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Everything posted by Sophistry

  1. Yes, but if you were contracted to build a space centre for Kerbals, wouldn't YOU build it out of mithril or something?! Compared to some of our disasters, a nuke is small fry.
  2. My project is trying to trim down my mods so I can get the freaking game to even start x_x
  3. This - I was just checking this thread to work out what was going on with the DERP I was using. I'd seen the lifting surface property though so I've glided it down safely - but I did have a moment of horror! xD
  4. This is probably a silly question, and I'm sorry if it's already been asked and I've missed it; but can I use Kerbal Attachment System in conjunction with the Asteroid Sounding Experiment? Could I affix each bit to the surface on either side of the spacerock I'm after and still have it work? Thanks for any responses.
  5. So you should be! Ahh, thanks for letting me know; don't worry, I just wanted to check I wasn't missing it in a submenu or something
  6. Just finished doing my new ribbons for this save (sadface, new laptop). Fantastic tool . Can I just ask, where did the Flag Generator that was on the old Ribbons site go? I really liked that heh.
  7. Thanks for the help . The only 6 crew pods I have are from Near Future's station parts, and are a bit of a strange size/shape heh Downloading Taurus and seeing if that'll do the job . I suppose there isn't much demand for 4 capacity pods, as 3 will give you one of each class. But dammit I don't want to leave anyone behind xD.
  8. Personally I'd say it depends on whether or not you're a Spaceplane nut. Having used both FAR and Stock aero, and being much more a VAB user than a SPH one, I'd say just stick with Stock. FAR didn't really cause enough noticeable* changes for me to stick with it. *I may just have been oblivious
  9. Evening all; I'm wondering if there are any up to date mods which have a decent solution for my self-created problem. I want to take all the original four kerbals on a mission because OCD, but my current selection of mod and stock parts don't really have a way of doing things that works for my lander. All my brainstorming designs either are some combination of the below 1) A bit on the heavy side 2) Don't have a decent form factor (too long and prone to tipping over, just plain ugly etc) 3) Split my kerbals up into unpleasing groups (ie not 2 or 4, although I'd rather not split at all if I can help it) I'd prefer a 2.5 form factor, but it's really not essential I suppose So in short I'm hoping there's a mod somewhere that I've missed that has a decent 4-person pod. Thank you anyone who can point me in the right direction
  10. Maybe they don't, maybe it's simply a coincidence, similar to how "Pokémon" in Cornish means someone who is clumsy . And taking your point more broadly, have we seen any Kerbal sailing ships? I demand to know how they know what a Mainsail is, Squad!
  11. Thanks; now my RAM is setting fire to cars and barricading the streets, protesting against overworking.
  12. Just downloaded the pack, looking forward to using it Got a few, probably very dumb questions. Is there any kind of tutorial anywhere which will probably answer the rest of these questions? Which of the new experiments are repeatable and which are not? Do any of the parts need to go into a particular kind of orbit (Especially if I've already used SCANsat parts in a polar orbit! And if I do, is it purely for getting all the Biomes or?)? And does the magnetometer in this pack do the same job as KSP Interstellar's magnetometer, or will they produce separate science reports? Thanks for your time
  13. I'm playing a modded game with TAC-LS, and I'm thinking about launching an interplanetary return mission, but I don't know how much life support to take. I'm only going to Duna at this stage, but I'd rather ask about all the journey times in one go in case there's some kind of chart I can be linked to (and get all my answers now, to save the bother of posting here every time I want to make an interplanetary trip!) So, in short, my questions are (because I've not noticed this while I've been playing Stock, or with my unmanned missions): 1) How long does the journey take, in each direction assuming I've left at an optimum launch window? 2) Is there any kind of average or theoretical maximum time between arriving at Duna and the next launch window back to Kerbin? 3) Is there any kind of chart or formula for working out the next few launch windows each way based on the date in the Kerbal universe? 4) Can someone point me towards a tutorial for inefficient but faster transfers? (and how to work out/guestimate the kind of delta-V it would cost me, if you're feeling fantastically helpful) I confess I only really know direct transfers!
  14. I've had an issue where "Repainting" those hexagonal cylinder cargo containers refills them completely, which gave my 4 part craft enough delta v for a return trip to jool xD. (No idea if this is a known issue sorry) And I wonder if they should be available right at the start, because with FAR it's really easy to get them into orbit and takes all the challenge out of the early missions
  15. Erm, What's nodetoggle, and how do I get it? >:
  16. I have to say, this just makes me interested in what a horizontal take-off and landing rocket looks like! (Rocket-powered aircraft aside, of course)
  17. Oooh, another update, yay! Now I just need to wait until Active Texture Management is updated xD
  18. I don't think it works. It doesn't seem to initialise when I launch KSP, so when the first loading screen finishes KSP crashes for me >: If it wasn't for the fact I don't get the black screen as start up I'd wonder if another mod was the problem, but as I said, ATM doesn't seem to start working.
  19. I love how there's an almost 10:1 balance against 0.25 coming out in two week's time, I suspect because like me everyone wants the update this week, and hang any meaningful and sentimental reasons for not doing it this week!
  20. All up on my OKS/Interstellar science station around the Mun, after a weird USI issue killed four of the six kerbals manning it. Before that they were on my first IR telescope platform for this save, which was designed from the ground up to be re-enterable.
  21. I was wondering where people normally put ladders on the M27 cabin? I'm using it in an airship with Hooligan Labs to mess around on Kerbin (because it looks cool, fits a Karbonite intake for extended range, and it's got good views for IVA flying) It's just I can't seem to find a good solution that doesn't obscure windows. And whenever I use any of the none-fixed ladders my kerbals get thrown off when they reach the top to get back in ):
  22. NNNNNNNRNNNNNNNN John Spartan, you are hereby fined five credits for the violation of not getting Demolition Man references.
  23. Depends if they hurt as much as normal lego when you stood on them. And I do think real engineering is fun as well as hard! I take your point though, basically I have a choice of two mods made by two really talented people, and neither quite correctly scores on the Authenticityotron
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