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Everything posted by Sophistry

  1. Erm, are Orange Suits supposed to not need supplies to avoid going on strike still?
  2. Urk. I lack all of those. Oh well, at least I asked! Thanks for the speedy reply
  3. Are there any skillsets that are needed to be useful in helping, or is there some "grunt" work that needs doing?
  4. Can anyone link me to where the planned Antenna Diversity and Range system was talked about? (I know it's not coming this update. Trying to decide if I should download Remotetech or not
  5. My only "complaint" about this awesome mod is that it makes docking so wonderfully simple I'm worried I've lost all ability to dock without it :P.
  6. Oh please lord can we have a separate UI scaling for the Navball? I really hate the new ginormous navball which fills half my screen D:
  7. Sorry, I wasn't clear; I was wondering aloud about launch options in case I succumb to muscle memory and just hit "play" in Steam. Thank you though! Zips my jacket up over my head
  8. Hmm. Surely there's a way of setting 64-bit in the launch options? (but I've no experience with it x_x)
  9. Hmm. Is there an idiot's guide to playing with Principia somewhere (Or an accessible real life text that would help)? And does anyone have any suggestions for mods that complement it?
  10. Adding mods until the game runs out of memory in a couple of minutes. After a new update I tend to drastically slash what I have installed, but then it starts creeping up again... That, and I keep getting to a point after landing on Duna where I'm a bit "Oh well, time to do exactly the same thing on all the other planets!"
  11. The main thing about Jool-diving I find annoying is the fact that once you've got the Low science, if you're planning on letting it go all the way down to crush depth, then you have to sit and watch it fall the whole time. I'd much rather leave the thing to it's fate once I have all my delicious science.
  12. Well I'm rather pleased with this development! It'd be good to have it rolled out on future updates - dependent on people not complaining about pre-releases being a tad ropey.
  13. It's one of the sub-mods of the Owl Mod Package.
  14. Urk. That's when Battlefleet Gothic comes out too. THERE IS TOO MUCH GOING ON IN SPACE.
  15. I can't bring myself to do that sadly >: Unless an update has a really big new feature I want to toy with, in which case I do go back to stock... Then I start thinking "Oh, let's add that..." and after a couple of weeks I'm back to square one. It does mean I get Kerbal detoxed in time for a fresh binge!
  16. Awh! Wish I'd known about this at the start of my save, I'd have installed in an instant! :D
  17. [quote name='nightingale']Well, if you're in the cheat menu anyway, then go to Contracts => Tools => Clear Current Contracts to get a re-roll of the entire set of contracts ([I]beware: this will also clear your active contracts![/I]). Aside from declining or waiting, that's the only way. The other possibility is that it's not currently a valid contract (did you perhaps lose progress when your game crashed?). Go to the Contract Configurator debug menu (alt-F10), and press "Force Check Requirements". Then find and expand the Tourism_Investor contract, and make sure all the [I]top level[/I] REQUIREMENT nodes are green. The last thing is that it's an Exceptional contract (3-star). So if you don't have enough reputation to be offered these, don't have enough reputation to be offered very many, or if there's an "Explore Duna" type of contract blocking the only slot, then it may explain why you're not getting the tourism one.[/QUOTE] Turns out it was the lack of an "exceptional" slot; sorry, I should have guessed that myself! I'd assumed that between all my beavering away since I last saw it that it'd have appeared naturally. Oops >.<
  18. Hi there, I was wondering if there was a way to get the Investor Tour contract through the alt-F12 menu? I had it in my "Available" contracts tab and I was going to take it, but then I had a crash and had to restart, and it vanished - I've not seen it since, and I've had about a year of in-game time pass, so I'm starting to get worried I've missed out on it! Thanks for any help :)
  19. Yay it's back! If turning a full shopping trolley in a supermarket makes you think "Hmm, needs more reaction wheels"
  20. It doesn't seem like you can, but I thought I'd ask. I'm using some stock fairings as part of a fuselage of a drone aircraft, to help protect various delicate bits and to make it look a bit prettier, and I don't want to accidentally stage it off!
  21. I must preface this by saying I'm *guessing* that the problem is with CTT, but I appear to not have any access to the stock fairings when using the current version of CTT in 1.05. If I go into a Sandbox game everything's fine, but in Career they're missing from the tech tree. Help please? O_o
  22. Reads having not really followed the 1.05 dev cycle and expecting it in a few days maybe AFGHJJJDJGJDLSJGL HEEEEEEEEEEE!
  23. Hi, I've just done a clean KSP install and a clean CKAN install. However I get an error message when I open up CKAN: "Error in autoupdate: Unable to connect to the remote server". It seems to be a bit more than the CKAN autoupdate, as I don't seem to get a modlist either. This has persisted after several reinstalls and restarts of both the program and my computer. Hopefully I'm just doing something daft. Thanks for any help EDIT: Fixed by moving CKAN into the KSP directory. Sorry, I didn't find the troubleshooting page until after this post! I wonder why that works.
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