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Everything posted by sp1989

  1. So have I but as long as the memes or gifs have text it doesn't violate the rules. You cant post a picture of gif without saying anything as your reaction.
  2. Keeping FPS down is important. So what if instead of attaching the docking ports what if you make the modules on piece with docking ports. I mean in terms of part count it really adds up. Too many parts makes the fps drop.
  3. I can confirm that there is definitely something wrong with the single solar panels.
  4. For such a short post so many emotions went through my head. This is the order of what went through my head Also I have a recommendation/request. Can you make the bottom sepratrons on the srb work? They are there but they don't have a function. I assume they are a greebly. Although the way the srbs separate now are much better than the wat they used to seperate. They still don't decouple quite right. They fall away and their bottoms touch. They rarely strike the orbiter, but even a weak sepratron would do well with these srbs.
  5. Yes he did. That was intended specifically for the this mod. Yogui was one of the original community members that made this ISS. I believe he built the Japanese modules....don't quote me on that. Also from the Japanese end. Noonespecial mods are fantastic and probably ultra realistic but this mod is very beautiful as well and less memory intensive http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/223187-japanese-launch-vehicles-pack-v0-30 however both are out of date.
  6. I agree, I mean that IVA is the best!
  7. What happened to the configuration you had in 1.7.3. That's the version I am still useing and it's pretty much perfect in my opinion. That power plant was supposed to be launched but they scrapped it because it was costly and unnecessary. However it would have been really cool looking!! It was supposed to attach to the top docking port of zvezda.
  8. Nice!!! Great addition of something that was scrapped.
  9. Thank you so much! Curious though I have been using SXT for a while now. Never had this problem. Thanks again.
  10. Ahhhh ok I've always wanted to know the difference! You've got both of my logs now. Please help lol.
  11. Here you go https://www.dropbox.com/s/pcybc65bdg6owx6/KSP.log?dl=0 Are you sure you want that one? The one I posted above is the file I get out of the unity folder. Thats the one modders usually ask for.
  12. Here is my most recent log https://www.dropbox.com/s/j9pm1i59c04ycoi/Player.log?dl=0
  13. No contracts are showing up with the most recent update. I take it back its not your mod I started a new career without it and I have not contracts. Took mods away and still no contracts at all. Strange and frustrating bug.
  14. Predict that somewhere on page two or three someone will mention KONQUEST and ask when its gonna be done. I say this because likely someone will read this post. But as the pages go its only a matter of time before someone brings up KONQUEST.
  15. Am I supposed to say no lol?!! Yes please. I don't know how to do cfg work......at all. So the only thing I can do is play with the audio. I have not a clue how get the sound to work on models.
  16. If you like the one I sent you check the new link I posted. Thats different from the other one I sent you. This one is even better. Yes I am that much of an audiophile that I still heard a click. Also I am all in on your ISS work. However I am looking forward to hearing the X-15 sounds I sent you on the x-15 you are making.
  17. I know I mentioned this before but I am an audiophile. I was a sound engineer and producer for a radio station a while back and its always the first thing I notice. So there is a clipping sound coming from the SSME's its an easy fix and it just comes from the loop not being done correctly. Not your fault mike probably a remnant of a bygone past. Anyway if anyone else notices it and would like to fix it just download this.https://www.dropbox.com/s/ivakpuwbgtaeism/sound_ssmeloop.wav?dl=0 I redid the SSME sound and there is no longer a clicking sound during the ascent. Sorry to all who didn't notice it before and will notice it now. If you do and it bothers you just download the sound I fixed throw it into the sound folder in the Space Shuttle folder and replace/delete/overwrite the old version.
  18. Can you make it so there are two deployment options. Fully deployed and half deployed like in real life.
  19. They are from the Spice Launch System mod. Mike got permission and has modified them to fit with the shuttle. He changed the color and scaled them down quite a bit.
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