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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. you need to hold r and mouse over to adjust extra readius which is the wide flat you are talking about
  2. could you think of why I cant see the cloud 2d layer? i.e its a clear sky from the ground but I see cloudy kerbin in high orbit.
  3. Does anyone have a good config for RSS yet? All I get is volumetric clouds, I can change the altitude. They move really fast so I'll have to adjust the speed. The 2d layer looking up from the ground refuses to show up anymore. So its just one patch of volume clouds in a clear sky. Great work by the way. This adds so much to the game, but I cant go back from RSS now !
  4. Im still having dramas installing the new verion. Ive taken any extras out of the equation. 1. extract 6.8.1 to gamedata 2. extract volume test 4 to gamedata Not using proot or astronomer packs, I am using RSS though. I set cloud level to 10,000 I see city lights, and one patch of Vclouds over ksc. Are there any configs for RSS? I still dont see the regular 2d cloud layers. Id really appreciate some assistance with this awesome mod.
  5. Ok, I dont understand though, I have proot texture pack, but in the cloudlayres/ usercloudlayers cfg the names are the same, what exactly is are the required changes? Thanks
  6. hey since updating to 6.8.1 i dont see clouds any more. Have I missed something. Thanks.
  7. jsimmons, thanks for this i will check it out. I used realfuels so this will be handy
  8. Thanks. I had missed the new rss update so will give that a try. Yea I meant the Mk1 pod. So far I have just re entered from LKO at around 70km and its ok.
  9. Hi all. New to the forum but have been enjoying ksp & the realism overhaul for a while now. Really enjoying it. I have just about completed all unmanned science tasks around the Moon and have a few questions please: 1)The 'superstretchy' fuel tanks, do these unlock in the tech tree? I have 5m maximum. So I have a lot of engines that are way too big for the biggest fuel tanks I have. I am on about tech level 4 or 5 in rocketry. 2)Same with the Stretchy SRB's, these are locked at 1.25m or there abouts at the moment, I am on level 2, does the width adjuster get unlocked with the tree also? 3)What is a good re-entry profile for the mk1 lander? I managed to get my probes back by aero braking and periapsis of around 65km from the moon, they just about made it! But seems a bit harsh for manned pods. 4)The only downside I have is the terrain on Mun and Kerbin is all very flat and boring, also some clipping issues with lander feet on moon, is that the part (AIES legs) or the terrain due to rescaling? Is there a way to use the whole package, (DRE,FAR,Realfuels, etc) with stock planets and still retain the challenge level? Purely for interesting landscapes again! I am really enjoying the realism overhaul and this career mode. I have done a lot of modding for other games so I know the work that goes in. I have already made myself a new navball, but I am enjoying plying too much to start modding, yet! Thanks for all your hard work! duckhunt
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