could anyone posting in this thread, seriously just take a moment to think about just how degrading this continues to be for modders, especially those of us who have been trying to make a living from what we consider to be a valuable skillset? I'm an inch from rage-quitting modding KSP, hell modding full stop, because the same scaremongering rubbish continues to be spewed whenever the unjust taboo subject of modders charging for what they do comes around. Right now, I feel like I need a year away from the internet. Maybe I can spend that time getting a real job or re-qualified for one? regex; 1 - We shouldn't have to argue. 2 - In my case, it's not a hobby. It IS part of my job.
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