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Everything posted by nli2work

  1. you can get around it by making the prop the light as well as the switch. The light object is all through the Internal space, whatever light that has the name specified in the config. Animation however is only specific to the prop acting as the switch.
  2. any mods at all? I've had same problem before, NullRef spam in Unity, and eventually forces Unity to close. There's one or more invalid config files in Gamedata somewhere. only thing you can try is start with vanilla install, and add the mods one by one till you get the error again, then you can either try to find the problem config, or leave it out of the install that you link with Unity PartTools
  3. is the Drone core command part missing as well?
  4. Hm... maybe your exit collider is too small? It should be large enough to fit a kerbal... if a box, it should be around 1m on all sides. I've had some exit hatches in tight spaces that worked without any problems. looks you got plenty of space around the exit. nvm... you said that's been working fine. I'd start with removing the wall collider, just drop it outside the export hierarchy and export, see if exit is blocked. and do the same for the other colliders near the exit if the wall collider wasn't the problem.
  5. I imagine so. Yeah it's fun to make stuff for KSP, don't know any other moddable games that's as open this one. I want to make some vehicle stuff like Deserts of Kharak.
  6. each MultiModeEngine module supports 2 fuel modes. Maybe try multiple MultiModeEngines and make sure all the EngineIDs are unique. I suspect you'll have two fuel modes running simultaneously though.
  7. 1. The engine should switch to either LF/Mono depending which is available on the craft. If you set it to Manual switch, then the engine will shut down when fuel is depleted instead of switching. The mode should be indicated either as LF or Mono in the right click menu. IIRC default is LF. 2. There's no indicator at the moment, but thanks for the reminder for me to add a visual indicator. Default direction is the down end. Space bar with the part selected to reset it's orientation. 3. If you didn't attach a grappling hook or harpoon to the winch, the pipe end will probably fly though things. With a grappling hook or harpoon it might bounce off as the ejection force is a bit low. I'll have to test it some more when I get some time.
  8. It's really hard to say much without seeing the colliders on the lander base and the lab part that is being blocked. most likely some part of your descent base collider is clipping your lab part's exit collider. try nudging the exit collider around so there's no clipping after assembly. or try a capsule collider for exit hatch, the rounded ends might be enough to get you the clearance you need. the exit collider doesn't have to touch the lab part's other colliders, you can offset it from the door mesh if necessary.
  9. got a few other mish mash of things that I'll put into one download. parts that don't really belong in any packs.
  10. could export from Unity 4.3.x... bigger question is whether KSP supports blend shapes. Skinned Mesh will definitely work.
  11. Yep. CKAN can be run anywhere right? just point it to the proper KSP install location?
  12. Mihara's JSI Utilities had something like this, a box where kerbal can go to restock on flags, but its a bit out of date. Can't really figure out FlagSite module, without an actual part to see what the parameters do. Best I can get is a surface attach part that has blank plaque. no option to place it or write text.
  13. the canopy object parameter is what waves around after deployment and it shouldn't move the same object that's in the looping animation. in my case it was "root" object, Z+ gets rotated and pointed at the terrain, so set invert canopy to true/false depending on how your chute behaves in game. the canopy object is what gets destroyed after landing so your visible mesh has to be it's child at at some level. Semi/Full Deploy animations just scales the root object. canopy is the visible skinned mesh. rimMove is a useless object that I didn't end up needing, but you can nest multiple objects to layer multiple procedural animations from your 3d app and bake it all down on export. flaps is the bone that drives the tentacles. since the flapping action is procedural from max and baked on export I have to maintain the tree heirarchy or the animation would break.
  14. Okay, just making sure it wasn't trying to do a Gamedata/Gamedata/MyMod thing. everything seem to check out based on what you said and the Spacedock startup guide on github. hosting is Spacedock, no special install instructions and only two dependencies. I'll send a netKan PR later today so you can check it out and see what I'm doing wrong.
  15. Does netKan expect a certain folder structure inside the mod zip? like Gamedata/MyMod/? or just MyMod/?
  16. So I'm trying to get my mod into CKAN... tried both ways with netkan and rolling my own ckan file. when attempting to verify the netkan file and generate ckan metadata, I get no ckan file, the process ends with "FATAL CKAN.NetKan.Program <null> - Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation." all preceding log messages seem to indicate no problems. when attempting to roll my own ckan file and verifying by installing from ckan using ckan.exe GUI, I get same error message, "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation." what do I do? Edit: Looks like netkan worked despite the error? in the CKAN/downloads folder my mod is downloaded, however no ckan file is generated like the guide indicates.
  17. without TweakableEverything you can only tweak RCS thrust in the Editor. not during flight.
  18. I'll have to run another install with mechjeb for some testing. I don't think I ever used MechJeb's SAS functions, just the autodocking and landing indicator. Far as Ox afterburner, that's part of KSPI-E I think. If you run that mod, you should see a different version of the engine in game that works with all the fuel options from KSPI-E For RCS drones, I don't know if mixing docking and grabber is a great idea any more after the adaptor. The small the overall size, the more they will interfere with each other's operation... Docking and Grabber nodes are technically never OFF, Docking nodes only attach to matching nodes and nothing else, while Grabber nodes will stick to anything in range, thats why the stock grabber is so big because Squad has to retract the grabber node inside far enough so the node is out of acquire range from anything else. right now what I have in mind is something about the size of the smallest stack Mono tank; about 0.5m diameter, 5 direction RCS thrusters (Maybe I could have 2 sets, one for maneuver by itself, stronger one for maneuvering large parts in concert), light SAS, enough RTG to keep it alive EC wise, ~30Mono capacity and Small low profile Grabber. Grabber would have large pivot range and relaxed capture tolerance, attach it quickly and use the pivot to adjust thrust direction. Then you have a carrier piece, that can fit up to 8 of the RCS drones, looks like a cluster bomb when all assembled, all of that in a 1.25m x 1.25~1.5m cylinder volume. Colliders would section out spaces for the drones to fit through, maybe allow quicker docking back with the carrier after use. The carrier could be part of the adaptor part, since the utility of the service bay seems to be limited, too small for most stock parts. Save the whole affair as subassembly, altogether around 10 parts for a fair bit of utility. Biggest problem is there's no automated process to return the drones to the carrier since you can't target with mechjeb and autodock. All in all my goal is to have a craft around a dozen parts where I used to need 40 or 50, that will have enough endurance to stay in orbit for pretty long duration without refueling, and can move large pieces for orbital assembly. Of course another option is just to turn every large piece into a remote controlled part... that has it's own draw backs though.
  19. It's not all user error. The Mk1 command pod jitters non stop with SAS. But on the other hand Mk1 cockpit is rock solid, even though it's SAS is much stronger and not that much heavier than the Mk1 command pod.
  20. I did some testing on the launch pad with gravity disabled. same setup as your pic minus the nuke engines. All SAS and RCS were on for the grabber arm and command pod, and there wasn't any nonstop jittering. Tried to move 5x largest stock 3m fuel tanks around, was pretty much impossible with only the tug. Now I'm seriously thinking of some 0.625m RCS drones, single part with graber, remote, RCS and RTG with little bit of Mono. Something compact enough that you could stick 6 to 8 around a central stem inside a 1.25m volume. That was my original method around orbit, except each drone was a dozen parts and it took a long time to dock 5 drones around a fuel tank before I can dock the thing to the main station in orbit, plus I have to add half a dozen docking port jrs on every piece I add to the station. I see what you're sayin about Mono fuel option. Honestly I don't know squat about ISP and Fuel density, I just set it up the way I did because stock tanks of similar volume seem to hold less units of Mono than LF/Ox... I'm probably wrong about that too. Since Mono is essentially LF/Ox in a single fuel, it'd make sense to have it higher thrust but lower ISP than LF only. I think LF w/ Ox afterburner is something that's not in stock? Far as I know stock modules only allows dual modes? Did you open the service bay on the drone by any chance when things flip out hog wild? The adaptor should be rotated 90 degrees if using with the drone so the bay doors don't clip into the adaptor arms.
  21. I'm seeing the RCS gets disabled when the grappler attaches to something? that's the same for everyone else too? Seems to depend where you grab... some places doesn't disable the RCS other places do.
  22. Damn, I had a nagging feeling I was forgetting something! I set the engine to LF only, like the stock nuke engine, but forgot to set the grabber tank to LF only... it's still LF/Ox or MOno. krakens... Will add LF to the fuel switch options, and set the default to Mono instead of LF/Ox Regarding craft whipping about... can you send me a craft file or save game? or a screen cap of the vessel, or more specifics so I can replicate the situation? Is this happen only with MechJeb? There's an issue with mixing Grapple Node in the adaptor unfortunately, might be best to separate it out eventually. The node never really disengages, just how the stock module works, which is why the stock grappler is built the way it is... if it wasn't inside of the big container it'll just stick to anything that gets close enough. So in the adapter you have to click "Release" each time you disengage/engage the grappler. :/ I thinkin it might be better the make the drone core welded onto an adaptor and make the whole thing 0.625 sized. retain the RCS thrust and the grappler so you can stick it anywhere that's convenient. It's really the only way to manipulate heavy objects... you have to attach a bunch of RCS around the mass for somewhat balanced controls or you just end up spinning around the massive object when you try to translate it... no amount of MechJeb is going to help you.
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