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Everything posted by nli2work

  1. that's a strange one. never seen anything like it before. can you send me the unity asset?
  2. good way to make KSP use some of that untapped GPU power.
  3. that only comes up when you export? Seems like this is something that would spam the logs till Unity comes to a halt.
  4. Okay... things are coming into focus... now regarding activeRadiator... isCoreRadiator // radiator also draws heat from ModuleCoreHeat in addition to Part's Heat? parentCoolingOnly // radiator only cools the part it is directly attached to?
  5. Mechjeb eye is probably part of the mechjeb plugin. You should be able to do this with Navball Internal module... but there's no rotation limits on that. And the telescope will orient based on your SAS settings, not exactly realistic. I don't know for sure if IVA updates while in Flight view, but worth a shot.
  6. ok so just to clarify this to myself... Part is PART{} that contains ModuleCoreHeat... and Core is just referring to the module... which may dump or draw heat from the Part? so a Core could have much much higher temp and the Part temp can remain ambient given the appropriate settings?
  7. Basic question... what's considered a "Part" as far as the core is concerned? A "Core" is a part with ModuleCoreHeat presumably? A "Part" is something directly attached to the "Core"? something attached few pieces away? There's some Part-to-Part heat transfer no? or is it only Core-to-Part?
  8. Auto mode is kind of voodoo. I don't know if anyone outside of Squad knows how it works. Override gives you a slider that's a multiplier to config settings. Friction increases wheel grip, laterally you're less prone to fish-tailing, but more likely to flip if you take sharp turns; forward/backwards you can go up steeper inclines. Traction multiplier adjusts wheel motor power. higher means you can go up steeper inclines.
  9. doesn't seem to be any changes in 1.1.1 on that front. no new settings in wheel Modules other than the substep values mentioned in the change logs. been messing around with a wheel part for the last couple days, overall handling seems a tad better, suspension seems better too. but I haven't touched the stock wheels much. One thing I did notice is TargetPosition seems to be inverted from Unity's convention. Unity has 1 at max compression; KSP has 0 at max compression. I don't think this is from 1.1.1 though.
  10. yar. I mis-read the OP. Now that I think about it... suborbital trajectory would be better with solid line like pre-1.1 to better see where you might land/splash down. orbital is okay with trailing.
  11. I think most people prefer the stock black/white scheme.
  12. so the plugin replaces all KPS shaders that can be replaced with the ones in your download right?
  13. *ninjaed... at 4 megs it it should not be a big deal for KSP. Assuming the geometry is clean enough.From the picture it looks simple enough.
  14. Texture references are compiled into the MU file, short of assigning new shaders to the source assets in Unity and reexporting all the parts, your best chances are replacing shaders using plugin. Texture switching plugins like FSTextureSwitch may work, but it's a long shot.
  15. there is a placeholder physics material part module in KSP 1.1; interesting times ahead for wheels I expect. well beyond 1.1 To be fair, 1.1 wheels are not bad at all, aside from the clipping issue, which is more of Unity issue. just the stock settings aren't very good.
  16. Thanks for taking the time to share this man!
  17. usually ~0.1 increments. Really depends on the size of the wheel. Range and Multiplier appear to be multipliers of wheelRadius of the part. so for a huge 5m radius wheel from some mod with 5m suspension travel, you can use larger increments as opposed to the smallest wheel in stock parts where you might want to only go in 0.05 increments. Lowering CLIP_MULTIPLIER to less than 1 may help as well. Again, this is all for borderline situations where the part is close, but not clipping through the wheel, and still blocking the wheel. if the part is visually clipping through the wheel, adjusting these values will make KSP indicate the wheel is not blocked, but the wheel will still be non-functional.
  18. Quite a lot of dissect I'm sure... trying to dig up information and not having much success. Looked through stock and mod science definitions. found this old thread on science definitions, quite outdated, still useful for some basics.http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/48645-science-and-mods/&page=1 How exactly does baseValue; scienceCap; dataScale interact for final science return? baseValue * planet mult * kerbal skill? Biome and Situation Mask filters result message between default and planet/situation/biome specific messages... what is requiredExperimentLevel = multiple default is randomized?
  19. That's looking good Lilleman! I tried a bunch of different exports with Unity and KSP Standard shaders, the only one that works partially is Unity Standard Metal. KSP Standard and Unity Standard Specular wont' even make it through PartTools... much less Light probes and Reflection probes.
  20. Reflection probe is for real-time reflections. there's still the main skybox, in orbit it's a cubemap, on planet it's a gradient looks like? that should still affect the PBR shader and make it look drastically different from any legacy shaders no? I tried exporting KSP Standard Bump in one of the prereleases KSP won't load the MU. did the updated PartTool shaders ever drop? I didn't see anything. PartTool shaders still have burn color linked instead of main color, in game main color works as expected.
  21. how did you get it to load? There's a PBR shader in PartTools legacy, but last I tried it doesn't make it past MU exporter. all other instances I see people having to use a plugin to load a shader. Metalness/Spec; Gloss are generally modified from diffuse map, or baked from special shaders in 3d package. Occlusion is baked from 3d package. 3d texturing tools like Substance or Quixel have tools to generate all the necessary maps.
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