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Everything posted by sp1989

  1. Vens Part Revamp updates the inerior of the Mk1 IVA. Not much but it looks more like the Mercury Pod on the inside. Combine that withe RPM its actually a great little pod on the inside.
  2. That was an interesting question and a tough question if you apply present day worldview and morality. Meaning that easily I would say no enhancements because we aren't on the verge of the entire loss of our species. So I would have to say that perseverance and or work ethic. Now because the first new generations would have no choice but persevere and have strong work ethics it might seem unnecessary. But I would want my progeny to never be complacent. Never be satisfied. Now down the road that might come into conflict with the other offspring, but in terms of propagating the species I think a strong and unwavering work ethic.
  3. Thats what Vens Part Revamp is for. I figured at this point VPR was standard for everyone by now.
  4. I looked back through the thread and I haven't noticed this problem. So It seems that my screens don't look like the ones on the front screen. Am I missing something?
  5. Well since we know the source material then we have a pretty good idea of the plot. Thats not to say the movies from books haven't been totally antithetical to their movie counterparts. Based on what I have seen from the trailers it looks like thay are going to be fairly loyal to the book. Also we have Andy Weir in his own words, said they were pretty loyal to the book. He had advanced copies of the script. Also I edit video for corporate events, parties, commercials, etc. and I can tell you the trailers are heavily edited. Now it doesn't take a person with my experience to know that trailers are heavily edited, however I can tell when someone is trying to tell a specific story and lead people towards believing something. In this case I can tell that the editor was trying to show how beloved the character is by showing everyones reaction to him still being alive. Thats all I am trying to say. I am not trying to figure out the entire plot. Call it hope that they are going to stay loyal to the book and that I am using all of knowledge to justify it to myself and other lol.
  6. That's precisely my point! I have been addressing since the first trailer about people saying how much they changed the plot.
  7. If you are planning a Martian series just FYI making the Hermes is actually pretty easy by useing only 3 or 4 mods. You obviously will weld and cfg to make it look exact. But even without doing things like that you can make a pretty convincing and accurate hermes. I did and I had a lot of fun with it. Unfortunately I lost the craft file but I will say it was alot easier than I expected.
  8. No its Martinez's family. The wife and kid are Spanish. I am not saying that Watney couldn't have a spanish wife and son Its just that I remember the plot line now of Martinez. When they decide to do the earth gravity assist Martinez needs to tell his family that he isn't going to see them as soon as he they thought. So the clip is most likely from Martinez talking to his family. Just another case of them editing it so it looks like something else. If that isn't clear proof about how they edit it make it seem more compelling then I don't know what will.
  9. No he isn't married. I don't think he is gonna be married. I mean it would heighten the drama but I think it would be unnecessary. The people in the trailer could be his parents or his sister which I think I vaguely remember him mentioning.
  10. You have undoubtedly installed the Mod incorrectly. Do not install just install the FASA 5.36 folder you downloaded. You need to click on the folder and install the folder that just says FASA and the folder that says JSI. Hope this helps.
  11. Nope. It was a question of casting choice. After or during reading the book who you pictured in the roll of Watney. For example I think Matt Damon is the obvious choice. I think he is the safe choice because he will do a great job. However they had an opportunity choose someone out of the box like RDJ for Iron Man or Heath Ledger as the Joker. That being choosing Matt Damon almost all but guarantees that book readers and not will be satisfied. - - - Updated - - - You beat me to it!!! - - - Updated - - - Actually, even though he might be biased or even contractually obliged to promote the movie. Andy Weir said that they have kept a surprisingly large amount from the book in the movie and that it's very loyal to the plot of the book. So I trust Andy Weir, and based on the trailers we have seen it seems that it will be loyal to the book. Even though it looks like the Hermes crew will know Watney is alive from the beginning I still think they will stay true to the plot of not telling them as well. My theory is that they wouldn't cast Donald Glover as Rich Purnell and Sean Bean as Mitch. Why cast a great actor like Sean Bean as Mitch and why even bother having Rich Purnell if their isn't going to be the Mission Control mutiny? I know that theory is thin however I also feel it's too compelling of a plot. Also I am an video editor by trade and the trailer is heavily edited to make it look like watneys transmission is linear to mission control seeing it in conjunction with the Hermes. It's just good story telling in the trailer and they want to show the shock of everyone, in the trailer. What are they gonna just show mission control and the Hermes crew figuring out burns and maneuvers in the trailer?
  12. UMMM!!! I don't know why I am just seeing this. If there is any reason for you to delay the production of Alexandria it would be because you are making series based on The Martian. I was just gonna ask you about doing a series like that. Also I don't know if you have read Seveneves but honestly I think something like that is right up you alley. I mean its got everything first of all building an ISS then expanding it and then attaching an asteroid to the front of it. Now that doesn't give anything away because its all on the inside front cover and first page. After that I wont give anything else away, the space infrastructure and the imagining of the space infrastructure in the book would be wonderful to see in KSP. Also we are gonna see The Martian on October 2nd. Seveneves could be a long way away so seeing something realized in video even if is in KSP would be wonderful especially by you. Good luck man I look forward to whatever you plan on posting.
  13. Ok so that might be the problem that its considered an srb? But Abort is an action group just like any other action group. I honestly have never attached an srb to action group but as long as I can assign "activate engine" to that action group I don't see why not. I have most certainly put seperatrons on the action groups and the abort button for make shift LES. That all being said instead of writing a config can't you assign the options from the stock LES? That I know can be triggered by the Abort action group. - - - Updated - - - It has to be in "SovietPack" create a new folder and put the MIR game data in it. No "Mir master"
  14. Why can't you trigger the LES through the abort action group?
  15. I do have to agree about part three. However by itself it would have been a lovely novel onto itself. When it comes directly after parts one and two its tough. For me I made a mistake, I binge read for about 5 hours and reached part 3 at 2am after the awesome conclusion of part 2 and I just couldn't get into it. So stopped reading and it took me days to finally get back into part three because I knew what was coming and part two was so good and knowing that it was over it was tough to get back. However! You are correct but if you treat each part as a different book you have a very compelling and satisfying trilogy.
  16. Honestly we have hit a wall with the development of technology. However I don't believe that this is for any other reason than that within the next 10-20 years there will be an explosion of revolutionary technology that is currently in its infancy. Right now we are reaping the benefits of technology that was dreamt about or in it infancy 40-50 years ago. So we have honestly just hit a wall or a throttle back before the next explosion or acceleration towards the future of our dreams or an Orwellian nightmare depending on how you look at it. Each generation lives the dreams of the past generation I suppose thats a sad irony.
  17. Seveneves is on par with The Martian. I find it better only because it is so satisfyingly long. When I was done I was hugely satisfied and that almost everything I wanted to be covered was. However the world the Stephenson created can easily be expanded in multiple entries and become an incredible Sci Fi series of books. If he could do that HBO could and undoubtedly should make a series out of it. Not a bad idea considering GOT only has about 2 or 3 seasons left. Honestly the first book alone is capable of being three or even four seasons. But that is just me.
  18. Yes seveneves is on par with The Martian. I find it better only because it is so satisfyingly long. When I was done I was hugely satisfied and that almost everything I wanted to be covered was. However the world the Stephenson created can easily be expanded in multiple entries and become an incredible Sci Fi series of books. If he could do that HBO could and undoubtedly should make a series out of it. Not a bad idea considering GOT only has about 2 or 3 seasons left. Honestly the first book alone is capable of being three or even four seasons. But that is just me. - - - Updated - - - I have been following tested even before Adam had joined. When they recommended the Martian I instantly knew I should read it.
  19. “The moon blew up without warning and for no apparent reason.†Arguably one of the most intriguing and compelling opening sentences in history. If that first sentence doesn't draw you in than this obviously isn't the book for you. This thread is designed for people who want to discuss the novel Seveneves in all of its glorious intricacies. From the destruction of the moon, the effort to preserve the human race in space, the ymir expedition, and so so so much more! This book is a treasure trove of nerdy goodness and I highly recommend it. This is a SPOILER thread! So please if you don't want the book to be ruined please stop reading. So please discuss........ Has anyone built "IZZY" circa the time the moon blew up? With a Torus and Amalthea attached to it? Share pictures.
  20. How many people read the Martian because of Tested and how many people are now reading Seveneves for the same reason?
  21. I mean in terms of 747s SOFIA would be cool. Especially if you could use it in career mode and gather science astronomical science from different biomes.
  22. Well atleast you got rid of that problem. Two module managers can make ksp so funny things. Atleast we caught that particular rabbit. I mean the stock troubleshooting is all I can think of. If you are on steam check and verify your game cache. What mods are you useing?
  23. It's looks like you have two versions of module manager. Get rid of the older version and keep the newest. That should help. If that doesn't work I got nothing else.
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