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Everything posted by FishInferno

  1. I always try to use non-orange Kerbals because I feel like the main ones get too much fame. What do you think?
  2. and a normal kerbal one for people like me who think that the bug four are overrated
  3. what historical inaccuracies? it happens in the 22nd centurt and is hardly based on history
  4. Alright, updated the mod to feature MM support and a rebalance
  5. I am not saying that SpaceX will go to Mars tomorrow, they will just get there before NASA. Also, they have already preformed the "first step" by being successful with the Dragon
  6. NASA has not tried landing a first stage for reuse. Even though spaceX has not recovered a stage they have proved they can control one in flight. http://www.spacex.com/about
  7. I tried adding Hazens cfg file to the GameData folder to test out MM, but eve with MM installed it does not add the new part. Thoughts?
  8. I do not think that SpaceX will land on the Moon in the near future or ever. However, it seems perfectly logical to me for them to use Falcon Heavy to do an Apollo-8 style mission to orbit the Moon, even if it is just a PR stunt to show that they are serious about going to Mars. But if a private company develops a lander, who's to say they can't buy a Dragon and 2 launches to go to the Moon. Also, if/when Bigelow builds a Moon Hotel, I could easily see Dragons and CST-100s ferrying tourists to the Moon and back.
  9. Thats kind of a joke in the game, in the kerbal config files there is a line that says BADA55: True that gives them an orange suit or something like that
  10. Ok, I am in school right now so when I get home I can change it to a MM patch
  11. Yes rescalefactor is what determines part size, but I also altered drag, cost, etc.
  12. Last I heard they have actually started designing the MCT, so they are probably beyond proposals. I think Musk said somewhere that the early colony would be inside of modified MCTs before work begins on constructing "real" buildings
  13. Thank you for your feedback, One of my concerns was they they were too OP - - - Updated - - - With MM, do you just have to add that file to the GameData folder and have MM installed? How is this better than how the mod is currently? (I am new to modding)
  14. DO you guys think I should make a bigger version as well, for MK3 craft?
  15. Recently, I was building a small, fast fighter jet. I wanted to add airbrakes to slow it down quickly, but the standard airbrakes looked ugly and out-of-place. So here is my solution: a mini airbrake for your small aircraft! DOWNLOAD ON KERBAL STUFF Any feedback is greatly welcomed; this is my first mod for KSP. This mod requires ModuleManager, but a patch is included in the download This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
  16. So this is a thread to tell people where you can be found in the interwebs besides the KSP forums. I am FishInferno on both Nasaspaceflight and The Rocketry Forum
  17. Do I have to use MM to modify stock configs? Because I just copied the part into a new folder and edited the config there.
  18. Where have you been the last five years?
  19. People seem to assume that SpaceX wants to make a profit on Mars. They don't. They are going to use their profits to get to Mars.
  20. I think that for the near future, KSP will get much more popular, but the fact is not nearly as much of the public is interested in space as Minecraft. I think that once the Commercial Crew vehicles start flying then KSP will overtake Minecraft, since public interest will be rekindled by the commercial flights. TL;DR: KSP will overtake Minecraft, but not for a while.
  21. I think that the fact that you narrowly escaped an exploding rocket would be enough reason to swear, regardless of the g-forces
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