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Everything posted by nli2work

  1. hm... would be fairly easy without IVA. simple part config would do the trick. IVA is more difficult
  2. could probably just weld two of those together in part config... does it have IVA?
  3. This is simple to set up but adds much visually. And Squad also fixed lighting in the IVA/Kerbal portraits. Awesome! There's a new shader in PartTools called Depth Mask. it blocks out anything on the IVA render layer so the External remains visible when overlay is toggled in game. Create a simplified mesh that roughly matches the exterior of the command pod, cut out the parts where you want IVA to show through, like Windows and Ports if you are going for something like the RPM or USI transparent pod plugins; or slice openings if you are going for a cross section cutout look, reference models in Gamedata/Squad/Spaces/OverlayMasks for various setups. border mesh is optional. Assign Depth Mask shader to the overlayMask mesh, set it to layer 16-kerbals or 20-Internal Spaces, export and config as usual and you're good to go! Does seem to need Unity 5.2.4 (1.1's build version). If you want true windows when you toggle IVA overlay, you have to include a duplicate of your external as part of your IVA mesh, set to layer 16 or 20. MODEL{} probably won't work if you simply tack the external mesh on in the INTERNAL{} config. pics or it didn't happen
  4. Kerbals having limited animation is really just lack of manpower on Squad's part. The legacy animation system is plenty capable, only problem is Unity has more or less abandoned it in favor of state machines by Unity5
  5. I been trying to get Squad's PBR shader through PartTools with no success. MU wont' even load because of shader error. Doesn't make any difference if I load the shader in an assetbundle. Don't know why I didn't try Unity's standard shader though. nope... doesn't look like KSP supports Standard shader yet, even if I load the shaders in assetbundle. But looking at the KSP Standard shader in PartTools, whenever it does happen the models should see big improvement, even if the shader is build kind of strange. But Squad will have to get the game's lighting sorted out first.
  6. that should do the trick. !PART[partName]{} would prevent a part from showing up in Editor. though the model, textures, sound and FX if any, will still be in memory.
  7. Source of the problem might be in the blender file then... jumbling the UVs on FBX export. I've encountered the similar with Max where UVs get randomized per face, but thought that was a Max issue. Apparently not.
  8. the new Internal See through Shader might require Unity5. Haven't looked at that in detail or tried anything, but might have a sense of how it works... a modified kind of backface culling I think. the new IVAs have extra geometry around it, presumably facing inwards toward the internals to hide faces on internals showing through at unwanted directions. Color Animation Editor so far seems very limited, can't affect any material other than on the same object as the animation clip, as each object gets an instance of the material, not shared. so any emissive objects has to be in a single mesh. relative path setting doesn't seem to affect anything, nor break anything. It's enough for engine bells and window lights, but very limited for anything more complex than that. maybe possible to add transform animation after the color animation clip is created. All in all it's kinda disappointing. Seems 4.2.2 is still the best option for part modders for the time being. part of me feels like Squad should just wrap up KSP and start something from scratch with Unity 5 or wahtever. KSP2 or whatever else. Current game is becoming more and more of a frankenstein with each update, 4+ years on spanning 3 different Unity versions.
  9. weird... are there multiple UV sets(channels) on the mesh? I thought KSP shaders always used the first UV set for everything. Never seen anything like this before. Missing UVs would produce the kind of artifact you're seeing though, strange that it's only on the specular pass and not the diffuse. This is in KSP 1.0.5 ya? Tangent is direction perpendicular to the Normal. every vertex has one. Have you tried setting Tangents to "Calculate" or "Import", or vice verse, on the imported asset's Model Panel?
  10. Doesn't hurt to ask. I honestly don't expect any replies.
  11. Looks like the set from squadcore will override the legacy set if you install both. I tested both sets in 5.3.4 and it seems like specular in the legacy set is working while the set from squadcore doesn't.
  12. damaged mat file maybe the case... any errors or warnings in Unity Console or in KSP debug when this part loads in Editor? from the screencap it almost look like Z fighting between the diffuse and specular passes.
  13. any words on switching to Animator eventually? You could band-aid abandoned components for only so long. Animator is more work, but potentially much more powerful for KSP. Squad could, for example, standardize a set of variables that can be used in the state machine to drive animation behaviours. could completely replace all the animation modules.
  14. @sarbian no worries man. @NecroBones hm, that's very good to know! I had set the radius in Unity to match lander leg, radius of 0.05. so it was never very obvious when I was testing.
  15. not sure if I understand that part... what does radius have to do with it? 0.6 radius is huge radius for lander legs which really only needs the suspension aspect. Did it eat into the suspensionDistance?
  16. maybe the case. but so far it seems like assetbundles are for plugins only, and maybe things like FX prefabs, Shaders. things that gets access through code instead of config files. I can get a partbundle.ksp to load, but part compiler seems to only process configs, MUs and textures like it always did before.
  17. yeah that's a very short "Readme". it's just blank. I think legacy parttools is still very necessary. it has new Color Animation Editor, kind of a workaround since Unity officially abandoned material property animation in Animation Component, and far as I can tell Squad (and many other Unity developers) still rely heavily on legacy animation system in Unity. Setting up the same in Animator component is a bit more complicated, and won't make it through PartTools I think at least for 1.1, part makers can do without Asset Compiler. Legacy contains working shaders, plus what appears to be experimental PBR shader, though it won't export through PartTools. Might still be worthwhile learning assetbundle workflow since eventually I expect all game assets will be in that format.
  18. which shader did you export this with? There seem to be two sets of Unity4 shaders with the new partTools, one in PartTools Legacy, this pack contains a KSP Standard Shader in the Shaders/PBR folder. another set in SquadCore from the assetbundles.unitypackage. The set in squadcore seem to be somewhat broken.. or maybe a special set only for KSPedia content.
  19. it's not in the "Prerelease branch" section of the forums? I guess it's something only for the experimental participants? Probably under NDA then. Oh well.
  20. damn I gotta get Sarb's tool... what's it called? looks extremely useful
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