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Everything posted by nli2work

  1. yes. Still adjusting to FAR v14.2; it feels very different from v14.1. but FAR is pretty much stock for me.
  2. NathanKell: Even better! rbray89: _NRM maps should still be MBM/PNG/TGA? DXT5 should be good for _NRM no? 8bbp RGBA looks like I need to read up on DXT formats first.
  3. memory use would be the same; but it would avoid the current TGA (sporadic loading/not loading) and PNG (no mipmaps) loading problems nicely. and DDS would be smaller downloads than MBM files.
  4. how do you anticipate modders to distribute this? would multiple copies conflict? Should it be in the root GameData foler like ModuleManager? I doubt this is something a player would install by itself.
  5. the pods don't need Firespitter; only RPM. they work in FAR as you would expect based on their shape. The smaller pods are good on just about anything. The large one takes some finessing to get up through the atmosphere. I don't test with Stock Aero, so if there are any aerodynamic problems it'd be in Stock.
  6. Some times you get artifacts when you have overlapping UV patches all set to same W; just like you get Z-fighting with overlapping faces. usually this happens when you mirror geometry You can offset all the patches except one set, by integer distances in U or V direction to avoid getting those artifacts. By default UV space is tiled infinitely in both directions so as long as the islands are offset by integer distances they get the same texture. only exception here being maps set to clamp instead of tile, but that's in specialized situations like cube mapping skybox.
  7. that wouldn't be hard. Jumo jets had an interesting exhaust nozzle that would be neat. Yeah, two types would be better actually. I'll modify them so one type opens the entire length above and another opens entire length on the side. and yes there are structural/tank sections. they weren't that interesting to screen cap.
  8. try a fresh install of FAR. I had similar issues last night after partially updating FAR with a new build. Everything went back to normal after I replaced all my old files with ones from github.
  9. I would have baked at the quarter sections that are replicated instead of the lower level as you had it. Although it's not a huge visual difference. The shadow from the square panels can easily be seen as the shadow from the retracted landing legs. the stretched procedural noise on the thin metal struts are more problematic for me. as far as duplicating before or after baking it's a matter of workflow preference. You can offset overlapping islands by 1 in U or V, and leave only one island in the 0 to 1 UV space and everything will bake just fine without W-fighting artifacts.
  10. post a link to the part files, I'll take a look in the morning. Never encountered something like this that I can remember.
  11. you are aware this thread is more than 2 years old right?
  12. feels much smaller than I expected... but at least should be big enough for small rovers and 1.25 stuff.
  13. very strange... any red text warnings in the debug log? ALT-F2 see what comes up when you have infinite fuel on and off.
  14. capitalization on LiquidFuel is incorrect. should be "LiquidFuel" not "Liquidfuel".
  15. the config is missing the curly bracket to close the engine Module. maybe just a copy/paste mistake. The engine runs, produces thrust, and doesn't draw fuel? Infinite fuel active? it runs, produces 0 thrust, and doesn't draw fuel? check the config make sure brackets are correct? add "DrawGauge = true" to a propellant block to make it show fuel bar next to staging icon. PROPELLANT { name = LiquidFuel ratio = 1 DrawGauge = True }
  16. looking at the Heirarchy panel in Unity the tree looks like this Parent Children child's child child's child's child ad inf... [*]Children One parent can have many children; each child only has one parent. What do you mean "does not drain from a tank"? Engine is not drawing fule from the tank it is directly attached to? or only draws from the tank it's attached to and not other tanks?
  17. Active Memory Management is updated to 0.25 now.
  18. Mk2 RPM IVA config for Squad's SPP w/ MM patch to apply it files included: 1. GameData/Squad/SPP/Mk2CockpitStandardInternal/internalRPM.cfg 2. GameData/Squad/SPP/Mk2CockpitsRPM.cfg
  19. Karbonite has things that are best done with rovers. not to mention nice rover parts.
  20. the KSI MFD should work in future versions of RPM without too much maintenance. Unless RPM changes up folder paths or internal workings drastically, in which case you'll have to do some config editing to get KSI MFD to work again. Maybe Mihara can fold KSI's MFD configurations into RPM at some point.
  21. Ah right, the new SP+ cockpits don't have RPM patch; the stock monitors are static images.
  22. That's up to the person building the IVA to define what information are displayed on the individual pages. RPM is very flexible. - - - Updated - - - If you've installed it correct all stock pods should have new RPM enabled IVAs.
  23. It's looking good. Porkjet has larger brush strokes filling up the large panels; and few long scratches that cross multiple panels; the painted lights appears to come from the 4 corners of the image. You can make a selection with the seams once more; this time use the clean selection and run a very thin and faint stroke of lighter color on the outside of the selection, that would give you the thin edge highlight you are looking for. after that it's a matter strategically erasing the chipping on the long edges, and the clean high lights where there is more chipping, to get a combined effect you want. a lot of final look will depend on in game lighting. Given KSP's current extremely simple lighting setup; one directional + fairly bright ambient; Porkjet's style with painted-in lights works better. The game's directional provies the key; ambient fills in the shadows; and the painted lights fakes the bounce lights from the environment. But with a more complex lighting setup what you have on the right would work better combined with normal; specular; and additional maps. Of course it might all go out the window if Squad decides to switch to Unity 5 and we get PBR shaders to play with.
  24. Hurrah, solved... problem was in the config with my old FARControlSurface module. Everything appears to be working now. With luck I can squeeze couple of tail pieces into the update this weekend.
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