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Everything posted by DaPatman

  1. Option 2 would be my preference, but I'd be okay with option 1 if you went with that. The other two options seem more complicated than is necessary to me.
  2. This is a conflict with Crowd Sourced Science - the way it's been made breaks other mods that add science experiments. The fix is to delete the stock ScienceDefs.cfg file (found in GameData\Squad\Resources).
  3. I have something I'm sure all Banana for Scale fans will like - a Module Manager config to make satellite deployment contracts sometimes ask for a banana to be put on the satellite. Download it here.
  4. I'm trying to work out how to use Module Manager to edit the Contracts.cfg file. Can anyone confirm if the following will make satellite deployment contracts sometimes request the Banana for Scale? @Contracts { @Satellite { PART_REQUEST { Title = Have a Banana for Scale on the satellite KeyWord = Scientific Part = BananaForScale Trivial { Chance = 5 FundsMultiplier = 1.05 ScienceMultiplier = 1.25 ReputationMultiplier = 1.05 } Significant { Chance = 15 FundsMultiplier = 1.05 ScienceMultiplier = 1.25 ReputationMultiplier = 1.05 } Exceptional { Chance = 25 FundsMultiplier = 1.05 ScienceMultiplier = 1.25 ReputationMultiplier = 1.05 } } } }
  5. I wonder if anyone could help me with writing ModuleManager configs to edit existing "PART_REQUEST"s and create new ones. I know how to make changes to part configs, but I can't work out how to do the same with "Contracts.cfg".
  6. This is already doable: in GameData\Snacks\PluginData\Snacks\ you will find a file called "snacks.cfg". Open it, and change kerbalDeath = False to kerbalDeath = True, and your kerbals should die when they run out of snacks.
  7. Trying and failing to build a craft capable of putting four Kerbals on the surface of the Mun and safely returning them in 140t or less. I think I'm just going to send two of them, then send the other two when I get a "Plant a flag on the Mun" contract.
  8. My resolution is to land on more places outside Kerbin's SOI than just Gilly.
  9. Because stupid_chris got fed up of people reporting bugs with this mod that were actually caused by how broken 64-bit KSP is. Also, 64-bit kept crashing on him when he tried to test the mod in it, so how can he support a version of the game he can't even test in?
  10. Actually, you need the level 2 R&D department before you can take surface samples, though you'll also need the level 2 Astronaut Complex if you want to do so anywhere other than Kerbin.
  11. This should probably go in the Fine Print thread, but assuming you didn't launch until after accepting the contract, satellite contracts require the probe has three things: a probe core (I believe the definition Fine Print uses is a part with the ModuleCommand module and a minimum crew to operate of 0, which both MRS probe cores have), a source of power generation (e.g. solar panels, but not batteries - they don't produce power, just store it), and an antenna. I suggest you check your probes have all three, and if they do and it's still not completing, go tell Arsonide.
  12. While I can plane, I'm not very good at it yet, so I shall be sitting out day 3. Also I think time zones prevent a DMP challenge from being viable - if, for example, the challenge happened at 8pm Pacific, people like me who live in the UK would have to stay up until 4am.
  13. Actually, it has just over 1000m/s of delta-V, and if I hadn't needed the parachute, it would have had about 1600m/s.
  14. Done: As is race 2, in a time of 2:01 (MET 1:40 to 3:41): I think I could stand to brake less on some of the tighter turns, so I'll probably redo the lap later this week.
  15. Solved it! Some of the fuel lines had become detached. Reattaching them has provided sufficient delta-v. DP-L2 DP-L3
  16. The DP-L1, if it existed, would be made of size 1 parts and probably only manage to get 5t to orbit, and I felt there was no need for such a lifter. Huh, so it does. That is incredibly odd, as they both said they had somewhere between 4,800 and 5,000m/s when I first built them, which must have been true, because they each put the stated weights into 100km x 100km orbits when I tested them. I guess I'd better go try and find out what's different now.
  17. I'm hoping that turns out to be overkill, as my heaviest lifter can only manage 125 tonnes. Speaking of which, here are my three lifters: DP-L2 - 30t to orbit DP-L3 - 75t to orbit DP-L4 - 125t to orbit
  18. After trying out several designs, I think I've reached the point where the main thing slowing down my time is my own driving skills, so DP Racing is proud to present the DP-04: Craft file for the curious. Sergio's already driven it around the first track in a time of 1:51 (MET 1:40 - 3:31): It may not score me any points, but it's under two minutes, and given how long it's taken to get to this point, I'll take that. Race 2 at some point this weekend.
  19. Yeah, I started thinking about why it wasn't working when I went to bed last night, and I figured the high centre of mass was a factor. Alright, I might have the DP-04 ready tonight, or at least by tomorrow afternoon.
  20. I give up. I just can't get this car around that track in anything like a decent time (read: under two minutes), and all attempts to do so result in rolling the car. It's gotten to the point where I'm not enjoying it anymore, so I'm afraid I won't be continuing with this.
  21. Here's the DP-03, which hopefully doesn't fall foul of any rules pertaining to construction: Craft file for the curious: http://pastebin.com/36GDb4V6 Lap to follow.
  22. Hmm, that makes the DP-02 invalid (no I-beams). In which case, I'll build a new car tonight or tomorrow.
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