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Everything posted by nli2work

  1. Unelss they are placed as an IVA prop (most likely not) You won't be able to remove them with the IVA tool, you have to edit the MU.
  2. Drag/Drop your import into the scene. Drop into the viewport or into the hierarchy panel. If you can't find it, go to Windows/Layouts/Revert To Factory. Once you got the object in the scene, select it, then look in the Inspector per image. Where it says Materials/Size, if it's 0; set it to 1. Drag/Drop a material to Element 0. You should be able to assign material even without UV. If the UVs are all jumbled, something's not quite right in Maya export side.
  3. an earlier module in the config may be broken, that would cause subsequent modules to break. typically FlagDecal module is placed last in the config. Is this the only module on the part? To be on the safe side, I assign the main part texture to the flag decal transform to avoid missing texture link issues when exporting or loading.
  4. I'm guessing something with suspension... non-stop micro jitter will make the game think the craft isn't landed. happened occasionally on the test legs in 1183
  5. I've noticed in earlier version, but it was sporadic. is it consistently occuring now?
  6. doubt... you'd probably have to write a script or plugin. manual render you have to use 3d app like Blender or Max
  7. most of these are in KSP Interstellar Extended.
  8. ok crew rotation complete, updated save file https://www.dropbox.com/s/6e3qxx5ium7b9ze/KSS.sfs?dl=0 pics or it didn't happen
  9. I think I figured out what it was... actually not directly related to animation nor dragCubes at all. DeployableSolarPanel requires a gameobject for pivotName value, default name is sunPivot. All stock solar panels use the default name so the setting isn't specified in the part configs. Apparently this object is required to generate proper dragCube for the solar panel parts. If you add an object to the part in Unity and name it sunPivot, everything loads in KSP fine without explicit dragCube definition in the part config. If you rename one of your exisitng objects (other than the object hosting Animation component) in the part to sunPivot, everything loads in KSP fine without explicit dragCube definition in the part config. if you don't have an object called sunPivot, KSP will hang when loading the part, same exact error as in the OP. if you don't have an object called sunPivot, but have dragCube definition in the part config, part will load fine. if you have a sunPivot initially and load the game once, then remove sunPivot, game will load fine since proper dragCube definition is stored in PartDatabase already you can assign a specific object using pivotName =; but it cannot be the same object hosting the Animation component. the generated dragCube differs depending on what you use as sunPivot object. lesson learned, deployable solar panels are complex creatures.
  10. I asked about skinned mesh because I think RoverDude had a similar problem involve dragCubes when making the new depolyable heatshield. Nothing in your part's animation seems problematic, very stock like. very strange... everything seems to add up. At least the part's working and there's a workaround. :/
  11. Ok. The issue isn't related to animation then, not directly at any rate. all the assets loaded fine, there's nothing wrong with the animation or part export. look in PartsDatabase.cfg, and search for your solarpanel part and see what turns up... probably something not quite right. All the stock retractable solar panels have 3 dragCubes. Copy one of those (most similar to your solarpanel) and paste it into your part's config see if that will get it to load. If it does, then you have to either redesign the animation, the way the panel folds up, so it works with the dragCube generation process; or tweak an existing dragCube set to fit your solar panel part. can you show how the part animates? is it using skinned mesh?
  12. never found one myself. always did it manually sticking a camera inside a ball, set the FOV to 90 degrees, and render 6 square sides
  13. here we go.. this makes more sense. SuspensionDistance. linear progression, in the direction -Y of wheelCollider local space, as per Unity docs. And suspensionOffset, purely cosmetic.... except maybe if there's a collider on the lower leg.
  14. yes. But KSP isn't cartoony enough (besides the kerbals themselves) for that art style to work; and too low res, mesh and texture wise, to work for a little more realistic style. the newer art assets Porkjet made might work well; but there are still many legacy assets that wouldn't look good in VR.
  15. gonna relearn space planes and send some crew up in a day or two. module wise the station looks pretty well rounded
  16. @Bonus Eventus Should be the same, I'll have to check. It's not really all that important though. the only value I changed was suspensionDistance, to see how it's change affected actual suspension in game, whether it's a 1:1 relation (as one would expect) or something else. well, the last test was trash... I had rescaleFactor = 0.5 in the config for some forgotten reason. will redo it later today with that set to 1. will post pics
  17. populating Kerbin more than city scape/lights that're visible from orbit is really beyond the scope of the game. at least at this point, and for the foreseeable future.
  18. I haven't played much for real since 0.9; can barely get into orbit now in 1.0.5 Definitely watching this thread, if I get some time this weeknd I'll try adding something
  19. separate MULTI_PARTICLE{}. each defines 1 FX MU attached to 1 transform name, all transform sharing the name will get the FX attached. each MULTI_PARTICLE{} should have a name = identifier. otherwise only one will show. MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE { name = LFO modelName = OrbitalTug/FX/orbitalNukeLFO transformName = thrustTransform } MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE { name = LFOCore modelName = OrbitalTug/FX/orbitalNukeCore transformName = thrustTransform }
  20. suspensionOffset = -suspensionDistance; this is to place the visible mesh at the proper location, doesn't other wise affect the behavior of suspension targetPosition = 1 groundHeightOffset = 0
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