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Everything posted by SpacedInvader

  1. I was going to ask the same question, but seeing as how that post is a month and a half old and no response, I'm going to start putting one together.
  2. Are you sure it works? Final flight path angle of 180° should have you pointing backwards not on a heading of 180°. Also, you said you're not doing it automatically, but you have the autopilot engaged, which is exactly what I meant. My recommendation is to launch into a much lower orbit (~200km) and then burn out to where you need to go, and I would do it manually as MechJeb ascent autopilot isn't the happiest with RSS + FAR.
  3. Well for the life of me I can't get this thing to stay in existence... I've even tried copying the parameters over from the flag that's planted right next to the stage and still it deletes itself immediately if I go anywhere near it.
  4. Well, I reclassified it to a base in the save file and renamed it and it still got cleaned... Not sure why though, as I only have 78 pieces of debris and my cleaner is set to 250. Seems more like a glitch than a cleaning now. I edited the vessel back into the save file and then launched the game and went back to check if it was there correctly. It was, but it deleted itself immediately upon going back to the space port. Right now I'm trying it again, but I'm not going to visit the vessel to see if it lasts a while. I'm thinking that maybe it needs to have a command module of some sort on it or it will just delete itself.
  5. Will renaming it to something other than debris do anything at all? Doesn't it need to have a command module of some type to be counted as anything other than debris? Is this a stupid question?
  6. Will the work after the fact? Go back there with KAS and slap one on?
  7. I'm looking to preserve special debris so it doesn't get cleared out. Specifically in this case I'm referring to the descent portion of my first lunar lander, but it's something I'd like to know about for the future as well.
  8. First, are you trying to do an automatic MJ launch? Second, can you post a screenshot of your MechJeb ascent window.
  9. Mine for sure plays well with TAC, and if TurielD took the same approach as me, I've got no reason to think that will work any differently. I also play this with RSS, though there is nothing there that should conflict at all. The thing to remember, however, is that the update doesn't affect saved, already flying ships, so you may have to edit those save files with the correct amounts if you go my way.
  10. Just popping in to see if this is still alive? Haven't heard anything from Faark in weeks...
  11. First off, if we're correcting Kerbal waste to equal 51.07% of human waste, then the actual human waste value is ~1.29kg/CM-d. Also, the waste density value I used is not the 0.1kg/liter that Taranis is using, but rather a value of 1gr/cm³ (1kg/liter), which is the best density information I've been able to find to date. I should also point out that we were assuming that the ECLSS was indeed extracting moisture from the atmosphere in the spacecraft which would include evaporated sweat. I think you're probably right about the daily water intake being quite a bit lower than what should be the case, but I don't think that he accidentally used gallons instead of liters. If you look at the wikipedia source page he's using for many of these values, it indicates that the daily human metabolic need for water is 3.52kg @ 1kg/L. That being said, this number doesn't take into account the daily use needs beyond what a crew member needs to consume to survive whereas the NASA number includes things like bathing or hand washing. As to why I'm using human values rather than kerbal, this is because I feel the extra step of converting to smaller units actually unbalances the game if using realistic quantities and densities. For example, a single Universal Storage Oxygen Block, for which the volume and carrying capacity has been carefully worked out by Paul and Daishi, contains enough oxygen to support a three kerbal crew for 25.75 days. Converting that number to kerbal values expands the life of those tanks out to 50.65 days, meaning that a single block is enough to support that pod all the way to Eve with some to spare and without needing to recycle any. Also, despite all of the discussion on the subject, we have no real idea just how much of each resource a kerbal really would need to consume per day, so my thinking is that human values provide the most accurate assumption of what needs to be carried along for the ride. That being said, I'm not opposed to using kerbal values if we can bring them into a better balance. This release isn't just about integrating TACLS and US anymore, though US features prominently in the files, but rather about updating TACLS to use real world units and consumption rates (another argument for using human values), which is something that Taranis is in the process of doing himself. I've simply jumped in ahead of him to release what I consider to be a temporary patch until he finishes the proper update. I have tried to make allowances for other mods in the config, but sooner or later all of those other mods will be forced to move to the new system anyway. Final point, while the crew of the ISS might dislike drinking recycled waste water (I would like to see your source on this, BTW), the provision to use it for just that is built into the system. The wikipedia page describing the ISS ECLSS has a nice resource map showing what goes where and what it's used for which includes urine recovery passed through waste water processing and on to crew systems. This is something that simply must take place aboard any long duration mission as you simply can't just truck along all of your water fresh so you don't have to reuse it. Some form of recycling for water, oxygen, and probably also food is going to be a requirement (hence the need for a well balanced greenhouse) for any mission which travel far enough from Earth to preclude regular supply runs. I should also point out that some of these values may be items which should be omitted from TACLS to prevent headaches. For example, since there is only one waste resource, the system is lumping the waste from packaging in with solid waste generated as feces. If we are going to include a greenhouse which recycles waste into food without making a distinction between organic waste and non-organic waste, then at some point those plants would be eating highly nutritious plastic rather than what they should be eating. In addition to that, there has to be some accounting for water weight of food in the water intake of a crew member because if you're feeding them food which has a high water content and then also giving them a large amount of water, you're wasting system mass on the double accounting of water from those two sources. Basically, there is still some tweaking to perform, but the general conversion to real world units is still coming, whether you use my interim release, or wait for TACLS proper to be updated to the new system...
  12. This might be a stupid question, but does the thrust limiter slider do anything if the engine in question isn't throttleable?
  13. Here is the spreadsheet that TaranisElsu is building the new numbers for TACLS off of: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aioc9ek3XAvwdGNsRlh3OVhlbTFBR3M4RW0zLUNTRFE&usp=sharing#gid=0 As I said before, I'm using human values for my numbers, though Kerbal values should scale proportionately. That being said, there are some discrepancies, most notably with waste. The spreadsheet indicates 0.11kg of waste per day from a human, but 0.659kg/day for a kerbal. I've got no idea where either of these numbers come from as the human value doesn't seem to be based on anything and the kerbal value is supposed to be 51.07% of the human value.
  14. Try updating to the newest dev build of MechJeb, build 260 didn't like RSS for some reason, but 262 seems ok. As for the probes, that doesn't sound like an RSS issue...
  15. I'll give that a try, but I've never had much luck with part clipping... things tend to become unpredictable...
  16. Been a long time since highschool biology, but I guess I'll take you're word for it. That being said, the mass distribution is based off of either NASA numbers (3 meals or one day of food on the ISS is 1.8kg), or average human values (1oz of feces per 12lbs of body weight with an average human being 160lbs), so they are at least somewhat accurate. I did postulate the idea on the TACLS thread that the 1.8kg included water weight of beverages and non-dehydrated foods, but I'm not sure how much that will affect the final numbers. I'm left with the distinct impression that not everyone participating in that discussion has the desire for things to be realistic. EDIT: I should mention that TaranisElsu actually had the daily waste value set at 0.11kg, but I thought that was ridiculously low, so I set mine at 0.38kg based on the average detailed above.
  17. So updating to the newest dev build of MechJeb *seems* to have fixed the locked view issue.
  18. How would you account for VTOLs then? I honestly don't see what's wrong with the current situation outside of code efficiency. If people want to waste points upgrading the SPH to build rockets instead of upgrading the VAB, then I say let them. The end game result is always going to be highly upgraded version of both anyway...
  19. I've narrowed it down to an issue with MechJeb. I'll have to try a newer version when I get home from work tonight to see if the problem persists.
  20. Not true at all... You're forgetting that the whole reason we eat in the first place is to provide an energy source for the human machine. Most of what composes human feces is dead cells and non-digestible material like cellulose from plants. Pretty much everything else is either converted to raw materials for maintaining the body or energy for running it. So you have to account for a large portion of the food intake being converted to heat energy before you can say that there is not enough coming out based on whats going in. That being said, I understand that a sudden increase in food requirements could be problematic, but then again, this is a normal part of maintaining a crew in space. And also why I landed on the need for a new greenhouse at this time...
  21. For the record, I'm not running Modulefixer and also removing MKS did not fix the issue. Removing the short list above, however, does seem to fix the issue... currently putting them back piece by piece to see if it remains broken...
  22. Here is another page to have a look at... it's got all of the math you need to get into orbit in the correct plane and in the correct inclination: http://www.orbiterwiki.org/wiki/Launch_Azimuth
  23. Thinking of trying to move this to its own thread, but not really sure where to put it...
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