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  1. I think I've narrowed it down to Tweakscale. Which so many mods are dependant on going without is not really an option. If anyone else is having the same problem, my new approach is to not worry about re-using parts (because it's no longer possible), and change the KCT settings to increase the build factor. That way I still get benefits from re-using parts I've used before, I just have to rely on the increased production speed, rather than being able to re-use anything.
  2. Does anyone know what sort of reasons might cause this? This happens as soon as I enter the editor after clicking edit on a recovered craft. This is after I tried uninstalling Scrapyard - with Scrapyard the Edited percentage is always zero. I build the craft, roll to launchpad, recover to VAB, wait for recovery, click edit, and immediately get the above - I have to rebuild the whole vessel from almost scratch if I want to refuel it.
  3. As always, love your work. I feel really fortunate that you're still so reliable at fixing bugs and updating this tool that I love, after all this time. That said, I think you introduced another bug.. It looks like you fixed the out of memory error for my Minmus encounter scenario, but now it's not detecting the SOI change. I created another similar situation to check: In-game I've definitely got a Minmus encounter: And yet when I import that state to MA, I fly straight past (coast set to Periapsis): The same thing happens with the mission file I originally uploaded. I'm 99% sure that should have been a Minmus encounter as well.
  4. Another bug report. I decided to branch out and use the Optimal Two Burn Orbit Change tool, and it's not sending values to the manoeuvre node uploader: Both burn 1 & 2 come up all zeroes in the upload screen. Zeroes are in fact what KSP receives. I've tried with both the 2021 and 2022 pr6 versions, same thing.
  5. Back to reporting errors. Whenever I try to set a coast to periapsis of Minmus at the moment, the Mission Architect has an Out of Memory error: https://imgur.com/doKJWf1 Mission file causing the error: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d2-ljODWscWlpxRf4HZOGO9LywzkSIhy/view?usp=sharing As you can see from the screenshot, this is on the 2022 pre-release, but it's doing the same thing for me on the 2021 version.
  6. OK that makes sense, and I instinctively tried to do that right at the start. That's not what I was seeing though. I consistently had no response when right clicking on list entries. I think I reproduced the bug though... Once. After creating a new Mission Plan, to try and do what you said, I found it was all working as intended. But then when I accidentally click 'Insert Sequential Event' and then just close the popup window without interacting with it, all events seem to become bugged. So basically, I think I broke it... But then I tried it again and can't reproduce But it's working now, so that's nice.
  7. OK... Yeah I can't figure out how to do that, sorry. Do I right click on one of the events in the list, the whitespace in the event list box, or somewhere else? I'm right clicking all over and nothing's coming up. Yay! Thanks
  8. OK, I have MATLAB Runtime 9.10 installed, which is apparently == R2021a. Which is apparently the correct one from the OP? But nothing works, so I dunno? (exaggerating).
  9. OK, So I went from my last post to trying to use the LVD instead. I can't seem to edit sequential events after I first set them. Subsequent double-clicks do nothing. I'm going to go check my Matlab runtime version...
  10. I'm back for another play through, and trying to plan an insertion of a commsat into formation. The following mission file consistently crashes in the mission architect when I try to optimise, giving error message 'Unrecognized field name "propTypeEnum".' This occurs with all three algorithms selected. It seems to be related to the other spacecraft constraint. Mission file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d2-ljODWscWlpxRf4HZOGO9LywzkSIhy/view?usp=sharing
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