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Everything posted by nli2work

  1. are you using surface attach or stack attach nodes? do you experience excessive wobbliness on the parts?
  2. this is a good thread for dealing with landing gears. not too long; just about every post is relevant. good to read. lots of images and videos of gear tests. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/72802 I can't find the thread that had the sample package I uploaded. using CptKipard's nose gear for his Skylon mod here's the direct link. Has Unity package and working KSP part. http://www./download/psu9e2k70d6wwz0/skylonNoseGear.zip
  3. no issues with FAR. you might try setting max deflection angle lower, something around 10~12.
  4. if you don't have Notepad ++ I recommend it. search for your part name in the log and you can show a list of all hits on the search, clicking each hit will zoom to the log message. much quicker to find what you are looking for. do a search for this string "Load(Model): PMCMotivePower/Parts/Engines/TestPart/TestPart/PartName", no quotes
  5. gotta check the logs then. nothing's wrong with the configs far as I can tell.
  6. should be this model = PMCMotivePower/Parts/Engines/TestPart/TestPart texture = TESTTEX, PMCMotivePower/Textures/TESTTEX //need a place holder texture in TestPart/
  7. a radial attach one is tough with the way parts are mirrored, norcalairman experimented quite a bit and couldn't get both nozzles to mirror properly and rotate in the right directions.
  8. haha yeah I hear ya. tough habit to get out of... everything more than 1k triangles feels so clunky and inelegant.
  9. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/94638-New-Mod-Development-Links-Compilation
  10. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/91209
  11. explanation of the values are explained here. https://github.com/ferram4/Ferram-Aerospace-Research/blob/master/README.md
  12. very nice! don't be afraid to add more divisions to the rotor rings. won't be a problem
  13. that's only a single setting in ModuleEngines. if you learned how ModuleEngines work, you can almost make any engine you want. What you are trying to do is related to how Throttle function, not related to ModuleEngine. You might try some throttle plugins. or rely on Z/X hotkeys, or action group binding to turn engine on/off.
  14. 1. RCS work like engine thrustTransforms. you can call it whatever you want, as long as you feed it to ModuleRCS in the part config. 1 per visible jet you want to see in game. all identically named transforms should get the effect assigned. Thrust should be per ModuleRCS, in otherwords, each ModuleRCS will have same thrust whether it has 10 RCS transforms or 1. 2. Depends on complexity of your design. if it's simple like the stock gear, you can do it in Unity. if you have a complex gear that requires many constraints etc, may be easier to animate before import. Bear in mind imported animations will break if you change the part hierarchy in Unity later. 3~5. a bunch of links to several threads on Landing gear setup; a few sample unity projects floating around too. check the Mod Info links.
  15. what orientation is the unity export? I'd set it up just like any other winglet part, leading edge +Y; axis of contro surface rotation on X
  16. you mean from this http://i.imgur.com/ApD1H4e.jpg to this? http://i.imgur.com/g3tO5Tk.png There is a page that will display the Vessel Description entered in the VAB/SPH as well.
  17. all you need are the props from B9. This will still work without B9. except IVA would be empty. You could always populate it with some other set of props
  18. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/93116
  19. that's what SRBs do. ON or OFF. ON = full thrust. OFF = 0 thrust. setting max and min thrust to same value will just mean you have to use deactive/active engine button. you'd need a plugin to change the way throttle functions for do what you want. but that'd just be duplicating the function of deactivate/active engine really.
  20. use fxOffset = x,y,z in ModuleEngines{} if you use EFFECT{} use localPosition = x,y,z in ModuleEnginesFX{}
  21. you do need a dummy texture in the same location as the model for it part to load properly. if your texture location is remote do the above. if all the parts that share texture are in the same folder; then you only need to specify the model path. e.g. if all models and textures are in GameData/Quadcopter/; all you need to do is specify the model each config needs to use. MODEL{ model = GameData/Quadcopter/droneCore //for core } MODEL{ model = GameData/Quadcopter/electricMotor //for props } etc. for propeller setup check here for module documentation http://snjo.github.io/
  22. to share textures use MODEL{} in place of mesh = MODEL { model = path to you model texture = texture, path to new texture // repeat as needed } best to use PNG or MBM with 0.25; TGA loading is sporadic.
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